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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. There are two Japanese expat organisations in Chiangmai that I know. One is called CLL. I understand it has offices at Nakornping Condo and so, presumably, is the one to which Swazibird refers above. Unless your spouse is Japanese, you should expect to have almost no chance of joining it, as it is very much for Japanese. The other is called 日本人会. It has offices located next to the Kazokutei restaurant.

  2. Works fine, I'll back earlier. Pls PM your phone, I'll call you from home.

    Will do, thanks.

    BTW - no good Moustache wax in Spain? Unbelievable ... But maybe you need it for the flight ... :whistling:

    Good point . . . there must be, but I'd have no idea where to look for it!

  3. You need moustache wax before your trip to Spain?

    Aha! I have figured out your evil plan, Rasseru: clearly you plan to kidnap a Spanish damsel and tie her to some train tracks!

    Not at all, Thakkar! I plan rather to impersonate Salvador Dali and get in all the museums for free!

  4. Thank you, Rebo. Thank you very much. Agreed, provided that, as I think must be the case, 'beginning of September' is no later than the 11th. I will be leaving then for Spain. Does that work for you?

  5. My guess the same thing is happening to me, but would appreciate it if anyone could confirm or explain otherwise. Today, every time I try to access Facebook, using Safari, I get 'http://w3.mict.go.th/' instead. I don't quite understand all the instructions on here, but will try through Firefox. Anything else I should or could do?

  6. someone suggested soaking a towel in cold water, wringing it out, and draping it over yourself with the fan cooling you down, I tried it and i works quite well, even when the rest of the house is hot

    I suggested it. I am glad to hear it works for you.

    The heat is not bothering me much. I'm not using any air conditioning, but I do run all the fans in the place and I take cool soaks in a cold bath four or five times a day.

  7. Good advise Rasseru, but not many of us here have bath tubs.

    During the day, I 'self songkran' myself several times. In this heat, all I wear is t shirt and boxer shorts and walk around the house dripping. Wife complains that i'm dripping, but I say it evaporates on the floors in minutes. Wearing a wet hat cools if I'm going out in the sun.


    Well, if no bath, my last suggestion is a non-starter, of course.

    But here is another one, along the lines of your self-songkran. Get bare naked, or as close thereto as possible in the circumstances. Find a thin-ish sort of towel, not too big. Immerse it in cold water, then wring it out. Direct a fan or two at a location where you can lie down comfortably. Lie down . . . comfortably, of course . . . and place the towel over your body, especially your torso. Feel blissful as the fan evaporates the water in the towel and cools your body. Repeat as necessary. : )

  8. There are several bookreading clubs that are active in Chiang Mai, but it seems as if the most successful ones are run by and for women.

    Wouldn't it be a laugh if there were a book club in Chiangmai by and for men only? :)

  9. I have a suggestion for you, eek, one that I have made to others before and prolly will again. When you're hot like that, feeling wiped out and all? Fill your tub full of cold water - and if it is not that cold out of the tap, consider adding some ice - and get in it and soak away for twenty minutes or more. Then, as they say, repeat as necessary. : )

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