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Posts posted by kmart

  1. I see, but, prostitution and people throwing firecrackers are done by individuals that can slip in under the radar and then deny it was them. A small crime commited by small people.

    This does not apply to major companies like Chang and whisky makers. Plus there name is on the crime. I just can't see how they can get away with it.

    Chang Brewery (Thai Beverage Co.) CEO is probably Thailand's richest man. Mekhong; SangSom; Beer Chang etc are all under his banner. This might explain why...? :o

  2. It seems rather sad that the beheaders of Budhhist monks and beheaders of the elderly poor in the South would be treated so casually. Do others think that this idea floated by General Sondhi and General Surayud will make the insurgents happy? Forgive and forget is a noble concept. But immediate amnesty seems odd for the brutal killers of the women who was burned alive just last week.

    Forgive someone who set a woman on fire, or cut a poor old man's head off??? Don't think so... :o

    There has been a lot of atrocities committed on both sides down there, but forgiving the sadistic b@stards is not the solution.

  3. As a Brit I feel I should promote REAL British stodge to a sort of mediocre level, nothing quite like a proper sunday roast followed by Spotted Dick and custard :D:P

    Agree that Malay / Singapore deserves to be on the good list, Philippines should be further down the bad list.

    The local food I've had here in Delhi has been great, unfortunately let down by a dose of Delhi-belly (looking for squitty emoticon) :D :D

    There you go... :o

    The UK has had a rep for bad food abroad mainly because of the rationing during the WW's. Also, though our geographic isolation did manage to spare us from the worst political excesses of mainland Europe; Fascism, Nazism, Communism; etc. Somehow "tasty food" was the trade-off...

    US restaurant food is great, but the bland, over-processed stuff in the supermarkets is awful. Do any of you know what real cheese and chocolate taste like? :D


  4. I cannot believe what I am reading. It seems that many of you insist that Thais have a right to commit violence against each other because of some cultural thing. That's a load of BS.

    The OP should go to Thailand to collect his wife immediately, and then tell off the father. If the father loses face, then so what. He is just a person, not deserving of any more respect than anyone else, including his own daughter.

    As it actually is vs. how it should be? PC is not big out here amongst the local population, I'm afraid...

  5. PAD seems less about Thai democracy than the mouthpiece of arch-gobshite Sonthi Limthongkul. If this bloke ever gets into power he will make Thaksin look like Ghandi. He only started this faux "Democratic" shenanigans over a personal business dispute he had with Thaxo anyway. Utter style-over-substance <deleted> of the first order. :o

    The one major flaw in your expletive filled expert analysis is that Mr. Sonthi has stated he has no interest in entering politics and prefers to use other ie media or pressure group tactics to further his arguements. Whether one agrees with Mr. Sonthi or not he is quite clear on this.

    Also to the best of my knowledge Ghandi did not have thousands of his own citizens killed in an extra-judicial program, so however bad one may want to speculate on Mr. Sonthi being if he became PM (pure fantasy), it is still difficult to compare soemone who headed a regime linked to extra-judicial killings to a man who preached peace even in the face of violence.

    Excuse the expletives. :D But what Mr Sonthi states and actually does are not the same thing. His nationalistic chest-beating anti-foreigner speeches mark him out as a scoundrel or the first order too.

    The "Ghandi" remark was supposed to be ironic. I do apologise.

  6. She doesn't seem very pleased about being a slave, does she? :o

    What kind of Slave?? You let your women piss away your money on things that don't please you? She does pretty much what she wants. I expect someone in a relationship with me to be somewhat sensitive to my likes & dislikes as I am to thiers. You don't have much of a relationship otherwise.

    Plus the fact that you may have to be wary of a b/j? :D All that sharp metal near your pride 'n joy, eh? :D F#ck that.

  7. The beating was clearly wrong..

    However in my experience Thai women dont go and have 'innocent drinks' with male friends in bars (unaccompanied).. She knows this too.. :o


    Dead right. Father in law was maybe (albeit misguidedly) doing your "job" for you... The OP's beef might not be with him?

  8. They seem to be a waste of money and time. Corrective teeth alignment should be done at an earlier age to be effective (ie; <16yo). Its just fashion as the work costs a bit, and therefore is seen as a desirable status symbol by people who know the price of everything and the value of sweet f.a.

    My missus went to the dentist with a simple gum infection and the greedy b@stard at the clinic tried to convince her she needed a brace to correct the problem. :o A simple 2km drive to the other dental clinic sorted her out....

    These brace contraptions are a boon for the clinics as they need to be "re-tightened" and removed periodically to clean behind the wiring, otherwise teeth can start to go rotten. :D So the cost of them is ongoing....

    Personally, I think they also look awful. :D But thats just me.

  9. PAD seems less about Thai democracy than the mouthpiece of arch-gobshite Sonthi Limthongkul. If this bloke ever gets into power he will make Thaksin look like Ghandi. He only started this faux "Democratic" shenanigans over a personal business dispute he had with Thaxo anyway. Utter style-over-substance &lt;deleted&gt; of the first order. :o

  10. It does make me laugh when the government close porno cartoon websites because they don't want the Thai youth to get the wrong perception about sex.

    Yet any one of these youngsters can freely go along Ratchadaphisek past the long line of massage parlours. Surely this must give the youth the impression that sex for certain groups is only confined to massage parlours. :D:D

    Given the woeful sex education (or lack thereof...) in the Thai school system, it seems a lot of the kids get their impressions of sexual conduct from porn movies / websites. Sad. :o

  11. Anyone interested enough in wanting to view these supposedly banned sites can easily get to them through a proxy server. This government is pretty foolish in censoring the Internet like it is doing. It only succeeds in giving huge amounts of free publicity to banned content, and heaping negative publicity / scorn on itself.

    Still, what more can you expect from a military junta? Stupid.... :o

  12. I remember a few years ago when people were driving their pickups to Trat and Chantaburi to fill up the truck beds with pineapples for 10 Baht! Just pure over-supply and lack of diversification is all.

    There does not seem to be much co-operation or planning amongst farmers, which lends to their plight. :D

    I've seen those trucks, thousands of them also, filled with all kinds of fruit.

    I agree, partly, that there might have been no planning amongst the farmers..but farmers are farmers and not planners.

    They should have been guided and steered by the Ministry of Agriculture...

    Same old story: it's the farmers who suffer, and their families, NOT the Bangkok planners :o


    Agreed, LaoPo. It seems like the Bangkok planners and middlemen that deliberately rip these poor hardworking people off and keep them in permanent debt. Getting organised amongst themselves would be the farmer's only solution to this problem.

  13. I remember a few years ago when people were driving their pickups to Trat and Chantaburi to fill up the truck beds with pineapples for 10 Baht! Just pure over-supply and lack of diversification is all. There does not seem to be much co-operation or planning amongst farmers, which lends to their plight. :o

  14. Still you gotta hand it to the guy who expertly he shafts Paveena in the last line. (Paveena is also a couple cherries short of a pie)

    Isn't "Paveena" the attention-seeking ex-beauty queen MP who "couldn't see any prostitutes" on some high-profile tour of Pattaya? :o

    Wonder if they sat her on the beach and had her turn back the tide? :D

    I love this place. :D

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