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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. If you are stopped at a light, and anyone runs into you, they are at fault, period. Unless the judge was completely corrupt or plainly an idiot, the person moving is wrong, and has to pay for damages. If this happened, an inquiry should have been opened, and a higher authority involved to decide. I know this is Thailand, and way behind in a lot of things, but letting a judge get away with this is ludicrous. Same thing if someone hits you in the back. They are always at fault, unless you jammed on the brakes intentionally, and let them run into you, which has to be proven, and is pretty much impossible. A driver that runs into anyone ahead of them is following too closely, and any good lawyer can end that debate, along with the previous one. As far as anyone spending time in jail for this offense, to be charged with a crime, intoxication or under the influence of drugs is the only way. This man made a deadly mistake, and his conscious, if he has one, will bother him for the rest of his life.
  2. In America, and yes, this isn't near western standards, the man would be mostly responsible for turning into straight moving traffic. The insurance would cover the accident and any medical, and no money would be exchanged, nor a jail sentence, unless the driver was intoxicated. The girls should have been driving slower, wearing helmets, and only had one passenger on the scooter, which would probably have saved their lives, along with the driver having a license, if she didn't have one. A lot of drivers here wouldn't be driving in that case. Very sad this happens daily here, and won't change until the laws are enforced by the police, and the government making sure they do.
  3. Actually, the reasons why are long standing prejudice, jealousy, hatred that some of their women marry them, insecurity, and a hatred from higher ups that western ways will take over and the people will revolt, wanting to live with more freedom. This is news because it's a foreigner, and doesn't take away the fact that there are an average of 65 deaths daily on the roads that are attributed to drunk, incompetent drivers and the lack of enforcement of laws on the books.
  4. I did say there were times it's necessary, but with a varied diet and none of the things I mentioned, it isn't necessary. Vegans follow a vegan diet, which isn't varied enough to get all of the essential nutrients, unless you really know what you're doing as far as getting all the essential amino acids and micro nutrients. Adding vitamins won't hurt, unless you overuse those I listed. I used to use all kinds of supplements, and haven't for many years now, and see no difference, but I do make sure I get a variety of all types of foods, and almost all of them are very healthy. Vitamin D is surely necessary, especially if you don't get out in the sun much,and again, if you have a disorder.
  5. There is no replacement for a healthy diet, and yes, malabsorption is one factor where you don't get all you need from the food you eat, caused mostly by other diseases that are preventable, and for some, from genetic diseases, infections from parasites, and lactose intolerance. Multivitamins for those without these conditions, some of which come from an unhealthy lifestyle, aren't necessary, as a good diet can be researched and followed. That part is up to the person themselves.Not eating a varied diet, which has been promoted for a century, is up to you, and although there are many ways a person gets sick, an unhealthy varied diet is the main culprit, together with a lack of exercise. Vitamin supplementation ,prescribed by a nutritionist and not a general practitioner, may help some , and there are arguments on both sides, but then testing is required as they might interfere with other things you really need..................https://www.eatthis.com/news-taking-multivitamin-every-day-body-effect/
  6. The public doesn't have much of a say so in matters here anyway, so it's up to those in charge to make sure the public is safe from itself. You don't have to arrest anyone but fine them for a first offense, and keep a record of all drivers, especially seeing they actually have a license and are legal to drive, then up the fines for subsequent offenses, like they do most everywhere else. Jumping jacks are a joke, and won't change things. Fines will, as losing money anywhere, and especially here, is a good teacher.
  7. I don't understand why some take this so seriously, like a detective, if it's not in their interest. It's very easy from evidence at the scene, to see where the vehicles were at time of impact, unless of course no one was around for quite awhile, and the pickup driver moved it all to his lane, meaning a lot of scooter pieces which should have broken off at the speed which this happened, which by the evidence seen, wasn't a crawl.
  8. Vitamins and supplements, while working somewhat, aren't replacements for actual food. The best way to get vitamins and minerals is from food, and some take more than their body needs, and can handle, are are dangerous. This is the case for E , K and D and A especially, fat soluble vitamins that stay in body cells. Healthy food isn't expensive. The Mediterranean diet, which promotes fish, vegetables, seeds, nuts, grains, potatoes and olive oil, isn't costly, if you include non expensive fish choices.
  9. More like 65 a day, and that's the ones that are dead at the scene, and not after reaching hospitals. True about Mai pen rai though. I've told my girlfriend here that only music keeps be centered, and that talking, especially with more than two, including kids, is very distracting, and is a major cause of accidents everywhere.
  10. The difference being that where you rode, there were most likely a higher skill level of the locals, and less drivers overall, meaning less intoxicated drivers
  11. I don't mean to burst your bubble, but multivitamins are a waste of money. You get the B vitamins eating protein rich foods, C from any fruit and many vegetables, minerals from all foods, and Vitamin D from the sun. E is a fat soluble vitamin, and you don't need that much, especially since you can get it from wheat germ, peanuts, nuts, some oils, sunflower seeds, nuts and greens, whichever you might eat. The only thing women who are pregnant need is folic acid.I searched for a quick link you can read............https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/is-there-really-any-benefit-to-multivitamins
  12. Adding to this, you see daily pickup trucks overloaded with kids coming and going from school, with as many as 8 or more sitting on the top of the truck. One false move, and accident can kill 30 or more, and this is a truck going to the school, allowed by ,of course, everyone. And today, a girl came into my lane driving a scooter, looking at her phone. No helmet,maybe 12 years old but couldn't tell. I slowed to a crawl, and she looked up, and steered back into her lane.
  13. No one goes into any relationship knowing the outcome. I have joint custody and always take care of my children, including the other 4 I had back in the states, where I had custody. I have a car, but i don't see where that came into the picture.
  14. He may or may not know how it is to raise a child in Isaan, but there is a right way and a wrong way, and that knows no culture, borders or inept justice systems or laws. IF you don't have the means to raise a child, you don't have them, period. Children are a product of sex, and there are ways to prevent pregnancies. The justice system here does not enforce child support besides that which involves foreigners, which means the boys can have sex with as many clueless girls as they like, and they won't be paying the price when they inevitably leave. This has been going on for a century, with nothing changed because a lot don't care about children here, besides bragging rights on Facebook. Over 35% of children in Thailand are raised by grandparents, more than any country on earth, many of which are illiterate, penniless and just plain too old to safely take care of the children. Kids are on scooters at age 7, and helmet less, as I see daily here, and it's a tragedy waiting to happen. Western ideals are passed on for a long time, and countless lives are saved by enforcement of laws that would work anywhere, IF the government and police cared. Human trafficking is high here just for that reason. This child died because her parent(s) allowed her to drive a scooter illegally, and yes, driving in every country with a phone in hand kills daily, but here there are many more scooters than most other countries, mainly because of the poverty level, so it's even more important that children aren't allowed to drive them before they are legally, and to be forced to wear helmets, and take a better driving test. Fact, thousands of lives would be saved if their ideals matched other countries. They know what goes on in other countries, having adopted many styles, and with trading with other countries, most of the things you see here, and followed other countries protocols as far as Covid are concerned, besides bragging earlier that they did better than most (luck, mild strains, lot of sun, lower obesity rate, and other factors notwithstanding), so looking at what works as far as driver safety are concerned in other western countries, would definitely work. Again, as I mentioned, saving lives means police enforcement of what is already on the books, and taking a little money from those not following rules, even though they can't afford it, will definitely change things. I have a 5 year old girl here with my ex, and I had to told her many times to make sure her helmet was with her when she picked my daughter back up after I had her. I will most likely be out of this country with my daughter before she reaches age 10, but until then, I worry every day when her mom takes her on the scooter, even though we live in the country area. And my daughter will never drive a scooter in Thailand, even if I live here until she is of legal age, which I won't anyway.
  15. This I've seen for all of the five plus years i have lived here. Enforcement of the laws is lax, and is the main reason this will continue to happen forever until the police are held responsible for enforcement of the laws, which is part of their job description. I see 5 on a scooter, with only the driver using a helmet, with an infant standing on the seat, nestled between two others. A car hits them at high speed, and the whole family dies. I see kids texting with one hand, driving with the other, scooters without mirrors, even though it appears most don't use mirrors anyway. It seems the majority here don't care about their or anyone else's futures, thinking if it's my turn, I can't stop that anyway. True, but driving like there's no tomorrow will certainly shorten your life. This happens daily here, as we only see a couple of accidents a day on the news, which is a tiny percentage of the accidents that happen daily. Enforce the laws, fine the drivers and ,or, their parents for being irresponsible, and they will start to learn, as taking a person's money, especially if they aren't rich, is the best deterrent. Like all of what goes wrong in this world is attributed to bad or lack of parenting, and lack of law enforcement, this has to change immediately if a change is to occur. I understand this country is years behind in many ways, but a lesson can be learned by watching and doing what other countries have done to curtail this.
  16. I cut a rai of lawn with a lawnmower in the sun, at age 65, and all I use is a cup of iced coffee. Yaba isn't a legitimate excuse to do manual labor, especially in your twenties. This seems to be daily news now here, with monks going south.
  17. The same with belief in ghosts, as many do here and elsewhere. I believe in spirits that might be sent by God to watch over us, but a spirit can't hurt you, despite what many here believe. A spirit doesn't have a physical body, and lacking that, can't hurt. Black magic is something others believe because they have no faith. If you believe in something, others cannot sway your thinking that easily. It's fear. People fear most anything, and it begins in childhood, and what you see and hear growing up. If you show your child fear of small insects, they will fear them, even though they can kill them with a foot or a swat from a hand. If a child sees a parent fear something, they might themselves, and it can take years to overcome it, if at all. If you believe others can hurt you with potions, you'll fear that person. A psychologist can help with this. Life's too short to fear everything. Block the witch on FB and she'll go away. If she contacts you another way, report her to the authorities. Her nonsense can't hurt you unless you think it will.
  18. Yes, there are bad and good teachers all over the world, and I've seen my share of them, going to catholic school for eight years, where the nuns hit you with rulers, and the lay teacher once banged my head against the blackboard hard enough so that chalk dust came out, much to the delight of my classmates.
  19. Then stay home, appreciate that you have a faithful wife that cooks and cleans (I assume) for you, that single life isn't good for a man that needs a woman for those things, unless you just want to pay for it, which means leaving the wife to find a man that actually looks at her as a partner and not a slave and part time entertainment, and paying for the sex and food like some others do here. I'm guessing this is what you saw growing up, so you won't change things, but for her sake, if you care for her at all, let her go while she is still young enough to find a man that stays home and acts like a man, and not a boy that has to feed his ego with women that care only for what you pay hourly.
  20. If you need to cheat on your wife, you shouldn't be married, and just run the field, letting her find a real man that she can trust and respect. She is wasting her time being with someone that doesn't look at her as a partner but a number. If she is a good woman, she deserves better, better being a man that can see her as a wife, and not a part time thing, while you're out potentially getting a disease that she can catch. Worse case scenario, she finds out and does you in. Either way, you are both wasting your time being married.
  21. The best advice I could give you is not post a reply unless you've read all of the post. This wasn't about gun deaths anywhere, but what happened here and why it does. My reply was to another who mentioned that America has people who pull out guns instead of fists for a fight. He also obviously never lived there.
  22. You missed the point and looked for a link to dispute because you never lived there, like I did for 62 years, and didn't see any gun crime in all that time, especially seeing I lived near NYC and San Antonio all that time, sold guns for years, and hunted for most of my life, so I was totally involved in gun stats. In America, there are more mass shootings yes, but as far as one on one, the gun crime here is equivalent. Trying to compare the average male in America versus Thailand isn't cutting it, as the majority of males in the US fight with fists one on one, versus the majority here that do it one against many. This I heard at least 30 years before I moved here. Intentional homicide rates are higher here than the US. There are many gangs here, that kill almost daily, just like the US. Yes, the US has a problem with gun deaths, and it's on the way to a change. People should understand that everyone in the US has relations that come from every country on earth. There are no real native Americans besides the possibility of Indians, who still came here from elsewhere. One thing you do NOT hear about here is the total amount of any crimes, especially involving guns, as the media does a very poor job of bringing it to the public eye, unlike in the US, where you hear about anything, anywhere from many TV stations, and internet news. Most news here involves snakes found in houses, road deaths, gold theft and things about the King, besides the Covid thing, which is still far behind what is actually happening here.
  23. Guessing you're going by media accounts about gun crimes in America? Actually, if you ever lived there, you would know that most gun crimes are suicides and gang related. Yes, there are more multiple shootings there than anywhere else, although it does happen here, which is a major problem, but mental illness is everywhere, followed by crime and killings of all means, and that's the main reason for crime anywhere. Thailand has as many, or more gun deaths per capita than America. In America, people, besides gangs, usually fight their fights with fists, and rarely pull a gun out. Here, they are a weaker male population, with the exception of Muay Thai fighters and those who actually can fight, and are used to fighting in numbers because of yes, cowardice, and also pull out guns and machetes to settle a fight here a lot.
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