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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. Fern Forest Cafe for good old apple pie.

    Is their [sic] any other fairly new browser of this fascinating resource (the Chiang Mai Forum) who is mildly irritated by all these old hands who bandy about the names of cafes and other places of interest,between themselves, without a thought for us newbies who have no idea where these places are?

    No. They understand that if they don't know the location of a particular place that is mentioned, and are curious to find out, they may ask.

  2. . . . . . This is Rasseru we're talking about. He has trouble walking and talking at the same time. Just staying upright on a scooter is probably the biggest challenge he has ever faced. Parking? Well that's yet to be mastered.

    Your condition that the doctor tells you is incurable . . . is it by chance a pathological case of psychological projection? :o

  3. . . . . . I will hunt for parking to shop her store instead of using the parking provided . . . . .

    Yeah, parking is the bitch, but many folks double park with no problem :o

    On a scooter I find the parking only slightly difficult.

    Why 'slightly' difficult? I'd imagine that it would be very easy! :D

    You'd be surprised. The double-parked cars can make it a bit of a bitch at times. Also, there is some kind of parking Nazi who likes to direct people to part their scooters so that cars can double park on the outside, making it hard for the scooters then to get out.

  4. . . . . . I will hunt for parking to shop her store instead of using the parking provided . . . . .

    Yeah, parking is the bitch, but many folks double park with no problem :o

    On a scooter I find the parking only slightly difficult.

  5. George Washington wasn't a democrat or a republican.

    Nor were nine of the next fourteen presidents after him. One of the nine was a Federalist, another four were Whigs and four more were not Democrats or Republicans, but only because they were both, being members of the Democratic-Republican party.

  6. There is a small shop on the ground floor of Pantip Plaza, at the back near the Bangkok Bank branch, that copies all kinds of formats to other formats. I know they can copy VHS tapes to DVDs, but not S-VHS tapes. Don't know about Beta.

  7. Do you mean to say you all exist without O'Reilly and all the other outstanding presenters and political pundits on FOX News? Taken in 30 minute doses its interesting, entertaining and stimulating even if its not, as they keep saying, "fair, balanced and unafraid". You can always throw your slippers at the TV. But CNN and BBC World News pale by comparison.The presenters are all wet or flakey. Its the difference between chomping on a thick sirloin steak and a bowl of thin noodle soup.

    Too bad the Reich Broadcasting Corporation is no longer on air. For news gourmets who fancy the juicy sirloin of Fox News, its news programmes would no doubt be exquisite filet mignon.

  8. I want to get the wooden floors in my house repaired I guess that means sanded ande re-varnished

    . . . . .

    Anybody any recommendations where I can get a good job done . . .

    I just had teak floors installed in my condo. The pre-finished wood pieces were supposed to form a finished floor once installed, but slight differences in thickness meant we needed to sand it level and refinish it. The person who sold me the flooring arranged to have the sanding done by a team that apparently does this kind of work regularly for hotels and other places in town. They did a very good job. No one on the team, however, spoke any English. I imagine they will also do finishing, although I won't be using them for that purpose. If you are able to work with a contractor who speaks only Thai, I would be happy to try to get for you, from the person who made the arrangements, a contact name and number for the team who did the sanding for us.

  9. You should have asked a few months ago. I throw mine on the tip!

    The OP did. He posted his request in July.

    I'll repeat here an offer I made some months ago, and was never taken up on. I have a number of LDs of Monty Python's Flying Circus that I would be happy to give to anyone who wants them.

  10. Oh, the fun folks can have with Brit-ish Engl-ish............ :o

    Enough already! :D

    Norway I thought anyone would revive this dead thread, but you did. Swede of you to offer, and I am pleased to join you in being, at long last, Finn-ish. :D

  11. Not sure if it's the same store - but there's a new-ish one opened at ground level next to the Mahidol Road (Airport Plaza) Rimping.

    It's not the same store. The wine store you are thinking of is called Wine Collection. I would add, though, that it is not only new-ish, but good-ish too.

    or is it - The Wine Connection?

    I think that's much better-ish. I misread one of their brochures I have at home. The cover says 'wine/connection/collection 2008', with

    'connection' in small-ish letters and 'collection' big-ish ones.

  12. Not sure if it's the same store - but there's a new-ish one opened at ground level next to the Mahidol Road (Airport Plaza) Rimping.

    It's not the same store. The wine store you are thinking of is called Wine Collection. I would add, though, that it is not only new-ish, but good-ish too.

  13. Perhaps my questions will seem at first a tad off-forum, but my hope is that I may find here someone who knows the answers as a result of living at a Buddhist temple in Thailand. That said, I would be grateful to receive answers from anyone who knows them, regardless of how they acquired the knowledge.

    Quite simply, I would like to learn how teak wooden floors in Buddhist temples in Thailand are finished and maintained. For example, are they treated with tung oil or any other kind of oil? Is this regularly applied on an on-going basis? Or, alternatively, are they simply left unfinished?

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