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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. To my uneducated mind, your point concerning skydiving seems plausible. Translated to the world of motorcycles, though, it would be nonsense. On motorcycles I have hit the ground three different times at speeds well in excess of 100 mph, once in excess of 120 mph, and got up and walked away from each, largely uninjured. I would have got up and walked away had I not been wearing a helmet (as well as full leathers with body armour).

    So Razza, what you are saying is, the helmet didn't help save your life? So why did you bother wearing one along with the leathers?

    What I meant to say, of course, is that I would have suffered even more brain damage than I did, and would be doing worse now than simply leaving out of my sentences critical words like 'not'. :)

  2. A bit simplistic but when skydiving, I always get a kick out of folks who wear a helmet - not gonna do much when/if you hit the ground at 120mph..

    To my uneducated mind, your point concerning skydiving seems plausible. Translated to the world of motorcycles, though, it would be nonsense. On motorcycles I have hit the ground three different times at speeds well in excess of 100 mph, once in excess of 120 mph, and got up and walked away from each, largely uninjured. I would have got up and walked away had I not been wearing a helmet (as well as full leathers with body armour).

  3. . . . after 18 months of combat . . . , I DO know how to have fun . . . !

    Dustoff, I know you to be a delightful fellow, but that kind of observation makes you come across as, well, a somewhat sick puppy! My advice? Avoid telling people things that make it sound like you find it a joy to work at killing people. :)

  4. Hey Dustoff. I know and have used three or four times in the last year, the last time within the last week, a place that does stone of all kinds. It's called Chiangmai Stone and, by odd good fortune, they moved in the last few months to the four lane road that runs between the Hangdong Big C and Global House. If you drive from Big C in the direction of Global House and do a U-turn at the first place where you can and head back, Chiangmai Stone is located on the left hand side (I guess that goes without saying) maybe a couple of hundred meters down the road. If you are interested in seeing the work they did for me, drop me a PM.

  5. I drove past the Brassiere today and the place is just a large open space. There are some burn marks against an interior wall so I suspect the place burned down very recently. Anyone know what happened?

    I walked past the Brasserie today and it appeared quite unchanged from the way it has looked for the last two or three years. Whatever stood on the lot immediately to the north of it appears to have been torn down recently.

  6. The article states "Foreigner" funded land, not 'Farang'.


    Sorry, I did not know there was a difference. Please explain. :)

    Farang are, more or less, just 'white' or 'Caucasian' foreigners. Foreigners are the whole lot.

  7. . . . I do however tend to agree with WinnieTheKhwai in that it is IMHO only new born babies who are without sin.

    And I think that the bible might say something to that effect "maybe not in so many words"

    It might, but it is my understanding that it does not - or at any rate many if not all strands of Christianity do not - regard even new-born babies as without sin. Whether or no, my views on the subject are not in any case Bible-related.

  8. ... snip ... I think it is simply nonsense to regard as sinners adults who have sex with other because they want to.

    Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Rasseru,

    I agree with you; I think it does make sense not to have sex with people because you don't want to.

    best, ~o:37;

    Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Orang37,

    Excellent! We have at least two humans who agree on this point. I feel vastly encouraged by your message of support. Now, I feel certain that once we get all the rapists, child molesters and other sex abusers and exploiters on board, we will have a perfect, warm and fuzzy world.

    Almost as good,


  9. I don't see the issue; it's considered a sin, but then we are all sinners...

    I disagree with you, WinnieTheKhwai. I do not believe we are all sinners. To give you some more perspective, enough perhaps to allow you to dismiss my views, I think it is simply nonsense to regard as sinners adults who have sex with other because they want to.

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  10. The referenced restaurant must be a great place :D because none of my friends and acquaintenances has not got the slightest idea where it is and many have never heard of it 'until this thread' was posted :)

    From my one experience there yesterday, it does seem to be -- we're now nearly at the point where I should instead say 'seem to have been' -- a great place. Your friends and acquaintances must not be regular visitors to Thai Visa Forum. I learned about the restaurant on these pages weeks ago and yesterday finally fulfilled a long-held promise to myself to check it out.

  11. Both their website and a sign in the restaurant, which I visited by chance today for the first time, suggest that they will be moving to another location, but do not yet know where it will be. The food was very good, and I look forward to visiting them again wherever they end up.

  12. . . . . BB, you're either in the running for "king of quiz" (of which it would a no contest for the other competitors) or have a lot of time on your hands to be able research all of the above.

    Dead easy, john b good, which is not to say it was not a labour of love - I am certain it was. Here's hoping, Rachel, that you have the most delightful and happy of birthdays. :)

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