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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. Personally, I think Angelina Jolie is focusing attention on some very valid points about the treatment of refugees in Thailand and I can't understand why some members have a problem with this happening. If she doesn't do it, nobody else certainly will

    Not sure what you mean. If she doesn't do it, nobody else will? If she doesn't do it, somebody else will?

  2. Alright, I'll chip in. What is pathetic about her using her celebrity status to highlight the problems faced by refugees and children in need? . . .

    BTW, I'm not an obsessed fan. . . But I approve of celebrities and anyone else doing useful volunteer work.

    I'll chip back in.

    Nothing is pathetic about anyone doing useful work or using what they've got to do it.

    What is . . . pathetic, to use the term that is being used here, although I don't think it necessarily captures all that well the speciousness and hollowness of the phenomenon in question . . . is that people place an importance on what a movie star or any other celebrity thinks or does that goes beyond (in fact often far beyond, but the point would apply equally even if it were only slightly beyond) the importance that they place on what anyone at all does. That they think the star means something that others don't. Contemptible is not, for me, too strong a word for it.

  3. I am uncertain which I find more ugly, 'stars' and people's interest in them and wanting to see them and be near them or men talking, in a way that implies perhaps they could, about having sex with the female ones (I would probably find equally ugly men talking in the same way about having sex with the male ones, but I have not come across that).

  4. I confess to all accusations, but Blinky Bill is still handsome and gets all kinds of action.

    Ajarnpim, bless her helpful heart, nowhere suggested that any of the sad old farang men of Chiangmai do not get lots of action. She did say, indeed, that no decent self respecting woman would go near them with a shitty stick, but that is an entirely different point.

  5. one of the first posters said we may never know the truth and sadly that is likely to be the case here in thailand.

    I think we know the only truth that is important here, that David was a good and wonderful man to many, and that he is now longer with us.

  6. For "All we are is . . . ", since he asked for it, a final report. Before doing any of the other things I said I was going to do, I succumbed today to Power Buy, at Central. They did not have on the shelves the particular Panasonic model I was looking for (with built-in answering machine and one satellite handset), but engaged me helpfully in English, produced a catalogue which did have it, and told me they could order it and have it here in about a week. Regarding batteries, they said they don't regularly stock them, but could order them for me too, on a when and as needed basis.

  7. An interim report.

    I visited Makro. They had but one model of cordless phone, with a base handset out no satellite handsets and no built-in answering machine function.

    I visited Siam TV too. My first visit, and a very nice place it is too. They too had but one model of cordless phone, though, a Panasonic. It too had only the base handset and no satellite handsets. But it did have an answering machine function and, even though it had no satellite, I was tempted to buy it. Based on Dustoff's warning here (for which many thanks), and despite his having been able to find a replacement battery at least once at Siam TV, I asked whether they carry replacement batteries. Answer, no, but (according to the salesman), Robinson does. I'll believe it when Robinson tell me they do, and I plan to visit and ask today. Oh! Just reread some of the thread and now, based on cmsally's tip about the stationary shop at Pantip Plaza (for which also many thanks), will check it out too, or maybe instead.

    I may also check out Powerbuy at Airport Plaza.

    Stay tuned.

  8. Thanks to all for the further input. All but Bill97, that is. Bill97, in your case I do not know whether or not to thank you because I cannot read your post. Following our PM exchange last year, in which I asked you whether you were trying to be offensive towards me or whether I was misreading you and you responded by calling me a headcase and a little shit, I applied the forum's conveniently available ignore setting to your posts, which means they do not appear for me.

  9. I've been living with only a mobile for a few years, but have realised it would be useful to have a cordless phone for the landline too. Problem is, where are they sold? Best I've been able to discover, the shops in the IT places around town (as in Panthip Plaza, Airport Plaza and Central) do not stock them. I expanded my search to Robinson's and Carrefour, both of which had but a very poor selection of them, with none that had a built-in answering machine function. Any ideas?

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