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Everything posted by James105

  1. I assumed this would be for white collar crimes such as fraud, tax evasion or for not paying for a TV licence but nope, 4 out of 5 are literally murderers https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/10224269/four-of-five-trans-inmates-womens-prisons-are-murderers/
  2. Well if thats true then the UK has got a rough deal as 43,000 of them are on terror watch lists in the UK alone. This is probably not the true picture either as fighting aged men have been arriving in the UK in the thousands over the last few years without passports or any ability to carry out background checks on them. On the bright side though we can all rest a little easier in bed tonight as a "far right sticker putter upper" has been given a 2 year jail sentence for (and this is not a joke) putting up stickers which did not break a single law, nor incited violence and said such things as "its okay to be white", or "we will be a minority in our country by 2066". The "far right" clearly are flexing their muscles and should absolutely be mentioned in the same sentence as Islamist extremists who do not carry out such atrocities as putting up stickers, preferring instead to blow up arenas and kill kids, or beheading ex servicemen on the street. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/far-right-activist-ran-downloadable-31961142
  3. Interesting graph. So if climate change is allegedly "man made" (as climate alarmists believe), what specifically did "man" do in 1981, 1985, 1989, 1992, 1999 and 2008 to make the planet cooler? Did we shut the factories down? Did everyone stop using their cars for a year? Did people take a year off from holidays and using planes? Did farmers stop farming? I don't recall any year long blackouts or planet-wide starvation events so presumably not. It's almost as though humans have no actual impact on the climate and it is controlled by that giant ball of gas so unimaginably huge that 1.3 million planets the size of earth can fit inside it.
  4. I'll start to become (very) mildly concerned when the Obama's and other elites start selling up their beachfront properties (at a loss) and move inland. For now I will see it as it is, an opportunity for the rich and powerful to make money from the gullible and appear virtuous whilst doing it.
  5. Here is a good one that demonstrates that when the actual data doesn't fit the narrative then instead of admitting this they actually had the gall to remove the top 50 disasters and even then had to manipulate the scale of the graph as it still didn't fit the narrative! The one on the right is how it should look. The original report is here: https://www.cred.be/sites/default/files/2022_EMDAT_report.pdf Image from this twitter post: https://twitter.com/BjornLomborg/status/1759982876211413089
  6. Fascinating how something that humans have been using for 2500 years is only now linked to these medical conditions. It could certainly go some way to explaining the increase in sudden adult deaths that healthy adults under 40 have been experiencing over the last few years. I just cannot think of anything else (other than climate change of course) that could be responsible for this as the only other things humans have done differently have been things that are definitely and without question safe and effective.
  7. If this extra budget is really needed, it should be paid by the perpetrators of this anti-semitism, the ones directly responsible for this anti-Semitic foment. There are no Jewish people living in the UK who are part of the IDF or are in any way responsible or have any influence over, a conflict going on in the middle east 3,500 miles away from the UK.
  8. Climate change apocalyptic predictions have been doing the rounds since the 19th century. The predictions have been continuously wrong. The rich and powerful have learnt how easy it is to control populations and extract money from them through fear during covid so it comes as little surprise the nudge units around the world are doing their bit to stoke up the climate fears for more long term money extraction that will make little to no difference to the climate, but a big difference to the bottom line in their bank accounts.
  9. This might be a silly question, but why is it his decision in a functioning democracy? If the vast majority of democrats want an alternative candidate then why can they not have one?
  10. Following the money based on fear mongering is entirely relevant. We saw with Covid how the extremely rich can take advantage and become even richer when people can be convinced there is an invisible monster on the loose that only their profitable solutions can solve. The opposing view on (the causes of) climate change has been silenced, in the same way that opposing views on lockdowns, vaccinations etc were also silenced during covid. This raises my hackles and when I see billionaires with private jets who have made all their money mining materials from the earth suddenly have a mea culpa on this, then I can see how the easily hoodwinked are once again being hoodwinked into furthering their enrichment.
  11. Fixing this will require Google employ diverse programmers. There is no diversity of thought in these silicon valley companies and they are so far down the rabbit hole they have even managed to erase White nazis. On the bright side if any of these AI's go rogue and decide its best to eradicate the human race, then at least white people will be invisible to the targeting systems of the T-1000 as they simply do not exist as far as the AI is concerned.
  12. He is recognising there is money to be made from the climate hysteria. He doesn't see it as a problem, he sees it as an opportunity.
  13. Yes, they are huge and weigh about a half a tonne. Which is why I specifically said (and I will repeat it again so read carefully this time and I've highlighted the relevant bits to make it a bit easier for you): "The EV market will change considerably over the next 10-20 years. The current versions are impractical compared to petrol based cars, the batteries are too heavy and are too short range. If no competing fuel comes along then battery tech will improve to (probably) become something that can be swapped out easily and charged in the house/condo without requiring massive infrastructure changes to existing residences" I'm guessing that you think that the existing car battery tech is its final form and will remain the same forever
  14. Not likely. The EV market will change considerably over the next 10-20 years. The current versions are impractical compared to petrol based cars, the batteries are too heavy and are too short range. If no competing fuel comes along then battery tech will improve to (probably) become something that can be swapped out easily and charged in the house/condo without requiring massive infrastructure changes to existing residences. The people here don't have the luxury of fretting about a small increase in global temperatures over the next 100 years and worry more about simply getting food on the table so hardly a top priority for the government here. They can bide their time and watch as the west cripples their economies to pander to the middle class blue haired climate warriors and make better choices when the tech improves enough to be viable.
  15. "She drove home first, out of fear and shock, and then called the police and offered to surrender the next morning." Grrrr. Never mind about the poor fella she mowed down and his significantly worse fear and shock who never even made it home, just worry about yourself.
  16. This should come as no surprise to anyone. Since dinosaurs were bigger than humans they would have needed cars that were probably 16 times bigger than we use to get them about, hence the dinosaur made climate change they experienced at the time. It had nothing whatsoever to do with the cyclic nature of climate and clearly they did not heed the warnings made by Gretasauraus either back then.
  17. Well, if you follow the money you will find that he has invested billions into a renewable energy company, so it comes as no surprise that he wants government policy enacted to help him to become even richer than he already is. https://www.afr.com/companies/energy/andrew-forrest-s-squadron-energy-seals-4b-deal-for-cwp-renewables-20221207-p5c4dv No doubt you think he is one of the "good guys", when in reality he is just another very rich businessman who is taking advantage of the opportunities that come from climate change fear mongering.
  18. You mean this Andrew Forrest? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9439463/Mining-magnate-Andrew-Forrest-upgrades-25-year-old-plane-98million-private-jet.html "Andrew 'Twiggy' Forrest has parted ways with his trusty old wings and upgraded to the world's most expensive private jet worth $98million."
  19. If a UK citizen commits a serious crime in Thailand where do you think they should have their day in court and serve their sentence if convicted? a) Thailand b) UK If you answer was (a) you would be correct as that is where the crimes were committed! I remain bemused as to why people continue to state that she should be tried and sentenced in a UK court for crimes she committed abroad.
  20. I don't think lawyers in the UK get much of a choice when it comes to representing the worst dregs of society. Everyone is entitled to a fair trial with legal representation, no matter how rich or poor they are, with taxpayer funded legal aid provided when they cannot afford it. I think most people are on board with the legal aid system in the UK and its overall aims to provide representation to those who otherwise could not afford it when accused of a serious crime, no matter how reprehensible the crime. However, this should be restricted to 1 defence and 1 appeal. After this it should be down to the individual to fund it. Now that Begum has lost the appeal and is legally not a British citizen, it should not be down to the UK taxpayer to fund this. She seems to have a lot of support from the large number of useful idiots in the UK and if those useful idiots want to pay money for her seemingly endless appeals then I have no problem with the funds being raised via the GoFundMe route.
  21. She won't even get so much as a 10 baht fine as her crimes were committed abroad and the logistics of trying her for her crimes abroad in a UK court are impossible. If she makes it back she can expected to be rewarded with a council house and free benefits for life with absolutely no punishment for her actions.
  22. It's just way too high. I have a 3 bed condo similar usage to yourself and my bill is averaging 1500-2000 a month. Unless your bedrooms are the size of football pitches then something seems amiss here.
  23. Sounds like she has a good case to appeal the decision of Bangladesh then to deprive her of citizenship. If their legal aid system is not as generous then it seems pretty clear she has a lot of support from the leftist community in the UK who could start a GoFundMe for her and contribute some of their cash to get this over the line.
  24. Her crimes were committed in another jurisdiction. If you were from the UK but committed a crime in Thailand (for example) where would you expect to be tried for this crime? I am pretty sure that if you were from the UK it would not be the UK's problem no matter how unpleasant your upbringing was.
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