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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. I don't like it here anymore for a lot of reasons, but when I flew here, at least 9 times total before I moved here, the immigration were never a problem. Some, yes, have looked at me with the evil eye, but then just stamped my passport and gave it back. Never seen anyone screaming. They are aware that people come here for criminal activity, just like in the US, so they might have suspicion, but that's their job, and I don't blame them a bit.
  2. Firstly, yes, a lot of people smile here, and back to you, but what is behind those smiles. Acceptance, hate, prejudice, fear, possible money? Secondly, India has over 530,000 Covid deaths that are registered, so that's not doing well. It has people with a lot of money, like here, and also like here, it has millions of poor, that barely get by. It's one of the most water stressed countries also, with 1/3 of it's rivers, that they rely on for most everything, polluted. Almost 500 die daily on the roads,which is on par for here for it's size. Besides that, over 400 are killed each year by tigers and leopards, and over 1000 by crocodiles. But the food taste great.
  3. No, I was very aware of what goes on here 20 years before I ever thought about moving here. Thailand has a very bad drug problem, especially with meth users, and is a large center for human trafficking as well. This is a major reason I will move back home, with my daughter, as soon as possible.
  4. Yes, do you fully understand it? Or is it a second language for you, which would explain your replies? And you get likes by the same few "followers, who have shown prejudice also.
  5. Another one assuming they know someone from a few typed words. If you actually knew me and what I'm about, you wouldn't respond with such ignorant statements. Did I say anything about an immigrant changing their accent and personality? No, so where did you get this from? I'm 66, and know full well what a loud Yank, Brit, Black, Mexican, Asian, Australian, South American, German, Irish, Welsh, and most every other country's people sound like when they are loud, drunk and happy. You seem to assume what others know or have experienced. Perhaps it is you that needs a responsible adult to teach you etiquette and restraint, because your parents seemed to have failed in that regard. It amazes me how many here make such foolish, or worse, statements and that others actually like them.
  6. If you read his posts, you can tell by his words how he feels. Unless of course he's being a troll.
  7. If you can't comprehend a long paragraph, I can suggest a few schools in your area.I kept my paragraph under 300 words, which is the standard for academic writing. All of my points were of the same topic. And showing emoticons, like you do a lot of the time, is for self gratification, and not many are amused. Is that short enough for ya?
  8. Isn't "sexploitation" what many farangs of all nationalities do here, both as expats and tourists? Or is it limited to Americans? My, that sounds like a prejudiced statement, as well as the other posters, which includes emoticons, to try and buffer the insult. Doesn't work. Again, Americans, and their ancestors, come from your countries also. Think!
  9. I'm aware of the topic. Maybe the Russians, French and Brits are high on the list because they have the highest percentage of tourists? What you said is that if more Russians were here, more crime results. And based on anecdotal evidence on this forum, which is based on personal opinions and not facts much of the time, the Brits when young get into more fights and as they age, they turn into loud drunks. That's a biased opinion that has no evidence whatsoever. Only if you knew an extremely large percentage of the Brit population personally could you make such a statement, and it still would be biased, as you don't, nor can't, live with more than one person (family) at a time. I personally use personal and researched experience, facts, to make statements. And I still could be wrong. My bucket list includes seeing as many European countries as I can while I'm still alive, because I like the people I've met, would love to see the architecture, art and landscapes of those countries, and eat the food and drink the wine and beer.
  10. I'm against people who trash talk America, and what I said about everyone in America, or their ancestors, coming from all other countries, means exactly that. Why say things against a country's people just because you might have had a bad experience from one particular person from another country? The British are not all drunks, and I haven't even been there (yet) to make that statement, because I know quite a few Brits and have friends and family that have been to the UK. I also know a few Russians, and they aren't mafia or violent in any way. There are idiots from all countries. Drunks, cheats, corrupt politicians, cops, lawyers, doctors and regular joes. No country is exempt from insanity, depression,violence and immorality. A persons words though, can make or break his validity.
  11. My point is why disrespect, or have prejudice against, a country which is comprised of all nationalities? If you live in England (example), why be against a country (piece of land) where other Englanders, or their blood relatives live?
  12. Who still came over the Bering Strait land bridge from Asia
  13. You do realize that all Americans have origins in all other countries right? There are over 25 million from England alone. As well as millions from every other country. I know some look at this as a joke, but sometimes the unwarranted prejudice shows. I'm from America, but my families are from Ireland and Poland. Still American though.
  14. Farangs aren't going to do much by themselves to change anything here or in any other country, but it is every person's duty to not let things that are bad get out of hand and take over good behavior. Christians have a duty to spread the word. It's up to anyone else if they want to listen or not. Fact is, nothing in the world changes unless people complain about it. An example would be the driving behavior and subsequent daily deaths and injuries that happen here. People have the right to complain, whether they are born here or not. Nothing much is being done about it, which is why it will continue. That is, until some of the government heads lose family members in an accident, especially with a drunk, underage or unlicensed driver. They obviously don't care about others here, because enforcing the rules already on the book is easy. If you get enough people together that are like minded and will not stop until changes are made, that will make them happen. Morality everywhere, from the breakdown of the family, to parents telling their kids to go to Pattaya to become prostitutes so they can send money home, to the human trafficking which is part of it all, is part of the worlds slow destruction. If no one cares enough to do anything, the behavior continues. True, farangs can't do much here, except to pass values onto their wives and children who then could do the same. Slowly, things can change. Not caring is why they don't. My only son is gay, and I've accepted that in him, full well knowing it's a wrong choice. No one in my family, as far back as I have heard, has been gay, at least that anyone knows. What can I do? I've told him how I feel, and that's all I can do. I tried, and then could only accept, because pushing things would only hurt our relationship. I also think transgender is wrong. if you are born one way, that's what you are, period. A lot of others do things because other people they somehow respected did them. Just like becoming our parents unless we make changes early on not to develop their habits for ourselves. What you are attracted to isn't a choice. What you do with that attraction is. Thailand or any other Asian country isn't going to be overrun by "do gooders" They will always be here, trying to stop bad behavior. Something that is everyone's duty, although many are afraid to talk or do anything. Mai pen rai is okay with some things, but it's over used here to let others run all over people.
  15. As I have by many women here. My girlfriend took a long time to trust me, even though I had been married previously to a Thai woman and have a child. She still thinks I might go back with that one, even though I have reassured her many times, I don't go back to a narcissist, cheating woman who failed to learn communication skills from her parents. All the women that I've talked to here ask the same questions. Have you been to Pattaya? (no) Do you go to bars? How long have you lived in Isaan? Do you have girlfriend?
  16. Actually, in many studies, genetics play a small role in sexuality. Maybe up to 20% at most. It's also hormonal and environmental.
  17. Like I mentioned before. She will not change. She wants to use the both of you and if she is having sex with him she look st you as nothing but extra cash. This kind is very dangerous and people here have died because of this mentality. If you built the house with your money, she can not kick you out. She can try, but if you can prove you paid for everything, you can stay in it. It might be in her name, but a judge will look at who paid for it. If she paid partial, you can settle for whatever works out to 50% and then divide everything bought after the marriage date. Audio tapes aren't going to do well in court. Receipts, or a signed,and better, notarized, statement from the builder, which I got, are proof that you paid. You should be looking at , in the future, to get the kids out of here. This country is not good for girls especially, and everyone knows it. Accepting her ways , giving in like that, shows she has you controlled, the last thing a man wants. You are not her slave, and neither is she yours. A relationship should have two people helping the other to be the best person they can be. One sided never works. She is cheating with you with a local. This can mean you might pick up a disease, as people who are promiscuous, especially in this country with it's high rate of STD'S, and if someone is having sex with a married woman, they are probably cheating on her as well. Let her be, and her and her boyfriend will self-destruct in time. You don't need to be there, nor do the kids. You aren't a victim unless you let yourself be one. This happens here a lot, and in the end, the woman ends up all alone. She might get part of the sale price of the house, but that is a good way to say goodbye. A lawyer can help, even though , yes, they don't care much for anything besides getting paid. You will get 50% of things bought after the marriage, and visitation. Then you can plan your leaving with the kids later. If she is like a lot of women here, especially my ex, they don't care for the kids except what money it will get them. When they get to be a burden, they leave them. I would also worry about this man being around my kids. Can't trust he's a good guy with his actions speaking volumes.
  18. This is a family who travels the world and they (he) don't have the common sense to both leaving their things where monkeys will grab them, as they do most everywhere in Thailand, and bringing small children around animals that are well known to bite?
  19. Had a few do the same, including the one I moved here to take care of. No guarantees in a relationship. All you can do is treat them right, and hope they were brought up with love and respect , and taught a man's worth. If they were neglected, as my ex here was, they grow up to be narcissists, and treat everyone badly, and only look to use. And they use good people, because an empath trusts easily. I always treat women right, and they sometimes take advantage of that. All depends on how you treat them, and how they were raised. Some who were raised badly, try to make up for that by being open and loving, hoping they will receive better than their own parents treated them. Many, if not most, can't escape the anger.
  20. That's your choice, which comes from experience. Or you can pay for it. Or you can really love a woman right, and she will learn from time spent. No one starts out a pro.
  21. Maybe there's a reason they're "boring"? Maybe a woman doesn't like to open up to a man that isn't treating her with love and respect and really listening to her when she talks. A man can have desire just by looking at a nice body. Women have that also, but need a connection to the man ,if she's normal, for her to open herself to having sex. I'm not talking about bar girls, where their desire is money above all. Would you rather have a woman that hasn't been around and is willing to learn, or someone who's had many partners, is skilled, and looks at you as just another body to do the act with? Research shows that two people can have fantastic sex if they are close emotionally. A dog can have sex with many partners and get nothing out of it. People should be above that.
  22. Behave? Sounds like slavery, which isn't a good thing when it comes to mutual pleasure in love making. Porn degrades women, and sex is supposed to be mutually satisfying, not just a man getting his rocks off in an "object". Of course, that's calling them men, when all they are is a grown up boy in a man's body. You can take two people who have never had sex or heard anything about it, and they can have great sex if both look at the other's pleasure as a priority. Most everyone has looked at porn in their lives, but it does take away your desire for your partner if you compare them to other's who might be more attractive.
  23. Been living here for over 5 years. When I first came here and applied for an account for my Social Security retirement, they told me I was unable to get an ATM card with my account because I was married then and they didn't give it to joint account holders. I understood why. After divorce, I got a new account in my name only, and tried to get an ATM card then. The one I was issued didn't work right after I got it at the branch, so they refunded me. I tried recently again and the teller said I can't get an ATM card for this account with my Social Security. Has anyone else has this trouble with Bangkok Bank? I know a few friends have cards with other banks but when I applied for SS I was told that Bangkok Bank was the only one that handled this. Misinformation, lies and ignorance of course runs rampant here. Five different people give you 5 different stories.
  24. Karma always hits. Just takes some time. People usually cannot change, even if they want to, unless they see what their habits are doing to themselves and others and have a conscience. A woman that was brought up without a good father figure doesn't know how to relate to other men and usually will do what she sees being done around her. Here especially, more so than other countries, that means using for money, although that happens everywhere, in poorer countries it's a tactic that they think will give them a better life, or things. Make your plan, and when the time is right, and you see that she's no longer interested in the kids, especially as they get older and are more of a "burden", then you can leave with them. You mentioned that she is living with this man, but then now ,you stay with her. Meaning you're still "with" her, but in separate houses? That's okay,and better if the girls can be with you more. Her looks can get her a man, at least for awhile, until they see her for what she is, and leave themselves. Some will tolerate that behavior, as long as they can have the woman themselves, but Std's are rampant here, and playing Russian roulette with a bar girl isn't anything besides dangerous. If she continues with this lifestyle, it will end up with her all alone, as her past and fading looks won't attract anyone but the most desperate. Losing a house doesn't compare with giving children a better way of life, and girls here have an uphill battle from the start, with only a few ending up with a good man and lifestyle. Renting a house, and making a deal that you get the kids at least on weekends, paying some support, figuring in your wages, is fine for now. You don't have to give her anything more. Let her choices bring about her karma, and live your life in more peace. I came here for peace, and didn't get it, but I'll be getting it eventually. I know you have feelings, and lust for her, but you'll never find that peace staying with this type of woman. My ex is beautiful, but a covert narcissist that was damaged from childhood, and took that into her adult relationships and how she looks at kids. And narcs, although they are damaged themselves, never change.
  25. Thanks, but it's going to take a lot of planning, visiting back home, and dealing with other people to make it work. Think of those kids, and do what you think is best for their futures. Don't worry about your wife. She obviously isn't thinking of you or what's best for the children, so let that be your guide.
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