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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. If you like french fries or stewed apples in custard this looks like the place to go
    A little bit childish to pin on only one sentence in a review, don't you think? :)

    I think, Khun Nienke, you are misreading what I took to be nothing more than some amusing playfulness about the fact that these were the only dishes actually described by Khun Annabel in her review. :D

    I haven't eaten at Le Petit Paris yet, but after Annabel's review I will as I value her opinion on food.

    I haven't eaten there yet either. I don't know enough myself to value Khun Annabel's opinions about food, but I liked her enthusiasm and I do value your opinions about people (even though, or perhaps precisely because, you value dogs above humans). And with that, one last :D

  2. If you are interested, middlepath, in returning to Chiang Dao by bicycle, I would encourage you to consider taking a different, quite a bit more scenic and far less trafficked route, albeit one that is longer and in one place that I will mention, has some steeper ups and downs. Take what I think is route 1001 north from Chiangmai to Phrao, then turn and go west on a differently numbered road (this road crosses a range of mountains and has the steep bits that I just mentioned) to a point just north of Chiang Dao on the main road that runs from Chiangmai to Chiang Dao and then to points further north. Obviously, since you will then be slightly north of Chiang Dao, you would turn to the south to get to Chiang Dao. In giving you these rough directions, I am counting on you, if interested, to get a map and confirm the routes and road numbers and so on that I mention here. :)

  3. . . . [Mr. Jackson]'s never really been my cup of tea on a personality level (fiddling with kids notwithstanding) . . .

    I believe (and certainly hope) that you meant to use there some other word or phrase than 'notwithstanding'.

  4. They have wifi on Kata Beach? :)

    Not the whole beach, as far as I know, but where I am staying, yes. :D

    . . . . .

    is this where all the beautiful CM

    girls migrated to for CM off, dead season ? . . .

    If so, they are keeping themselves very well hidden from view. Lovely as they may be, the lasses in Phuket are not rivals in beauty with those of Chiangmai.

    . . . it is summer season coming up...

    maybe you could remind them all while you are there so they will come back on up here soon ...

    If I should happen to spot any, I fear that I will be somewhat limited in my ability to approach them with your message, as Kata Beach also has the wifie on it. :D

  5. Best of luck. I happen to be sitting on Kata Beach, just starting my second of two weeks here. Not bad at all . . . at least for a week or two. :D

    They have wifi on Kata Beach? :)

    Not the whole beach, as far as I know, but where I am staying, yes. :D

  6. Monkey asked... "What do you think of this theory?" . . .

    Orang replied... "About this much." . . .

    I think that is about the best illustration I have come across of the family resemblance between the human animal, at least in the form of its 'less-developed members', and the other primates. :)

  7. . . . When you write it all down it DOES sound a little boring, doesn't it. It gets better if I add photos though. :D

    I would be fascinated to see how you would achieve that in relation to your recent observation, made elsewhere, about what your friends thought and wished as they lay dying with tubes in their various orifices. :)

  8. Wow.. credit where credit is due, this advice should be framed and put on a wall:
    I'll go first. Sleep a full night and rise when youI wish. Go slowly. Have a general routine, but be flexible. Acquire new friends and nurture them. Do your hobbies; get new ones. Learn the language if you can. Try to get to know the locals. Walk, run, swim ten months per year outdoors. Do day trips, overnight trips. Explore the internet. Grow a garden. Meditate; think about 1969 and 2019, Eat healthy food.

    You took that to be advice? I thought it was simply a description of a typical day in Peaceblondie's life, in answer to the OP's question. :)

  9. . . . if i knew that in 3months my time was up, i'd go absolutely crazy, i'd cram into those 3 months, everything i should have crammed into my life, which in reality thats what i should be doing now.

    No cramming, but I'm doing now exactly what I want to be doing. I recommend it. To some extent, I expect I will regret dying, since I like living so much, but I won't regret it because there was something I didn't do.

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