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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. growing up is always painful, I suppose. :D

    How would I know? I quit growing up a long time ago. . . .

    I am reminded of the truism that we're only young once, but can remain immature forever.

    (I loved your post, but had nothing meaningful to say about it. :) )

  2. MARCOS? Do you mean Sub-comandante Marcos, also known as Sebastian Guillen? Is he visiting Chiang Mai?

    Dude, you da guys keep shutting all the Chez Marco threads down. Don't blame the plebs if they don't always get the later topics named correctly! :)

  3. Well, thank you very much, indeed, Monsieur or Khun, as you prefer, Hulot, for that thoughtful, balanced, well-written, entertaining and educational review. To tell the truth, it saddens me a little that I'll never be able to enjoy hen au vin the way I used to do, but growing up is always painful, I suppose. :)

  4. Let's not forget, the chubby young lady is much more likely to give a good, strong massage than the more attractive one! :D

    Good and helpful response to a pretty unhelpful and childish post. :) Was actually thinking same thing when i saw the pics.

    Now I'm confused. I thought the chubby young lady was the attractive one! :D

  5. Is it, as a matter of French usage, correct to show such a sign of respect toward oneself? :)

    Different answers, pick the one you like:

    . . .

    No, it isn't, but it ought to be, in my case. No one should be forced to feign indifference to such greatness.

    . . .


    That's the one I like and pick. :D

  6. May I humbly request that, from now on, you refer to me as Monsieur Hulot, M. Hulot or Khun Hulot but NOT Khun M. Hulot or Khun Monsieur Hulot? I'm allergic to useless repetitions . . .

    Monsieur Hulot

    Sawadee krap, Khun Hulot,

    You have presented me with a puzzle that befuddles me, and with respect to which I write now to ask for your assistance.

    I had always thought that you were using 'Monsieur Hulot', in its entirety, as your name here. I had not understood that you meant to use 'Monsieur' as a title of respect corresponding to 'Khun'. My befuddlement is over this: if the 'Monsieur' in 'Monsieur Hulot' is a title of respect, and not a part of your name itself, how is it that it is appropriate to sign a post (or letter or what have you) as 'Monsieur Hulot'? Is it, as a matter of French usage, correct to show such a sign of respect toward oneself? :)

    Yours very respectfully, as always,


  7. Your kind support in this matter is ... snip ... humbly accepted

    It has nothing to do with the topic at hand but, and you will acknowledge that it's a strange coincidence, it reminds me a quote I found, entirely by accident, 10 minutes ago: "With people of only moderate ability modesty is mere honesty; but with those who possess great talent it is hypocrisy." Arthur Schopenhauer


    My goodness, that is well beyond me! :D

  8. . . . I think I will "side" with Khun Rasseru on this : many of us here have earned our brain damage the hard way, on our own, without Head Start programs . . .

    Most highly esteemed Khun o:37 :

    Your kind support in this matter is gratefully acknowledged and humbly accepted, but as a matter of detail, which is where of course the Devil famously dwells, I think perhaps you might have had in mind, as it were, the more renowned Head Stop program.

    Yours respectfully,


  9. At the risk of being somewhat blunt and offensive, Mr Bentley, I would suggest that a hostess should be a little more careful about not outshining so much in beauty and charm all of her guests.

  10. All that is true, but as you say, everyone has his or her own opinion. I simply cannot bear the thought of visiting a place where I sense slaughter, genocide, theft, rape and destruction all around, and where the current inhabitants are happy to live off the fruits of those acts, indifferent to the horrors that were perpetrated by their very recent ancestors to obtain them. :)

    Wow, that's a strong one!

    I think if you think like that you can't go anywhere in the world anymore. Every country is guilty of some sorts of crimes. Luckily also every country do have their good people as well. :D

    I was describing how I feel about the place, what I sense there, not how it compares in objective terms with other places. It is not a question of rational thought, but one of felt experience. You are of course right about the rest of the world, as Ulysses G. is when he makes reference to the horrible things that Japan has done. What is different? I don't know. America is not unique in both having committed incredible evil and gotten away with it. Most of what is now Russia was stolen from other peoples just as America was, all in the last couple of hundred years, and Russia is still sitting there happily enough, just as America is, neither being in any way held to account. There are many other examples. Perhaps it is simply because I was born there and so feel closer to the horror of what happened there. In any case, it just underscores what Ulysses G. said, that everyone has his or her own opinion.

  11. I guess that every one has there own opinion.

    To me, just Highway One along the California coast is good enough reason to visit the States. Never mind the Blue Ridge Mountains, Hawaii, Key West and the Florida Coast, Alaska, the mountains in New England during the fall, Vermont during the summer or for skiing during the Winter. New York City, San Francisco, New Orleans. I could go on all day. So much natural beauty and different climates for just one country! :D

    All that is true, but as you say, everyone has his or her own opinion. I simply cannot bear the thought of visiting a place where I sense slaughter, genocide, theft, rape and destruction all around, and where the current inhabitants are happy to live off the fruits of those acts, indifferent to the horrors that were perpetrated by their very recent ancestors to obtain them. :)

  12. well had to go see a pizza company pizza last night after all the gab.. we walked in sat down ,looked around at the other tables pizzas ...got up and walked out! it was great!! the best experence at a pizza company fast food joint we have every had .... in fact the VERY BEST!

    eat fine and prosper!

    Thanks for that fine review, gatorhead333. I am now looking forward even more to your long- and repeatedly-promised review of Chiangmai's finest seafood restaurant! :)

  13. My dear Khun o:37:

    I hope this finds you well, and fully recovered from all your wounds.

    If I might, I would like to offer a suggestion. As a way for me and others to get a more concrete sense of how your apparently, at least to me, splendid idea might work in practice, I think it might be very helpful if at some point you were to list the posts on this topic, by post number, that you would have moderately eliminated had you the power as provided in your proposal.

    Yours respectfully,


  14. I cannot even tell if you guys are discussing moderation by humans or by orangutans. See you Sat. night at Tusker's.

    Unless I am badly mistaken, I am afraid that you will not see o:37, Monsieur Hulot, Ulysses G. or me at Tusker's on Saturday, but I, at least, and my friends, I think probably, very much look forward to the next chance to meet with you that Fortune condescends to grant us.

  15. I sometimes imagine you and Monsieur Hulot sitting in front of your respective computers with the phone in hand giving each other grist for the "observations" mill.

    Actually Rasseru and I used to communicate via smoke signal but since so many of you complained about the pollution, we are now resorting to walkie-talkies. Over

    A followup 'observation'. For a while, M. Hulot and I tried simply reading each other's minds, but we couldn't get it to work at all. According to the experts, mine either is incomprehensible to outsiders or does not exist.

  16. While our host and hero o:37 withdraws to repair his imaginary wounds, I will reply to Ulysses G.'s latest query:

    Did it really take almost 3 hours to come up with that? :D

    No, it did not. Unlike you, it would seem from the question you ask, I don't sit in front of my monitor waiting to read every post the moment it is made. I 'came up' with my (admittedly weak and silly) observation in the few seconds immediately following the point, which may well have been almost three hours later, when I read your post. :)

    Back on topic, I offer here a sincere hope and wish that o:37's recovery will be rapid and full.

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