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Posts posted by kmart

  1. I love the huge variation of dining options in big cities the world over. Bangkok especially has some great restaurants and dining experiences, and with prices much lower than back home.

    I get on with foods from just about everywhere, but given a choice prefer Italian.

    I do occasionally hanker for fresh North Sea fish. Cod; Haddock; Halibut; Skate; etc. :o With or without chips.

  2. Maybe euthanasia is the answer? Anyone over 50 should be exterminated, perhaps? :D

    Maybe farangs in LOS should have one of those "Logan's Run" jewels implanted into their palms, and get rendered down for glue or Soylent Green when it changes colour...?

    Ah, well.... 9 pages of utter crap and counting; but any excuse to post a pic of the divine Ms Jenny Agutter, star of the Logan's Run series. :o


  3. Bedu would throw their knackered camels at westerners cars and demand money for their prize winning racing camels. Never heard of it actually happening to anyone though, only a friend or a friend of a friend. Urban myths eh :o

    Those Beduin must have been pretty big guys to throw a camel at a car.

    The Bedouin tribesmen are famous for erm,... tossing camels. :D

  4. Agree on some points that JR Texas pointed out above.^^ The food is good in PP due to the French colonial influence, but I never felt safe going anywhere in Cambodia, especially at night; the cops there turn up mob-handed with M16s if there is trouble, and small arms and grenades are rife too. :o

    Kissenger and Nixon's "secret bombing" of Cambodia and Laos helped the insurgency take place, but the horror of the Khmer Rouge years and a stroll through the TS-21 prison lets you know that life is very cheap there...

    Its been a few years (5-6) since I last visited, but apparently things are improving there. I hope so.

  5. Farang girls seem to get a rough deal on most Thai-related websites and forums. Mainly from bitter grumpy divorced blokes. How can they all look the same? Skin tone; hair / eye colour; height; body shape are vastly divergent.... As opposed to say; long black hair and brown eyes? :o

  6. I am so used to farang's bad behaviour that I really am not very surprised.

    I have noticed in farangland they have their mouths shut even when being fed with shit but they complained about almost every bloody thing here in Asia. I am not sure but it really gives me an impression that they think they are superior to Asians.

    And it is the constant denial of farang bad behaviours by farangs that pisses me off.


    Stop expressing such negative comments about farangs and their countries.

    Can one of the mods please close this thread.

    We farangs that love Thailand should not have to tolerate these ignorant insults. :o

    Pepe, you asked me to stop expressing? Are you thinking that I am lying or what? Or think I am just a bigot and dislike farangs and that is why I write bad about farangs? Or do you think we should not express negative comments about farangs even if they are true? No, I don't believe so that I am a bigot. I believe I am quite an objective person. Unfortunately I have experienced more bad behaviours than good from farangs.

    Well I also criticize the HK Chinese a lot. Just that I don't do it here.

    Oh, boohoo. It seems to be a speciality of yours, complaining about farangs all the time on a farang-orientated forum. That's probably because you're soooo "objective", right?

    If you're wondering why you have "experienced more bad behaviours than good from farangs", its probably because you go looking for it.... to suit your agenda.

    I don't know about "bigot", but one-trick-pony seems to fit you ok. Grow up.

  7. This subject sounds about as meaningful as Santa Claus or other hokey religion that believes in magic.

    Think about it. How stupid does it sound dry out a cats placenta for good luck. Then you place it in the glove compartment of your car.

    I think your driving skills, decomposing animal waste and common sense are somewhat related.

    I hope that if someone gets really sick in your family, you take them to the hospital first rather than sacrifce a small animal in front of the village witch doctor who prays for divine intervention.

    Hi, dick. Hoping the triple bypass surgery (irony, humour, charisma) went well. :o

  8. And yes, the British women are a pretty ugly bunch on the whole - smoke, drink and eat too much! Their lack of natural beauty is obviously connected to their genetic cocktail of French, German, Roman, Danish, Nordic and Irish invaders of many years ago. They weren't picky!

    Could you please confine your breathtakingly original observations to food only please, Brad Pitt? Thanks.

  9. Social bonds :Thais love only themselves: Prawase

    Social critic Prawase Wasi yesterday urged Thais to care for others and refrain from abusing power.

    He said Thai society was structured vertically and lacked horizontal relationships so equality and a sense of sharing were absent, while the pressure on the lower classes would make them take revenge on society.

    Vertical relationships allow those with power to dominate and cheat others and create a system of cronies where rumour is rife, he said.

    "Although Thais are deeply religious, they only love themselves and not their neighbours," Prawase said.

    Source: The Nation - 28 April 2007

    That is a bit of a sweeping negative statement with which to condemn an entire country's population. I can only hope it has been mistranslated or somehow taken out of context.

    Its actually pretty accurate. I'm not sure how one becomes a "Social Critic," or how much it pays, but K. Prawase is usually not far from the mark.

  10. How often in political history does the elite, or the group firmly entrenched in power, give up the power without a violent struggle? The answer is - occasionally, but seldom. The American White men ceded much power to darker-skinned minorities, and to women. The British Empire, to India. Ferdinand Marcos, to people power.

    Why is it that so far, Thailand has no equivalent to Gandhi or to Martin Luther King, Jr.?

    I think anytime Thailand is in danger of producing a budding Ghandi or MLK they would kill the whole village.

    Globalisation is backing the current elite of Thailand into a corner, if they cede knowledge (education) to the masses here, they will be overthrown. The current censorship and culture crusading here is a pathetic attempt to stem the tide.

  11. I am so used to farang's bad behaviour that I really am not very surprised.

    I have noticed in farangland they have their mouths shut even when being fed with shit but they complained about almost every bloody thing here in Asia. I am not sure but it really gives me an impression that they think they are superior to Asians.

    And it is the constant denial of farang bad behaviours by farangs that pisses me off.

    I don't think so, it's definitely your own inferiority complex. Want some cheese with that whine?

  12. So whats wrong with Nuclear power then? :D Perfectly safe and better for the environment than coal/fuel/gas powered plants. Wind Farms are an eyesore (and not sure they could be used in Thailand anyway). Perhaps I'm biased though...worked at BNFL Engineering and Sellafield in the past :D and theres nothing wrong with me at all!

    I should also add Greenpeace are a bunch of militant scaremongering environmentalists that shouldn't be trusted anyway :D ......and they probably smell! :D

    I agree. Greenpeace had a few of its activists stage a stunt against the new BLCP power plant in Maptaphut recently, which is coal-fired. Can't win with these nuts... I suppose they power their vegan pop festivals and drug parties with electricity produced from marsh gas and bat-droppings or something? :bah:

    If constructed and operated 100% correctly, nuclear energy is the cleanest fuel there is. (Although production overheads are very expensive) Unfortunately, I don't ever see Thailand achieving this. :o

  13. According to LPN, when police and immigration officials raided a CPF factory in Samut Sakhon on April 5 and fired shots into the air, more than 100 Myanmar migrants in the compound tried to escape by swimming a canal.

    why did they fire shots into the air? :o

    Because they can. :D

    Burma must be a really terrible place to make a lot of (sometimes educated) Burmese to come working as skivvies here, and be treated worse than cattle by their historic enemies...?

    Burma is also formerly a Buddhist Kingdom ruled by an inept, paranoid junta.

  14. There are a lot of monitors in all regions of Thailand. I remember seeing a lot in the Khanom district in the South too. The Thai versions are "babies" compared to the monitor lizards or "Komodo Dragons" of Indonesia. :o Apparently, the animal's bite is not venemous as such, but possess some severe bacteria in their mouths that can kill humans. (As if the sheer size of them isn't enough already?).

    Cheers, markuk. :D devastating wit & repartee, m8.


  15. You do not improve your conditions by thinking for what you should be thankful.

    You do that by spotting your enemies , expecially the hypocrites hiding their envy behind moral curtains.

    You want to be happy ? Dont' be thankful, be critic.

    Thanks for that nugget, Mr Sunshine.

    I'm not paranoid at all, but I know you all think I am. :o

  16. i personally think that its because they eat everything and are in competion with the thai culinary taste :o ). seems they are bad luck and it has been in the past that thais will take them in a pickup to a government office and throw them in as an insult !,.. ( funny old lot arent they )

    :bah: lol. Imagine if God sent some Old Testament-type plague to beset Thailand. "Locusts?" No problem. "Frogs?" Yummy. "Boils?" Erm,.... Just add some chilis and fish sauce, and we'll have a big f#cking party! :D

    God gives up...

    DO you remember that classic Rising damp on british tv, rigsby had a coloured african lodging with him that was always whinging, rigsby says to him " you lot are never happy. you didnt even like the missionairies we sent over to help you " ,. coloured guy repies " on the contrary rigsby, they were delicious ! ,Classic

    Classic. :D "Alan" was the coloured guy. I bought a lot of those old editions on dvd recently.

    Back on topic;

    My g/f recently told me of some story where some motorist stopped for a roadside pee, and a monitor came out of the long grass and bit his dick off!!! :D Can anyone corroborate this, or is she trying to tell me something? :D

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