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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. has anyone ever met, or knows of a human, who radically changed their lifestyle due to some form of tragedy . . .

    Yes, I know many people, of both sexes, who radically changed their lifestyles after getting married and having children.

  2. has anyone ever met, or knows of a human, who radically changed their lifestyle due to some form of tragedy . . .

    I know a guy who stopped racing motorcycles after he was killed in a race. For that matter, I stopped racing them myself after a racing accident that resulted in my total loss of short-term memory for more than a week. I understand that a loss of short-term memory is not a tragedy as such, and that it can even have certain benefits.

  3. . . . I have been close to death many times . . .

    Nobody on their death bed wishes they had spent a few more hours in the office making money. However, they do remember all the great loves of their life and all the marvelous experiences... both good and bad. . . .

    Am I correct in assuming that your knowledge of what people on their deathbeds wish they had done and what they remember comes from your many near-death experiences?

  4. This thread . . . really seems the thread to nowhere.

    Sad! The OP's question was really naive, but it was, I think, well meant but look where it has gone!!!!!

    . . . . .

    OP . . . will you consider making a request to kill this thread, like wipe it out?! . . .

    Mapguy, there is of course no harm in asking, but if you had read in fact the posts in this thread, you would have noticed that a number of the OP's followup posts, including without limitation #37, have themselves very much determined the directions in which this thread has gone. It's scary out there in the real world! :)

  5. I would least like to die by being burned at the stake by Christians.

    Yah, but with all the self righteous, I'm right and you're wrong, types around these days there is a good chance of that happening. :):D

    I would hope my chances are not all that high, but they do have rather a history of it, don't they?

  6. I would most like to die in a solar explosion that destroys all life on earth. I would prefer that the world had two or three months' advance notice of what was coming.

    I would least like to die by being burned at the stake by Christians.

  7. actually its not death that scares me it's, how it's going to happen, mmmmm so who wants to start, how would YOU like to go.

    Why don't you start, as it is your idea? And in addition to telling us how you would most like to go, how about sharing how you would least like to go, what prospect most scares you?

  8. Some of us have matured a tad, :)

    I'm not sure I have, Rasseru. I seem to be regressing.

    I can offer you this comforting thought. As long as you can recognise the possibility that you are regressing, the chances are good that it has not yet progressed too far. :D

  9. What a dour, miserable and utterly pointless post that is, Mapguy. Do you have to regurgitate your dislikes of your fellow expats at such regular intervals, and are you not the same Mapguy who is always butting into other people's posts to demand that they be closed? :)

    I'm afraid he's lookin' for love in all the wrong places. :D

  10. . . .

    So, someone who waits with "baited breath" is someone who is "lurking" with perhaps a sinister agenda. A predator of some form.

    . . .

    Precisely, M. o:37. Which underscores the desirability of M. OP's correcting the spelling in his original post, as that is quite the opposite of the thought he evidently intended to express.

  11. Correct.

    But not as bad as the other howlers often found here.

    Their are many Thai's living in Chiangmai but less than previous. Its true the cat likes it's milk

    Were you intentionally providing examples? I count six there, and possibly seven. 'There are many Thais [farang?] living in Chiangmai, but fewer than previously. It's true that the cat likes its milk.' :)

  12. Spent one month in Phuket and didn't enjoy it. . . . .

    I went there for a few days vacation with my wife and we wished we never left Krabi...

    I've visited Phuket a few times. The only part of it I've been to that I liked was Kata Beach.

  13. . . . . . If you work one year and then figure you can travel here, shoot your wad, then go home, don't plan on your honey to wait pure and with baited breath for your return.

    . . . . .

    Anyone want to add some "If you....." suggestions?!

    Good post. If you want to make it better, correct 'baited breath' to 'bated breath'. :)

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