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Everything posted by bobandyson

  1. What was the quote and from whom?
  2. I had all the old classic Disney movies on VHS tapes then on VCD and eventually on DVD which I still have. I reckon all the old non-woke classics will be worth something one day.
  3. Two axe men, George Thorogood and Albert Collins at Live Aid. For me, they were the best act of the whole event.
  4. James Files. The Mob. JFK youtube. 2hrs 45m. "Documentary on James Files, the man who claimed to have ended John F. Kennedy. Rare interview in great detail."
  5. Just watched all 4 parts. Found it very good and nothing like all the previous documentaries I've seen over the years. Some of the usual suspects were looked at again but one in particular seems to be a shoe-in for being Dan Cooper.
  6. Wonder why the 2022 awards are held half way into the year and not near the years end. I read or heard somewhere that BCS (or was it Ozark) can also be nominated for the awards next year in 2023.
  7. Phantom of the Open (2021) From fmovies and other sources. I'm not a golf fanatic but watched it because it's based on a true event. Almost gave up after only about 15 mins but stuck with it. Glad that I did and it's now in my 'Keep' folder. Some events seem a little unbelievable but actually did happen according to some clips on youtube.
  8. Why do people the world over attend sporting events when they can watch in the comfort of their homes? The atmosphere. The occasion. The getting out of the house and away from a screen that dominates so many peoples lives now. The memory of actually having done something different from a quotidian existence. . .. etc,, etc.
  9. Anybody tried house-sitting? Many years ago I chatted online with a Thai girl who house-sat homes in Patum Thani and Ayutthaya provinces with her mother. At the time I didn't ask her anything about it. And later, around the time of covid lockdowns around the world I saw a few youtube vids of a young American couple who were house-sitting in the UK and were staying in farms, cottages, condos etc., free of charge but had to take care of pets, farm animals (but not always) etc. Could save a bit of money but there's quite a few constraints though.
  10. Why don't shop staff ask to see I.D. before allowing entry to a customer? Or have them shove their face/ID in front of a CCTV camera.
  11. ........and what grumpy old men would reply to. ????
  12. Jeff Healey R.I.P.
  13. My knickers are getting in a twist too.
  14. I don't have one particular favourite and there's just too many to name. Sonny Landreth
  15. I remember in the '90s Buddy Guy played at the Hard Rock Cafe in Bangkok. For one number he plugged in an extended guitar lead and went walkabout around Siam Square. I only read about it a few days after I left Bangkok and went back to Nakhon Phanom. I would've loved to have been there had I known about it.
  16. Saw him in a rock club in early '80's. Afterwards me and mates met him outside where a van was waiting to whisk him away somewhere But a mate stopped and asked him about his playing technique. While he was explaining the van driver twice shouted to him to hurry up but Wilko got annoyed and ignored him and kept explaining to me mate. A true gent he is. The following week after watching a local band, Rory Gallagher turned up after his gig at the city polytechnic and jammed with the band some rock n roll numbers.
  17. Youtube has several videos. This one wraps everything up in about 30 mins. This murder case (no pun intended) is probably the easiest one to solve that you'll ever see in your life. The murderer had almost everything he did caught on CCTV.
  18. Yuk!!! She's got a face like a deflating sex doll.
  19. Who will then there after be known as McFondled.
  20. Thanks for photo. Link is useless for those who do not have a facebook accnt.
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