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Posts posted by kmart

  1. I take heaps of books with me when I move around with my job, so not so much a question of top 100, rather shelves of books.

    But the OP's question is soon to have some direct relevance, my next move is indeed into the dessert and at that time I have to remove a number of books lest they cause offense.

    I really need to get started on that..

    You're going to write a cookery book? Good luck with that, although everybody seems to be doing it these days. :o

  2. Regardless of who the victims were or what they did, they surely didn't deserve to be executed as they were.

    I can't believe that this topic has just surpassed 600 posts, and most of them are discussing an unfair / unproven labelling of these women.

    The people that I feel the most for are the friends, family and public in Russia. The Thaivisa website ranks highly in Google, and anyone who does any kind of search on this subject - russian murders pattaya, Liubov Svirkova, etc - is getting this thread in their first page of results. (Particularily on google.ru).

    It must be awful for their families and friends in Russia who are trying to find facts and are getting this thread full of speculation labelling these ladies as sex workers. It must be heartbreaking for them.

    I agree. It must be terrible for the girl's families to have first the tragedy, then the inept bumbling incompetance of the dorks in brown who can only ever be relied on to screw up. The silly assumptions and petty snide remarks here are not doing anyone any favours too. Although given the conflicting reports coming from official channels that is to be expected...

    Hope to heck that this is resolved soon, and the families can finally arrange to have their daughters laid to rest. RIP. :o

  3. Maybe Californians are just a bunch of W**kers !

    My brother lives in North California and he wrote me to inform me that the teenagers there are very upset and are taking a pledge to have more sex so they will be number one you known those Americans Having lived in the land of England I can say the Englsih are the biggest bunch of W**kers kept up W**kers.

    Thanks for your input, Henry. Whatever you're on about.... :o

  4. It's kind of bizarre for farangs to accuse Thais of not liking or even being racist against farang. Let's face it, be honest, we individual farangs have a very low opinion of most other farangs in Thailand, most of us don't even like the blacks particularly that hang out here on soi 3, we try to avoid stupid farang as much as possible and certainly wouldn't engage in much business activity with the low life farangs on the run in Thailand. Those with female children would shudder with the thought that they would ultimately hook up with a typical farang hanging out here.

    It's the disgust for farang, with notable exceptions, that unites us farang and Thai!

    Yes, its wonderful to be part of such a strong, united foreign community here, isn't it? :o

  5. Apart from RedBull and the Bumgun what have the Thais given the world ? is there a connection between these 2 items ?

    They have given us TERA.. (Well Thai mum anyway)..post-31110-1171995750_thumb.jpg

    Tera???...Tera Fawcett??? she's wunna my favorites...she was so nice in dose Gillette razor adverts 30 years ago...I didn't know that she was thai... :D

    No, this Tera.. Patrick..mums Thai...post-31110-1172510371_thumb.jpg

    Mmm,.... Good call. I have several of Tera's films for research purposes. She's a big healthy girl, ain't she? :o:D

  6. This guy's posts might be a bit of light relief, but am I the only one who thinks that a regular supply of this bullshit from the Jeffrey and SeanBangkok do nothing more than dilute the value of thaivisa for newcomers and people genuinely interested in living or visiting the country?

    We even have a situation now where mods accept he's trolling, yet do nothing about it.

    Strange, very strange.

    Oh, come on......? :D A bit of light relief, satire, and inoffensive humour on here is a nice change from all the whinging, slander, and e-pissing up the cyber wall competitions normally going on..

    Its a very dull Monday here, and Jeffery's post is the biggest laugh I've had all day. :o

  7. I usually try to adhere to the speed limit. I drive a pickup so it's a little easier, since it feels like I am going faster than in a car. That said, if I am going 85 or 90, I am getting honked at and damned near run over on the expressway and I am not in the outside lane slowing anyone down!

    It's actually quite scary (and lonely) to drive the speedlimit here!

    The actual rules and highway code ( :D ) of LOS are almost directly based on the UK's model.

    If you adhere to them however, you will be wrong; and will probably be in quite a few accidents. :o

    The cops are under pressure to reduce the amazingly high road accident stats here, and speed traps / random stops have increased a lot recently.

  8. some very interesting stories on this thread , and some very interesting replies as to how to deal with the problems encountered by outsiders trying to live within a society that is bound by ( to many of us) strange and illogical rules where nobody is really called to account for their actions in case they lose face and where the police would rather not get involved , how different to western society where minor misdeeds can get you hauled up in court and your picture on the front page of every newspaper in the country.

    i feel sorry for the main posters here who have encountered difficulties , they seem to have done right by their families , yet have been taken advantage of by ignorant , scheming , jealous and nasty relatives. the comment " i have dudded the falang" seems to be typical of the mindset of a lot of people in this country.

    its all very medieval , when your peace is threatened by neanderthals he11 bent on revenge for no other reason than "face" or "getting one over on the falang" then i think its time to rethink your options and consider re locating to a place where these conflicts are less likely to occur.

    as westerners , we usually have the law to back us up in disputes , and mediation by unbiased police and a fair court system , here you have to "purchase" a bank of allies , favours and credits to be used when necessary.

    if you are born thai then all this comes naturally , but for an outsider it can be a hard education.

    city dwellers can face problems too , my wifes family were involved in a vehicle access dispute to their land in central bangkok , the dispute could not be settled by discussion and subsequent court cases and appeals came to nothing due to some connection between our adversary and the appeal court judge , even though the written law was on our side.

    i wish the posters with problems luck in sorting them out.

    True. Its all still very feudalistic and primitive in most rural parts of the country, but expect similar lack of legal protection in any dispute anywhere else here too.

    I hope the OP sorts that problem out, asap; and he encounters no further problems. It worries me because a lot of Thais can exhibit a lot of creativity, persistence, and lateral thinking in matters of revenge.

  9. That crime scene looks all wrong to me. The girls look peaceful and are sitting still in place (posed?) in those chairs; there is no sign of struggle or resistance / defensive wounds. I agree with the poster who suggested earlier that they had been killed somewhere else and brought to this location, very early in the morning.

    They were maybe mia noi's or molls of someone with a score to settle? :o

  10. At a local level, the sufficiency economy might seem to be feasible, and beneficial to ordinary (read: poor) Thai people. Capitalism with morals, as someone stated earlier.

    You know the scheme to be be already co-opted and in serious trouble when espoused by the crony, nepotistic, capitalists with no morals whatsoever. As another tool to maintain the status quo and benefit themselves only.

  11. How would you know it's an anti foreigner feeling, maybe it's just you personnally?

    I agree, also if people are finding things so difficult to live here maybe they are just not cut from the right cloth for life in Thailand or perhaps life over seas in general.

    So true.

    There are a number of identified stages of culture shock and some people just never get to that "Acceptance" phase of another country/culture and remain in the "I hate this place and look at all this that is wrong with it" phase.

    I was stuck there once but will not name the country abut hope to get to the "Acceptance" phase of the country I am in now.

    Currently though I am in the "Honeymoon" phase and can only see positives - I have told pals to remind me of this if i enter the negative phase ;-)))

    Thailand never really changes at all. But the attitudes and opinions of foreign people living here can change a lot.

  12. What exactly is it about the article that people are objecting about?

    I would love some answers to the above question, civilized answers and not flames.

    I don't like the simplistic repetitions of stereotypes along the onesided "exploitation" argumentation. It leads nowhere. I don't like the advertisement space given to a fundamentalist christian NGO.

    Me too. Its trite, stereotypical, lazy reporting. It the BBC wanted a story of exploitation, prostitution, or child sex; they could save a lot of travel expense by taking a black cab from Shepherds Bush to Kings Cross or Hampstead Heath, etc., etc.

  13. So in a nutshell in real world economics or business terms "sufficiency theory" has very little application aside from a few common sense philosophies on saving and spending. I feel it's kept vague for a reason because I have a feeling that the current regime is lacking in expertise when it comes to economics or foreign policy. They are just grasping at whatever seems good and is relatively immune to criticism in the Thai media.

    Well said. No wonder Somkid resigned. How could anyone explain that to foreign investors....? :o

  14. Erm,... "We're too inept / crooked to compete or trade with the rest of the world. Lets go back to agrarian simplistics so we don't have to improve education levels and have the next generation of kids ask awkward questions....?" :o

    F#cked if I know.

  15. I feel really sorry for the kid. I wonder who talked her into doing this sort of stupid stunt?

    She has got no legitimate future in Thailand, after this. She won't be able to make a decent marriage (to whatever extent this is still important to her, and her family.......it is certainly not unimportant in Thai society), and she will not be able to get any sort of legitimate employment outside the "entertainment" industry.

    This will hang around her neck for the rest of her life. Stupid.

    Nah. Wearing a gownless evening strap has enhanced the careers of bimbos even more brainless than dear old Amy here. :o

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