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Posts posted by kmart

  1. I'm a thai girl who have farang b/f I always be good girl and I know he try to be good boy (just in fron of me) but ........ I try to acceptable from whats he done but why I have to be in thats situation? be good girl for whats? that I asking myself.

    Hmmmm. Do I detect a hint of Bull here.

    Me too.

  2. 350 jobs is nothing to what has been lost by the UK to India.

    Banking and energy suppliers being the main.

    When informed by my boss that my job was being sent to India, I was initially very excited as I'd never been there before, and I love a good curry.... :D

    Imagine my dismay when I found out the truth?!?!? :o

  3. Khun Marco is absolutely correct. Doing my RGN training (registered general nurse) in the UK, I did 6 weeks in a psychiatric hospital. I got placed on an "acute" ward. There was a guy there (brilliantly clever) who had developed schizophrenia due to cannabis use. He was only 19. Seemingly, cannabis can affect the chemical balance of some users' brains, making them develop schizophrenia or giving them psychotic episodes. And, before anyone says it, it's not just a legal cop-out. The guy I'm talking about had never done anything wrong, he was a sweet guy, he was in there for treatment of schizophrenia, solely. He used to believe he was Jesus & take a lot of baths, amongst other things. Cannabis can be a very dangerous drug, if your brain is "wired" in a particular way.

    Strangely enough one of my dad's art students had the EXACT same thing; believed he was Jesus. And used to only paint pictures of Jesus again and again and again.

    You must have been very flattered, steve. :D

    Cannabis in Europe is now so strong, due to all the hybrids, cross-pollination, and selective breeding that growers employ, that it has been cited in quite a few cases of mental illness-related crime and behavioural problems. :D

    I know that I had a toke recently back in the UK, and it wasn't the mild buzz / stoned feeling I used to remember. Full-on paranoia, and hallucinations more like..... :o F#ck that.

  4. i personally think that its because they eat everything and are in competion with the thai culinary taste :o ). seems they are bad luck and it has been in the past that thais will take them in a pickup to a government office and throw them in as an insult !,.. ( funny old lot arent they )

    :D lol. Imagine if God sent some Old Testament-type plague to beset Thailand. "Locusts?" No problem. "Frogs?" Yummy. "Boils?" Erm,.... Just add some chilis and fish sauce, and we'll have a big f#cking party! :D

    God gives up...

  5. I wonder... If it were an American park.... And a Non-citizen Thai decided to hassle an American on their actions as related to the general upkeep and or handling of the park.... What would happen?

    Anyway... Good for you. You should wear a cape and a mask you superhero you. :o

    Attacking wild animals is hardly "general upkeep of a park" is it? Go look at yourself in the mirror again, Mr Wonderful.

    Thais hate these animals with an unjustified passion; "hia" is a strong swearword here. "Tua ngoern, tua tawg" is the polite word for the monitor here, as qualtrough points out above^^; local mafia types put them in each other's gardens as a warning of bad luck to come...

    Despite the misguided dysfunctional animosity towards these lizards, they seem to be quite plentiful. :D

  6. Labour will also be cheaper and the factories will be able to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week without the kind of penalties the company would have to pay in New Zealand.

    Irritating these bluddy labor laws, much better in the good old days when you could hire kids for next to nothing, have entire families working twelve hour shifts seven days a week for a pittance.

    Workin down t' pit f'ra pittance? Luxury! You were bloody lucky!

    I used to buy my household appliances from the Planet Zanussi, where the "appliance of science", plus child labour, no environmental controls, and 16hr shifts gave me unbeatable prices. :D

    Those little brown fingers don't snag conveyor belts . :o

  7. Buffalo have my utmost respect, they are so intelligent looking :o

    Its quite amazing how they manage to maintain that peaceful, bovinely-serene look on their faces, even as they're flying over the bonnet of your car, eh? :D

  8. Might be possible to tie the subject of this thread to the (perceived) escalation of violence towards Westerners especially in the tourist areas? ... Some people just ask for it...

    I've seen a lot of people, nationality non-specific, who moan about every little little thing served to them, and are so cheap that they beggar belief. :D Bill-dodgers just increase the prices for everyone else, and when possible, should be made an example of, imo. :o

  9. Despite all the recent cant coming from Bangkok mouthpieces with regard to morals, "quality tourists", suitable attire, ad nauseum; the lowest common denominator is always money first in LOS. Thailand doesn't seem to have a real problem pimping out its womenfolk to the world. Its better than having to educate those smelly Isaan people and find them real jobs, isn't it? :o

  10. Headline - "Scientists find most Earth-like planet yet".

    Oh great news! Only 123 trillion miles away too! Terrific find!

    What is the point of all this so-called space exploration?

    The monies spent on being able to "see" that far away, plus that on many other similar space-related projects which are of little, if any, immediate benefit to us would go a long way to help solve many of this planet's ills. Every day we hear about deaths due to wars, diseases, starvation, shortage of water, etc., etc., etc., yet those who run this planet on our behalf are spending untold amounts of money on wild goose-chases in space.

    Because the planet may not be compatible with human existence in the near future?

    "deaths due to wars, diseases, starvation, shortage of water, etc." are the planet's way of telling us that we are over-populating it, and using up a lot of its resources.

    It's always a good idea to have a "Plan B". :o

  11. Maybe someone could come up with a "points system" for driving over things, like that 70's film; "Death Race 2000?" Contestants should be awarded points for dogs, cats, chickens, drunken motorcyclists, etc.

    I think the guy who ran over an ostrich^^ above, might be the winner already.


  12. I had to remove my St. Georges Flag from outside my house when a coalition of lesbian dragons complained to my local council.

    They said the flag represented a phallo-centric celebration of white male aggression and genocide towards dragons generally, and they picketed my house and burned effigies of St. George.

    I politely removed the flag and made a contribution to "The Single Parent Black Lesbian Dragon Theatre Group Workshop Collective", and they left me alone after that...

    Funny old world, innit?

  13. During the Sept. 19th coup my buddies and I sipped cappucinos at Coffee World amongst elderly Scandinavian women and fielded calls from worried friends abroad who were concerned about how we were avoiding the imminent danger. Most "crises" around here seem to take place in the Bangkok Post rather than in our "real" lives.

    Anyone not living in the centre of Bangkok would share this feeling. Political crises come and go here all the time, as no-one ever seems to learn from mistakes / history here. The two English language dailies are totally "Bangkok-centric" in their reporting though, and news in the provinces is not bothered with much.

  14. Even with those experiences, my Thai friends and I still respect white students. We know that not all white folks are what you call white trash or what we call kwais.

    Yeah, I too, even with my experiences, still respect brown students. I know that not all brown folks are what you call kwais or what we call monkeys.

    We understand that a small sample of white people we had experiences studying with can't really represent the entire white population. We also understand that it has very little to do with race. :D:o

    Especially since it's been mostly white people to invent, elaborate, organize, develop, put into practice and spread what you and your friends are now studying in white-people-land because you can't in your own.

    Of course, we also understand that it has very little to do with race... :D:D

    BTW, I would like for you to throw in my face the great achievements of all those tens of thousands of brilliant Thai students (who have OF COURSE studied ABROAD... -sic!-) you keep telling us about.

    What have former brilliant Thai students used to piss all over their white classmates contributed for example to the engineering science? Or are they all still studying??

    :D Its easy to have lofty opinions when standing on the shoulders of foreign giants, dontcha know?

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