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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. . . . I fully agree that this "discussion" has run its course. You have your opinion, I have my facts, let's leave it at that.

    / Priceless

    As there is now apparently a consensus that the discussion on this thread has run its course, I'm pretty sure won't nobody be reading this post-script post of mine, but I couldn't help but be reminded of what to me is, now in two senses, a priceless expression my mother sometimes uses: 'My mind is made up! Don't confuse me with the facts!' :o

  2. I am on the east side of the river, use TOT and over the last few weeks have experienced perhaps three or four occasions when the service was down for five or ten minutes.

    Apologies. Turns out I use TOT for the phone line only, and TT&T for net service.

  3. Are you familiar with the artists here -- I know them from the Night Bazaar, but they may well work elsewhere too -- who can do drawings and paintings from photographs? Soon after moving here a couple of years ago and seeing the kind of work they can do, I had family portraits done, from photos I had or had sent to me, of a few different friends and their families, and sent them to them as gifts. The portraits were, or at least so I was told, very much appreciated. You can arrange to create a family or group portrait that does not actually exist as a photograph, by taking individual photos of the people you want in the portrait, and arranging for them to be put together in a composition of your choice.

    [Oops. Just noticed this was one of Nienke's ideas too.]

    Many years ago, I had a portrait of my brother and his wife done at the Night Bizzare from photos. She hated it, and nerver thanked me... Never liked me since then :o


    One must of course exercise discretion based on the appearance and, perhaps even more, self-regard of those who are to be depicted in the portraits.

  4. Are you familiar with the artists here -- I know them from the Night Bazaar, but they may well work elsewhere too -- who can do drawings and paintings from photographs? Soon after moving here a couple of years ago and seeing the kind of work they can do, I had family portraits done, from photos I had or had sent to me, of a few different friends and their families, and sent them to them as gifts. The portraits were, or at least so I was told, very much appreciated. You can arrange to create a family or group portrait that does not actually exist as a photograph, by taking individual photos of the people you want in the portrait, and arranging for them to be put together in a composition of your choice.

    [Oops. Just noticed this was one of Nienke's ideas too.]

  5. Is there a way to do a search here for topics that have all of two or more words in them, and if so, what is it? If I put more than one word in the search entry, the search results include topics that have any of the words in them. This often gives me far more results than I want. I have looked at 'Search' and 'Help' and have not been able to find an answer to my question.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

  6. BTW, it's pretty obvious what the OP wants - why get so worked up about it?

    Actually, I thought he was looking for a good chicken teaser salad, one of those small chicken salads that leave you wanting to order another as soon as you finish it . . . not that I found myself very worked up about it.

    If you do find yourself getting worked up, though, and if you are the kind who asks yourself what Jesus would do, there is an answer to hand: render unto teasers that which is teasers'.

  7. BTW, it's pretty obvious what the OP wants - why get so worked up about it?

    Actually, I thought he was looking for a good chicken teaser salad, one of those small chicken salads that leave you wanting to order another as soon as you finish it . . . not that I found myself very worked up about it.

  8. Hi Rasseru - you'll know that I'm not (yet) a friend of yours - but that's only through lack of opportunity rather than deliberate choice! :o. I have an S-VHS machine for which those tapes of yours would be very useful.

    Hi Steve2UK

    Reading between the lines, which I feel confident I am able to do in this case even though we are not friends, I take it you are interested in my offer? :D If so, the chances are the tapes will end up being yours, since the number of people with S-VHS machines are -- or at least so I think -- few and far between. I'll get back to you in a couple of days, either way.

  9. I have a dozen or so never used S-VHS video tapes and three never used blank VHS video tapes that I no longer need and would be happy to give to anyone who could use them and is willing to come pick them up at my place in Chiangmai.

    This is a close to first-come, first-served offer, with the twist that the first friend of mine to express an interest in them by Sunday will get them before the otherwise first person to respond.

    For those who do not know, S-VHS tapes can be used only in an S-VHS player, not an ordinary VHS player.

  10. And as you do not them, you are giving yours away now?

    Rassaroo, please explain what you are attempting to say here. Please.

    Since you asked so nicely, I left out a 'need' -- not something I do often, preferring satisfaction to exclusion -- in what should have been 'And as you do not need them, you are giving yours away now?' Capiche?

  11. is it not true that the moat is longer around in the daytime than it is at night?

    Yes, the moat is longer around in the daytime than at night. It expands slightly as a result of the heat of the day, and shrinks again with the cool of the evening.

    I was going to post that yesterday but decided I didn't need the comments that would result. :o

    And as you do not them, you are giving yours away now?

  12. I know somebody asked about a year ago without luck, but any chess clubs in Chiang Mai?

    I don't know the answer to your question, but, given the name you have chosen to use here, I hazard a guess that you might also be a go player. If so, I know a person who plays fairly regularly with a number of others, and I could enquire for you whether you might be able to join them.

  13. is it not true that the moat is longer around in the daytime than it is at night?

    Yes, the moat is longer around in the daytime than at night. It expands slightly as a result of the heat of the day, and shrinks again with the cool of the evening.

  14. Are you protecting the guilty? Reading between the lines, my hunch is they were looking for nothing other than demimondaine establishments. :o

    Demimondaine is a noun not a verb.

    The word 'demimondaine' is both a noun and an adjective. You are correct in observing that it is not a verb, but not to the point, since the word is being used as an adjective in the sentence in question. Specifically, it is being used in the adjectival sense, as reported in my dictionary, of 'of or pertaining to the demimonde'.

  15. Got a few PM's from a few desperate individuals who are looking for the desperates demondaines establishments.

    Are you protecting the guilty? Reading between the lines, my hunch is they were looking for nothing other than demimondaine establishments. :o

  16. Most of the hostesses in these dispicable places are making a few extra baht to pay for the groceries and school fees for the kids.

    In that case, should they be thought of as disparate?

    I don't mean to be disputatious, but you would need a den of desperately disparate housewives before you found one dissipated enough to disrobe for Blinky's disquisition.

    I speak for Blinky when I say, that is both dispicable and desturbing. :o

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