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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. Mr Oxon, invite me (along with my respectful American friend) at the Duke's for a Tchecago style pizza and I'll forgive you. :)

    Reason for edit: I'm sure that, at the end of the meal, my American friend (a Thaivisa member) will also be willing to forgive you.

    How pleasant it would be to think that I was your highly-complimented American friend. Even I, though, while quite capable of the necessary egotism, cannot quite manage that much foolishness. Still, if you are in a pinch, M. Hulot, and your American friend cannot participate, I would be delighted to join you for such a meal, and I can promise forgiveness at an even earlier stage.

  2. hmmm...i don't know if that is quite what i'm looking for! are we talking "massage" parlors or massage parlors? if the former, no thank you. if the latter, still probably no thank you! i am just looking for a straight-up professional massage by a man, and a place that advertises that it's man-on-man strikes me as somewhat less than straight-up and professional. back home real spas have masseurs and masseuses with clients of either or both sexes, no weirdness in having either preference. i'm just wondering if that can be found here.

    I understand your questions -- I'd have the same -- but I don't know the answers to them. I was just sharing as best I could what little information I do have. Good luck with your search.

  3. I know that some guys work here as masseurs, because I have seen a place -- not far from Tuskers, as it happens -- that advertises itself as having them. Unfortunately, though, for you, they make much of the fact that they offer massages by men for men, so my guess is that that they do not offer massages to women. If you want to give it a try and see if they will, let me know, and I'll try to provide comprehensible directions there or get their phone number for you or some such.

  4. Moved to Chiang Mai subforum, where no doubt a lively discussion will follow. :)

    So far so not lively. One somehow cannot help but wonder whether the lack of contention might possibly be related to the dearth of farang owners of sushi shops.

  5. English who think they're not British are like Southerners in the USA who think they are not Yankees.

    A little off there, I'm afraid, PeaceBlondie. Are Scots who think they're not British like Yankees in the USA who think they are not Southerners? In fact, Scots who think they're not English would be like Southerners in the USA who think they are not Yankees. And they'd both be right. An Englishman who thinks he's not British would be like a Yankee who thinks he's not an American. Too bad, so sad for them both, but it just ain't so.

    Another lesson for you, courtesy of TV pedantry. :)

  6. Well done, Mapguy, but I'm curious, what got you all wound up for that, if you know?

    Oh, and by way of offering a small favour in return for your large one, you wanted to write in there that one's honey would not wait for one with 'bated' breath; for her to wait with 'baited' breath, with a view to landing another lover, is a real possibility.

  7. Some forum searchers are good; some are bad. I am certainly not one of the former.

    However, I did find this, which gatorhead333 and others following this topic might like to check out, as it gives very clear directions to what I mentioned earlier in this topic is my second favourite seafood restaurant in Chiangmai:


    does this have what the gracious mod was talking about?? if so point it out please !!

    Turns out it did. He was referring to the same place as mentioned in the topic for which I posted the link above. It's delicious, but it ain't fancy, so don't take your la-di-da friends there.

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