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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. I am not at all certain that meaningful answers to your questions are even possible, but I would point out that I think the countries and cultures of origin of the ex-pats living here are very important in this context. By way of example, ten thousand English ex-pats living here, for example, would, I should think, have very different effects on the community from ten thousand Japanese or Chinese ex-pats living here. And so on. If you agree, then it would seem that the issue of the nationalities of the ex-pats living here should be taken into consideration, along with the other factors you mention.

    Good points. Could be. What's your experience?

    My experience is that there are ex-pats in Chiangmai from many countries in the world, but it does not extend to giving me any sense of what their numbers are, either in total or by country.

  2. I am not at all certain that meaningful answers to your questions are even possible, but I would point out that I think the countries and cultures of origin of the ex-pats living here are very important in this context. By way of example, ten thousand English ex-pats living here, for example, would, I should think, have very different effects on the community from ten thousand Japanese or Chinese ex-pats living here. And so on. If you agree, then it would seem that the issue of the nationalities of the ex-pats living here should be taken into consideration, along with the other factors you mention.

  3. We are all freinds here. Let's act like it.

    I'm afraid that my buddy Blinky Bill went a little too far and got something like a thousand year suspension. We don't want to lose anyone else! :o

    Even though i thought your buddy B.B. was a bit of a schmuck at times..... I always enjoyed reading his posts,,, why dont you start a poll to see if the pubic at large would like to have him back and then the mods might reconsider and allow him to post again,,,, he will be missed,,,

    Jamesjimmy, you're responding to a post that is nine months old. Blinky Bill has been back with us for the better part of the time since then.

    [Edit to add note that Ulysses G.'s last post was added as I was writing this one.]

  4. For the benefit of anyone who wants to install a teak wood floor in the future and finds this thread, my own teak wood floor project had a number of problems but worked out well in the end.

    For installation, I hired the company I mentioned earlier in this thread, and they sent a team in from Bangkok. I was able to find people in Chiangmai who install wood floors in some fashion, but not anyone who was experienced with installing wood floors consisting of tongue-and-groove pieces of wood flooring put in place over a plywood subflooring, with space around the edges to allow for expansion of the flooring. That said, I did not contact everyone here who might have been able to do the job (and was limited in my ability to do so because I do not yet speak more than a smattering of Thai), and it is of course possible that qualified installers exist.

    If you are interested in installing a wood floor of the kind I did and have questions, feel free to send me a private message.

  5. . . . . . Who else is coming then?

    More than 10 would be a result.

    Dustofff...I can count on him

    Bikini Bill..are you around?

    UG...will always come up with an excuse!!..so prove me wrong...for once :D


    Tiger Beer...he'll be there..great guy

    JXP...would be great to see you...and confirm my sensationlism :P

    Real Thai Deal..would love to speak more

    PB...don't come ..otherwise you will be missed

    Map Guy..if u have returned to planet earth....you should be there :o

    Wimsey...its not a great distance...see you there

    Austhied...it would be nice to see you even though your mates think you are dead :D (This is an unofficial do)

    Buckwheat..maybe you cant make the 6th...but maybe you can make this do? :wai:

    George..you are welcome..we all want to see you pissed :D:D

    Real Thai Deal...yes, dont let me down

    Meadish...I have never met you., nor has JOCKSTAR... ..thats reason enough for attending

    Tyways (spelt wrong)..u will love JS..please come

    Chas & Rachel are a given for afters..(.better company is hard to come by)

    Jack R is already confirmed..as what I am not sure?

    Joe?...would be good to meet you

    Rass (short for RASCAL). If you are around . tw'd be great to see you again...even though its a few hours since we last saw each other

    . . . . .

    I may be last on your list, painful as it is for me to have the point driven home like that, but I plan to be there.

    Rass (who does not think of himself as short for anything)

  6. This Thursday the 27th ... tomorrow.
    Does somebody know, when is Thanksgiving Day this year?

    As it is every year.

    Not true. Next year, for example, there is no Thursday, November 27th, and Thanksgiving will be on Thursday the 26th.

  7. Well... :o

    I just wanted to promote that very good place because I live in the neighborhood and I go there at least twice a week with my gf. The owners are nice people ....

    As a newbie myself, what I don't understand is that they say you've only made" two or three posts", that this is your "second post, the first having been made six minutes earlier"

    Yet your profile calls you a Senior Member having joined six months ago and posted 161 posts!! Where am I going wrong? What am I missing? But, whatever,thanks for the coffee plug.

    The posts in which mention is made of him being a newbie with few posts were posted in June. The profile that you are looking at describes his status today, which is six months later.

  8. Ah hah, reading this now I know why the last 2 times I have been to Love at FB.. they have been out of rhubarb pie!!

    In future please leave 2 pieces for me !!!!

    Tried today to leave two pieces as you requested, but had no luck. Not because we found we were unable to restrain ourselves from consuming all the rhubarb pie they had, but rather for a reason that suggests the lesson you thought you learned from reading all this was possibly mistaken. The rhubarb pie is, as indicated on the menu, seasonal, and now is not, we were told, rhubarb season. We shall evidently all have to wait another month or two (they were not precise) to satisfy our rhubarb pie cravings.

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