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Posts posted by kmart

  1. Sriracha John; I count a few of the people mentioned as reasonably good friends (not Palmy though!)

    Amazing... Same here.... (with Palmy included!)

    As the colonel can attest to... that's the beauty of the internet... one can make any claim they want to.

    Christina Aguilar used to be my maid! And that bird Nat Myria Benedetti (sp?) was my dental hygienist before she made it big in the entertainment business. :D

    ... 'Course... she never calls, or replies to her emails these days.... :o

  2. Sorry to hear that, Jeffery. Try eating a lot of cream and drinking lots of Baileys before vomiting on the red stains to cancel them out. :D

    Alternately, you could always pass your wine-stained suit off as "art?" Best of Luck, m8! :o

  3. The purpose of most religions is to curb the worst excesses of human nature in society. That they have all been commandeered by the people they should rightfully legislate against is also a given nowadays.

    The first impulse of the newly-rich is to flaunt their wealth, as they can remember being poor.

  4. The minister has done such an excellent job of digging a hole, throwing himself in and then filling it up on top of himself that I cannot think of anything sufficiently caustic to say.

    Rather precludes any punchline, doesn't he? That's pretty much Thailand all over; riding down the super-information highway. On a buffalo cart. :o

  5. That's it,

    What do you think of the Farangs in Thailand, manners, appearance, behaviour, attitude etc etc.....

    Any answer to this is wild over-generalisation but broadly I think that by Thai standards we farang, both visitors and expats could do better.

    Our manners are too direct by Thai standards, we often look a complete mess, which really counts against us and there is a small minority who behave poorly by anyone's standards.

    To anyone such as myself living here, collective behaviour does matter as it reflects on all of us. We are accorded a special status by people in Thailand and I'm not sure we always deserve the excellent welcome we generally receive.

    We could do better, as the teacher said.

    At least the Thaivisa forums keep some of us off the streets.


    Oh, boo hoo. Speak for yourself.

  6. Not sure about these Fortuner drivers that people are gobbing off about? :D The mores and silly driving habits in LOS are pet peeves of mine too, but I can't limit them to one brand of car usually. Motorcycles on the other hand...... :o

    Some people are never happy unless they have something / someone to moan about. Get over it, plz.

  7. Maybe the OP was "dressed provocatively" in his usual sartorial splendour, and the mere mortals surrounding his wonderful self just couldn't help themselves? :o

    I'm sure that counselling or gazing at himself in a mirror for several hours might help him get over this terrible experience. :D

  8. Bird (Albert Thonchai McIntyre), is Thai.

    His father was a Luk Kroeng - Half Thai half Scottish.

    So by my reckoning Bird works out as 1/4 Oatmeal Savage and 3/4 Thai.

    But his nationality is Thai.

    He could have course still been British if his father had been born in the UK.

    But Scottish.. No!

    Also Gay ??

    caught snogging Sek Loso on the Bird / Sek VCD ?

    feel free to correct me :D

    Just a tad..... :o

    A girl at work has a concert video of Phi Bird doing a camp version of "YMCA" that would severely embarrass the Village People. :D

    According to her, he has a boyfriend / life partner in Switzerland?

    How rivetting.... :D

  9. But as has been said the most near accidents that I witnessed yesterday were caused by the drunken parties half way in the road.

    Yep. Saw at least three drunk young kids get creamed by a pick up yesterday on the way back from Ban Phe. Grinning pissed-up youths trying to stop passing traffic in the middle of major roads. :o Mad.

  10. ^^Total Babe.... Wonder if she'd like a bit more English in her? :D

    Don't wanna disappoint you, but in real life she's not like her photos. The miracle of correct lightning, make up and Photoshop... :o

    Funny, she always struck me (geddit) as the natural type.... :D

    Anyway, thanks, Col. Another fantasy dashed on the rocks of reality..... :D

  11. Remembering my teen years in the UK, and the fights over music styles, fashion tribes, football supporters, etc, it seems very common and quite casual. Although serious injury seemed quite rare; weapons were brandished rather more than used. Although getting your head kicked in for sporting a certain haircut always seemed a bit excessive. :D

    There seems to be a lot of violence amongst Thais that is a lot more extreme in the seriousness of the violence, be it; business conflicts; teen gangs / vocational schools; robberies; etc. And the availability of guns here is easy too. :o

  12. "Farangs In Thailand?" Seems to be the same cross-section or "slice of life" of people you might find abroad in a lot of countries....? But lets not miss any opportunity to claim superiority or the higher moral ground from them, eh? :o

  13. Wrong forum probably. Everybody knows that TV members originally met their better halves at the art galleries, opera houses, or on research teams trying to find a cure for cancer, or similarly noble / notable ventures. :D

    Don't forget the Parliament. :o

    you could also enroll in any university offering degrees in advanced quantum physics, as many TV members also met their wives while both studying there.


    Stephen Hawking calls my missus up for advice at least once a week. Sometimes disturbing her research into teleportation and time-travel.

  14. I'm interested in the legal repercussions / consequences of anyone actually shooting a burglar. :o

    Has anybody actually had to do this? :D And what happened afterwards?

    Unless the burglar had a gun, and you shot him with a legal weapon, or you managed to fix the crime scene that way, you will be in for murder.

    Thought so. The "John Wayne" approach seems like a bad option here, unless life is directly threatened. Tough call. :D

  15. More "heroes" fighting valiantly against unarmed schools? :o

    How do the expect to found an independent nation built on the actions of cowards?

    On the contrary. They are the most peaceloving believers in the world.

    And they are willing to kill, rape, bomb, execute, destroy and pillage to prove it.


    Actually, so far the only documented rapes in this conflict i have come across were by rogue members of the government security forces against Muslim women.

    Which is a big problem as the actions of those rogue members of the security forces, which also include large scale corruption, graft and involvement in illicit businesses do give the insurgents some sort of legitimacy, which they shouldn't have gotten.

    Agree with you about this. Bangkok seemingly sends its rogue / inept security staff here to either serve as a punishment or to pillage the local population.

  16. Here is a link from a UK site regarding cutting or self-mutilation.

    Self Harm Survey

    I've seen a lot of local BG's with these types of scars. They seem to be adolescent self-injuries done while still teenagers.

    Having reviewed this topic, I'm surprised that no-one has mentioned the fools (in my opinion) that go in for the extreme "body-modification" crap in the West? "Scarification" and extreme piercing / tattooing, etc? Is that done by people with low self-opinion / mental problems?

    What exactly do you mean by "scarification"? Is that a term that is used often? I haven't heard it before.

    And what is "extreme body modification"? In your opinion? Sorry, I'd just like to know how you define those words/phrases.

    In answer to the part of your question I do understand & feel qualified to answer, I don't think people that pierce or tattoo themselves do suffer from low self esteem. In general they seem to be self confident enough not to give a stuff what society as a whole thinks of them. Self harming is very often a private thing that is hidden. Tattoos & piercings are often displayed openly.

    Mental health problems? I guess, like any cross section of the population, those that self decorate can be completely sane or completely insane & any point in between.

    BTW, I have 3 tattoos; 2 on my back & one around my left ankle. I have them for my own reasons, got them in my 30's and don't regret any of them. I don't consider I have any self-esteem problems & I certainly don't think I have any mental health issues.

    Here you go. November Rain. This type of stuff really seems to be popular in Europe and the States right now. :o Everyone to their own of course, but this shit bugs me out....

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