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Everything posted by James105

  1. Perhaps you should reflect on the story of King Canute and the tide and see if you can draw any lessons from that.
  2. It's hubris to think that despite there being clear geological evidence that the planets climate has always been changing over millions of years, humans are solely responsible for it now. Where you can draw accurate correlations though is how much richer the richest tend to get when the gullible proles fall for another one of their money making schemes.
  3. Surely it should be WASPE as they are against state pension equality, as prior to the change women (despite living on average longer than men) were entitled to get their pension at 60, whereas men had to wait until they were 65. The change simply made it equal.
  4. It's irrelevant. Every doctor knows before they start that if they get convicted of crimes then they can lose their ability to practice doctoring. All she had to do was abide by the law. It wasn't a big ask and it is really not difficult for the vast majority of people to go through life without breaking laws (other than speeding tickets of course). She could have protested without causing vandalism but she did and demonstrated behaviour that would be expected of an overgrown child, so this brings into question both her character and her judgement which are essential qualities a doctor should have.
  5. There are many professions that will lead to loss of job when convicted of a crime not related to the job they do. Off the top of my head that would include military, judges, laywers, police and probably many, many more. What all these jobs have in common though is that when someone joins that profession they do so in the full understanding that a conviction of any kind (other than speeding, parking tickets etc) could lead to the loss of their job. Most people do not have a problem with obeying the laws of the land and if they wish to carry on in their profession it really isn't that difficult to simply not break the law. Even easier if that person is in a well paid profession I should think.
  6. It's the misleading headline of the post that makes it difficult for those that have trouble reading any further than the title. The headline is: "UK doctors involved in climate protests face threat of being struck off" That sounds terrible as everyone, including doctors dressed in uniform or literally anything at all, are entitled to protest peacefully even on the most nonsensical of causes, such as this one. Of course, a little further down is the crucial information: "her involvement in climate activism led to a series of criminal convictions." I think if the title is updated to accurately reflect the content e.g "UK doctors convicted of crimes face threat of being struck off" then this will be of great help to those who have trouble reading anything other than big bold text and help them get to the same level of understanding of the story as those capable of reading more than the title.
  7. The whole of Europe is shifting right due to the mess the socially liberal policies are making of their countries. Merkel's disastrous open door immigration policy is a fine example of a leader wanting to appear virtuous on the global stage at the expense of the safety and security of her citizens. The people of the UK are fed up with the Tories who have failed on every promise they have made. Labour will do worse as there is not much in the way of "free money" they can use to bribe voters with for a second term, leaving the door open for a long overdue alternative to the globalist establishment parties. It's not the Tories shifting right, it's the left that have lurched so far left it only seems that the Tories are going right, when in reality they have taken up the positions Labour would normally hold.
  8. 4) He is not really a conservative. We will get 4/5 years of Labour followed by a swing to the right as the UK is more of a right leaning country (as demonstrated by the domination of the conservatives over the decades), but the conservatives have (quite bizarrely) stopped being conservative by raising taxes, shutting down the country and paying people not to work during covid, increasing immigration to record numbers etc. Obviously this will get worse under Labour and I would not be surprised at all if a party like Reform were elected after Labour have had a go, unless of course we really are in upside down world and Labour become conservative in much the same way as the Tories emulated Labour during their time in government.
  9. Lia Thomas is a very good swimmer, hence getting on so well. It was purely coincidental that he only started to win tournaments when he identified as a women and competed against women
  10. So instead of the queen this is what is going up. Any moment now I'm sure I am going to wake up and find this bonkers timeline was all just some kind of really weird dream. Or at least I hope that is what this is. It can't be real.... can it?? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-68565332
  11. Ah, spoken like a true Nazi. Any other books you want to burn by people that happen to believe in the reality that a man cannot actually become a women, no matter how much lipstick he wears or what surgery he has?
  12. I can believe it for sure. The "straight white male" sits at the very bottom of the oppression pyramid so the only way to combat that is to claim to be a member of a group that will give you a some victim points, and claiming to be transgender gets promotion from the very bottom to the very top of this pyramid. Also, there is no requirement to actually change any behaviour to be a member of these groups so it is completely harmless to do so.
  13. Sounds like someone might of scored quite highly... what was your score? Just how "far-right" are you?
  14. Well (they say) the universe is 13 billion years old so depending on how long it took their intelligent life to appear on whatever planets out there sustain life, and whether they had any extinction level events (like earth has experienced) would all factor in to how advanced they are. Humans are still so primitive really, only being around for 200,000 years and only really becoming civilised 6000 years ago which allowed for collaboration and technical advancement. Any advanced species would dismiss the notion of an all powerful sky wizard I would think, and the fact that humans still do is a testament to just how primitive a species we still are. If we as a species survive for another million years I expect we will find ways and means to travel the vast distances of space to be able to encounter other life but is highly unrealistic that we will see aliens in the next decade, or even tens of Millenia.
  15. I wasn't making an argument, I was merely stating a fact with the tweet as evidence. If you think facts are foolish I cannot help you there.
  16. Is this the same Diane Abbott being referred to? She is a racist. What is that they say about people in glass houses?
  17. So on one hand you think there should be a by-election when the earliest it could realistically be organised is May, and then you think the general election is going to be May. Can you see the very obvious flaw in your comments here?
  18. Nobody is suggesting that trans people cannot compete in sport. There is already a category specifically for trans women which is the mens category or open category. In competitive sports the number of places is restricted and every time a man enters a womens competition they prevent a woman from participating.
  19. Probably as common sense suggested that trans women are not actually women and should not be competing against women, or taking the hard earned place of a woman on the tour as it is blatantly unfair. Since common sense is seemingly absent from many on the left who cannot seem to grasp the fact that men competing against women is not fair in any sport that requires physicality, there now has been a rule added to address this.
  20. Regardless of whether or not they are upheld for whatever spurious reason (suddenly decided to get baptised, turned gay etc), the system is being abused on an industrial scale, so much so that even someone from Thailand is actually taken seriously for asylum and is allowed to remain in the country.
  21. The thing that bugs me is that this is not even a clear case of a wrongful shooting of a civilian. The guy they shot was a terrorist who had his suicide vest nearby and they chose not to take any chances with their own lives. Taking a prisoner who was prepared to take their own life anyway for his cause would put their own lives in danger. It's like they have scrabbled to find something (anything) to pin on a solder or soldiers and this was the best they could come up with to make it look like they are doing "something" to appease the angry mobs (along with the million pound muslim memorial), which of course is far easier than actually dealing with the angry mobs on their hate marches.
  22. ANZAC is quite obviously not a religion so a bit pointless mentioning that don't you think? What specifically did I say that was "Islamaphobic" (sic) in your opinion, or do you just like to throw around a word (to quote Christopher Hitchens) invented by fascists, used by cowards to manipulate morons without meaning or purpose to make you feel virtuous in some misguided way?
  23. Ok, fine. In a cemetery there is a block of stone that recognises how many Jewish people died which numbered about 6 million jews. I suspect it cost no more than £10000 to put up. Now, why would there specifically need to be £1,000,000 spent on the muslim contribution to the war efforts? What did muslims do over and above the Hindus, the Buddhists, the atheists, the scientologists, the christians or catholics that justifies this expenditure. And why specifically now? These stories do not seem random. Nobody (as far as I know) was pushing for SAS troops to be arrested for using excessive force against a terrorist in a war 2 years ago, nor was anyone pushing for muslims specifically to have their own war memorial. So why now?
  24. 2 years ago. Wonder why they felt the need to do this today, and publicise it heavily as well. The chancellor announced in the budget yesterday - the very first thing he mentioned in fact - that there would be a million pounds given to a special muslim memorial for muslims who participated in WW1 and WW2. No other religion has a special memorial for this, just memorials that commemorate all those who sacrificed their lives in these wars. What on earth is going on with the UK that has turned this once proud nation into (at least at governmental level) appeasers for the religion of "peace"?
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