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Everything posted by James105

  1. So how else do you increase defence spending without increasing taxes or making cuts which was your claim. Let me guess. Borrowing more from the MMT?
  2. You do realize that if the UK disappeared overnight and consumed not a jot of energy ever again this would make net zero difference to climate change? Thinking that just UK citizens paying extra for energy, putting up a few bird killing wind farms, spaffing £23 billion on unproven carbon capture is going to make any difference other than destroying the UK economy is just delusional. DOGE UK would have achieved significantly more. "We are doing this for your safety" said every authoritarian tyrant who ever lived. The fact that this is where passwords, passkeys are stored and should a hacker get access to the unencrypted data would be a treasure trove for them.
  3. Give the option for those who want the war to drag on so Ukraine can "defeat Russia" an option to pay double their normal tax or receive half their benefits if not working to support the war effort?
  4. Every single decision made so far (apart from this one which he was forced into) has made the UK weaker or poorer. From net zero insanity through to burdening businesses with ever higher taxes, to providing ever more incentives for the cultural enrichers to illegally enter the country, to demanding Apple provide a back door which forced them to lower security for the UK. The list goes on and on. So yes, his natural inclination is to make the UK weaker and/or poorer. This is either through stupidity or something more sinister. The first reasonable action he has taken to cut overseas aid he would never have considered if not for Trump or the threat closer to home from Reform.
  5. Your bias is showing through. Starmer didn't want to do this as he is a weak, sniveling globalist who loves nothing more than giving taxpayers money away to corrupt foreign regimes as it makes him feel virtuous around the dinner tables at WEF and Islington. You will note that cutting overseas aid was not even a consideration as an alternative to removing the winter fuel payment for pensioners which would have caused almost no controversy and would have been applauded, even by me. But it wasn't. Ask yourself why that is. What is the difference today when money needs to be found to spend on something that he doesn't really want to spend it on vs when Labour formed the government? Answer: Trump and/or Reform polling high. What do Trump and Reform want to do? Cut overseas aid. So yes, he does incur my criticism as he is so obviously weak and out of his depth. It's probably good for the UK though as Trump and Reform have now seen how easily he blows in the wind and will be able to continue to force him into other positions which go against his natural instincts to make the UK poorer so will be better for the UK. As an additional side benefit the left will hate him for taking right wing positions and nobody on the right will ever vote for such a moron anyway which should see the absolute decimation of Labour at the next election.
  6. This must have been painful for the globalist other peoples money spendthrift that he is. Not going to look so virtuous in the next WEF meeting now is he? Quite astonishing the affect that Trump and Reform are having on him, but then that just goes to show how weak a leader he is. Zero principles. The leftists will no doubt have a meltdown if overseas aid funded "diversity and inclusion training" in the Congo is cancelled so that is yet another group that will be experiencing voter regret right now.
  7. Could probably get that up to 4% quite easily if we used some of that 2.3% and used our military to assist in capturing and deporting the existing cultural enrichers who invaded on small boats and preventing more invading cultural enrichers by patrolling the English coastline. I doubt very much that Trump will be impressed by a measly 0.2% extra by 2050 or whenever the unspecified time is. At least £8bn a year saving on hotels and benefits for enrichers could buy quite a few ships/tanks/guns.
  8. Gee I wonder why that is? Nothing to do of course with the net zero insanity of importing energy that means the UK has the highest energy costs in the world, or the increased taxes on businesses coming in April so probably the highest taxes too. I would think many businesses are re-evaluation investing in the UK right now, and the child brained morons in government will no doubt think the solution to this is to raise more taxes and employ more DEI consultants.
  9. You don't have the absolute right to encrypt your passwords and access to your bank accounts to the highest possible level? That is what is stored in iCloud - Passwords, passkeys etc. A treasure trove for a hacker who knows what they are doing. Criminals will simply move onto another platform and iPhones are not the "burner phone of choice" so they will remain unaffected, It's just the normal citizens who will be punished by this which is why no other government in the world is stupid enough to do this. Every day this moronic government does something historically stupid. Every day. They are incapable of even a childlike understanding of reasoning and actions/consequences.
  10. It didn't happen in 2016. It didn't happen in 2023. It did happen under Labour in 2025. Labour could have simply not demanded this from Apple and Apple would have kept things as they are just like the rest of the world that are allowed to protect their data including passwords with the highest possible security. Apple are not just getting around to enacting a request from 2016 are they? Stop blaming previous governments for the actions of this moronic government. Either they are too weak and incompetent to do anything themselves which means their idiotic supporters hunt down previous government requests/ideas that came to nothing, or they are the authoritarian clowns they appear to be. Which is it?
  11. So why has it happened today under these authoritarian morons? They demanded this. They are in government. They could have done nothing. Blaming something that happened today on something that occurred in 2016 is ridiculous, even for you.
  12. I can imagine they did. Binge watching netflix probably doesn't count as an achievement. If they are caught out by this then they deserve to lose their jobs due to plain stupidity. He used exactly this approach at Twitter and culled about 80% of its workforce with no noticeable effect on the platform or service. He was pretty clear a similar approach would be taken for government roles.
  13. Labour are authoritarian morons. Demanding a "back door" by any authoritarian government that wishes to spy on its citizens provides an avenue (worldwide) for hackers to get access to some pretty sensitive data as that is what apple uses to store passwords etc so no surprise they won't do it. Not providing the most secure options only weakens security for UK users and allows those same hackers an easier route to those passwords. The UK is now the only country in the world that, due to its moronic and incompetent government, actively goes out of their way to make its citizens less secure. It's clearly not enough for them that 3rd world cultural enrichers can freely cross the physical "border" with impunity and benefits, now the virtual world door is left open to so UK citizens can be enriched remotely. Lets hope that altruistic hackers target the private and sensitive data of the MPs that demanded this so they can reap the benefits of being virtually enriched and having their private photos and messages publicly aired due to their authoritarian stupidity.
  14. Some people just want to watch the world burn (Labour). For others its greed (Tories).
  15. Not until its too late I think. The state overreach in the UK right now is off the charts dystopian and people are already in jail for mere social media posts. The islamification process has started and continues with the Orwellian mantra of "Diversity is Strength". Our grandkids and their kids will rightly hate us for not acting sooner as their futures are looking very bleak. They will suffer greatly being non muslims in a muslim majority country under Sharia law.
  16. Sure they do and sure he did, but they also recognize a massive money laundering operation when they see one, except unlike normal money laundering operations this one is costing tens of thousands of lives too. The end result of this war is going to be the same if the war ends tomorrow, if it ended 1 week after it started, or ends 10 years from now. Russia will obtain a bit more Russian speaking territory, Ukraine will lose a bit and Putin will carry on being the dictator he is without any sanctions. No leftist fantasy about him being defeated or arrested will come true. This whole exercise has been a massive waste of lives and money, except for the already rich people that have become decidedly richer thanks to the lefts unquenchable thirst to war monger. Ukraine will go back to its corrupt ways, maybe Zelensky will have to give up power following a long overdue election, but I am sure as one of Ukraines newest billionaires he will get over it quite quickly.
  17. Is he now? He is a globalist moron. It is not the UK's fight unless we send British troops there and such an act of aggression will then make it the UKs fight in the eyes of Russia. That said, if those on Twitter with the Ukraine flags in their bios or leftists who support this wish to go to the frontline and put their own lives on the line then I would be okay with that.
  18. They are left wing if they are Labour. There are no "right wing" Labour MPs which is why the talent puddle is so small out of 400+ MPs. Shouty activists with the political nous of a 6th form student do not make good ministers - as we have seen. If they are Corbyn types then they are far-left. Just because you see everyone to the political right of Stalin as "right wing" does not make it so.
  19. If you are wondering what that sound is you can hear, it is the sound of the barrel being scraped to find a replacement for the racist bigot that lost his role as health minister. Found at the bottom of this barrel is one "Ashley Dalton" who thinks women's toilets should be abolished and people can identify as Llamas. https://dailysceptic.org/2025/02/10/new-health-minister-ashley-dalton-said-womens-toilets-should-be-removed-and-people-can-identify-as-llamas/
  20. Not good enough. He is in that seat as he is a Labour MP, he would not have been elected as an independent. He is in Labour as he is a nasty racist bigot and that is where he feels at home. Nothing short of criminal charges for hurty words (as is the standard set nowadays under Starmer for this kind of thing) and then a by-election so that the electorate can decide if they want another racist from the Labour party or someone else to represent them would be good enough.
  21. Nasty racist party attracts nasty racist bigots as MPs. Quelle surprise.
  22. What is it that appeals to you most about the racist, anti-semetic and bigoted Labour party? Which one is your favourite quote from this Labour health minister? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14375823/Labour-minister-SACKED-vile-jibe-saying-hopes-pensioners-dont-vote-party-die-election-expose-racist-sexist-messages.html
  23. The Labour party attracts racists and bigots. Nasty, nasty party. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14375823/Labour-minister-SACKED-vile-jibe-saying-hopes-pensioners-dont-vote-party-die-election-expose-racist-sexist-messages.html
  24. Don't forget the state employs millions of people. These are pretty much all Labour voters and will keep Labour on at least 20%. Unless Labour start killing public sector workers first born or something equally horrific to them such as bringing their pensions into line with the private sector then that will probably remain the same.
  25. The Tories are not right wing. They presided over uncontrolled immigration, record taxes, record growth in the size of the state (not the economy), record funding without improvements to the NHS and adopted authoritarian measures rather than personal responsibility during covid and embraced the net zero scam. I am unable to distinguish them from the Labour party.
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