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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. I'm interested in how you could be using your keyboard with your tv? I mean, how can your mac be hooked up to it?

    The new Mac Mini, which was released in the last six months or so, can be connected, by wires, to up to two displays simultaneously. I have a digital television that can work as one of the two, and I have hooked it up to the Mac, with its own wire, to use that way. (Note, though, that I think not all televisions will work this way, so it is a point you would need to be careful about, if interested.) The wireless keyboard and mouse work with the Mac, wirelessly from the living room, and the results get displayed on the television when I use it as a display.

  2. . . . I'll take the wired version of things anyway. I can't see the need to avoid wires.

    On the slight chance that it could make a difference to you, I'll mention an advantage for me of the wireless keyboard and mouse. I have a Mac Mini that is hooked up simultaneously to two displays. One's a regular style monitor that I use at a desk in a study next to the living room; the other is my television in the living room itself (which I cannot see from the study). Having a wireless keyboard and mouse, I can use them easily in either location.

  3. Then of course we have the dirty old women & their toy-boys

    . . . . .

    (I'm trying to add a bit of balance to the thread... :) .)

    What are the chances, do you think, that she is the richer of the two?

  4. They all need lessons in shooting. 8 guys participating and only one dead and 3 wounded. I could do better than that with my eyes closed. Thais need to learn to be more efficient in those things. :)

    You ever been in a gunfight Ian?

    Hmmm, I heard he had friends south of the border who got drafted to fight in Vietnam. Does that count?

  5. Apple just announced their record results for the second quarter, with more and more Macs being sold. One detail caught my eye: over half the Mac computers sold in the second quarter were sold to people who had never used a Mac before. Looks like there be some switching going on.

  6. Oh, and thank you for the punctuation correction, Razza.

    No worries, Guillaume. Funny thing is, I thought I was sneakily changing the meaning, for my own nefarious purpose, and now it turns out that I achieved nothing of the sort. :)

    So, matters of English and French usage aside, what's with Slappers? He gonna make it?

  7. . . . But, don't take this wrong, I . . . admire English-speaking people who have learned another language, even though some use that as a status symbol more than anything! Néanmoins, c'est sensas! [sic]

    I appreciate very much your considerate attitude, rethaired. I share with you your admiration for English-speaking people who have learned another language. Indeed, I would go a step further than that and say that I very occasionally find myself admiring English-speaking people who have learned their own language. That aside, no one has ever accused me of knowing French, so that in all honesty I am not in a position to accept any admiration on that score. My lack of knowledge will not, however, prevent me, as it should not, I believe, from 'showing off' in French from time to time or from losing my 'cool', as I evidently must have done earlier on this topic, when 'wound up' by having the French that I show off in be revealed as broken, mangled or otherwise poor. Thus, all is copacetic! :)

  8. reviens au Chiangmai.


    You seem to have gotten yourself halfway to pointing out two errors in my title. You may, without any fear of being wrong, proceed the rest of the way, if you wish. :)

    Stay cool. I was only winding you up for showing off.

    Well, that's certainly a relief - sorry I blew my top like that. :D

  9. . . . . I don't think the whole truck was submerged, there was a great deal of mud around the tyres, the "skip" was still where it should have been.

    If the truck had flipped I doubt the "skip" would still have been in place.

    The moat is not very deep ....so if the truck remained upright I think that the driver and any passengers would have been Ok...if a little wet . . . .

    It would seem that I rode by place of the accident before you saw it. From the inside of the moat, where I was, the cab of the truck was on its side, the driver's side to the bottom, and almost completely submerged, hence my concern.

  10. A few of my students turned up to class today wearing masks, supposedly to protect themselves from the flu. I asked how many of them wore helmets while riding their motorbikes and it turned out none of them did. It took a few seconds for it to dawn on them.......

    As it took them a few seconds to understand, it is probably just as well that they do not wear helmets.

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