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Posts posted by kmart

  1. Here is a link from a UK site regarding cutting or self-mutilation.

    Self Harm Survey

    I've seen a lot of local BG's with these types of scars. They seem to be adolescent self-injuries done while still teenagers.

    Having reviewed this topic, I'm surprised that no-one has mentioned the fools (in my opinion) that go in for the extreme "body-modification" crap in the West? "Scarification" and extreme piercing / tattooing, etc? Is that done by people with low self-opinion / mental problems?

  2. Occasionally I have a cholesterol-fix at KFC, but why the heck would anyone living here want to exalt over the bland, mass-produced crap churned out by these US conglomerates, when local fresh food is ten times tastier and healthier?

    I eat at a fast place OCCASIONALY and I enjoy it. It is nice to have the choice.

    By the way, you forgot the "in my opinion" part. :o

    Oops! Have a burger on me, m8! :D

  3. So did the Thai government have to warn people to stop using Borax to keep their veggies fresh because it made it too high in quality? :o

    Weren't they using it on pork to makre it look more "red" coloured or something? :D

    I enjoy the (very) occasional burger. I don't like the locally-made bread it comes in though. Same with fast-food chain pizza; tastes like cardboard. Occasionally I have a cholesterol-fix at KFC, but why the heck would anyone living here want to exalt over the bland, mass-produced crap churned out by these US conglomerates, when local fresh food is ten times tastier and healthier? (Usually...)

    Reading "Fast Food Nation" put me off eating at these fast food joints a bit. :D

  4. Becuse the new Visa Law its time to relocated from Thailand !

    I need some ides to countrys to move to whit okey living standards simular to here. . .

    greatfull for all replys !

    Anywhere that doesn't require a literacy check beforehand might do. :D

    Can I suggest Iceland. I know somebody who went there once and never came back so it must be good.

    Got some nice volcanoes and night life's great in Wreckyour-whatever and the booze is really expensive Might help "kmart" sort out his litracy problem too.


    Sounds great Andrew! However, I don't really have any "litracy" problems. Thanks. :o

  5. It's getting so a man can't even get his colon and rectum inspected peacefully and privately without a mountain of speculation being created as to its implications.


    Is it Friday night already? :D

    Seriously though, it looks like some sort of plan is in progress to seriously affect what freedoms remain here. The censorship of the internet, and the crass reason / video to shut down youtube looks (like this mickey-mouse bombing) like the spurious reason needed and created to crack-down *yawn* on anyone in the brass' way.

  6. Another tyre care issue.

    Why do the ‘mechanics’ here insist on over tightening lug nuts. While I recognize tighter is better that looser, I’ve never had a problem with wheels coming off my car in the west, so I don’t see why lug nuts need to be so tight that they require a 1 meter extension on the wrench to get them off in Thailand.

    Because they havn't a f^cking clue! They lose what they can't break, half the time:D Thais are great at "modifying" shit, and doing shoestring budget repairs, but when it comes to sticking to procedure,- existing mechanical or safety blueprints.... forget it. :o The Japanese car showroom mechanics (Toyota, Honda; etc) are ok, but I always double-check anything they do.

    Over-tightened lug-nuts are subject to embrittlement and shearing off, due to the local propensity to jump up and down on the wrench / use scaffolding tube as spanner extensions. Please check your own...

  7. The UBC programming is terrible at the moment, Basic Instinct 2, Home Alone 2 - the worst selection of movies I've seen for a long time, They also have two overlays on the top right and top left nowadays on most channels and additionally have superimposed 'flash style' mini-movies popping up all over the screen.

    Apparently, they'll be showing "King Kong" on UBC soon. :o That flashing icon is starting to piss me off almost as much as those stoopid Malaysian Airline ads... "Chel-see ah going to weeen!!!" :D

    Sorry, what was the topic again? :D

  8. ^^Good post Casanundra :o

    Myself, running a service engineering co in Rayong. Mainly servicing the Maptaphut industrial facilities and offshore oil and gas. Work here gets busier every year, as these plants are older and need progressively more maintenance. We do a good job and most local companies (and Thais, generally) are quite "brand loyal" with respect to paying for quality service. Life is good here, but I might return to the UK after my contract is up. For a break as much as anything. Work here can be as much inversely stressful as living is enjoyable...

  9. This has happened to me before. I some expensive work equipment stolen from my car one night. I found it all on display in a large local secondhand goods shop about 3 days later. Luckily I had proof of ownership (receipts, work photos of actual usage, etc). I called my Thai manager to get the cops around and they arrived in good time, and after a bit of dialogue with the shop owner, we got it all back. These larger used goods shops may or may not have people thieving to order for them.... :o Beware.

  10. Just thought of another thing I like. I like driving by the crematorium everyday where I will br burned one day. It reminds me of how death is just a natural part of the life cycle. It's comforting.

    That just put a jaunty spring in my step, you little ray of sunshine you! :o

  11. This Ministry Of (supposed) Education really needs a kick up the arse. It seems to be an inactive post for out-of-favour slug-wit politicians to have the misfortune to get drafted into. Does nobody give one single shit about the future of this country?

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