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Everything posted by bobandyson

  1. Shouldn't tell any 'fun-time girl' you are leaving the next day. I've known 2 guys years ago who had their final bit of fun the night before they had to depart for home. They each got 2 girls each for the night. They had their flings and the next day in the morning realised some belongings were missing. One guy had a camera stolen, I can't recall what the other guy lost. Both didn't have enough time to make a police report or to track them down. But both learned their lesson on their next visits here.
  2. I'm in Don Muang and was downstairs at home and never felt a thing.
  3. Was the same in the 90's but after stamping out at the Malaysian border the PP would go to Penang's Thai consulate for the visas. I think it was 13,000Baht all in for a multi non-imm O. That was the service at Nana Plaza where you would hand over your PP to a high-level cop's daughter.
  4. So a death penalty for paedophiles and rapists is the way to go is it? What about their victims and what would go through their minds knowing that while they're being abused/raped, that they'll more than likely will be killed afterwards, with whatever might be at hand at the time, because they're the only witness to the crime. The offender will have more chance of evading capture and justice if there's no-one to report their crime or to come forward years later. I knew a Thai woman who was raped by two of her brother's friends and survived getting her head bashed in with a rock and left for dead. She lives what appears to be a normal life with her children.
  5. Think of all the sketches that he was involved in that never go to be seen. Like the one below that he recalls.
  6. It's not how deep you fish that matters, it's how you wiggle your worm that counts.
  7. Honey!!! Get packing. We're going to Ecuador or Cameroon to live. Must be something in the air there.
  8. If inserting a finger into a woman's 'love purse' is a massage technique then that makes me a masseuse 3 times a week with my wife. Twice on Saturdays if Liverpool wins and I'm in a happy mood.
  9. I enjoyed it too. It's nice to get away from Hollywood movies now and then.
  10. Did she leave valuables placed on the passenger seats? There doesn't seem to be much of a tint on the rear door window.
  11. Possibly not worth the hassle nabbing a dozen Burmese unless it was a specific order. I assume nabbed nationals from adjoining countries get processed quickly and sent by paddy wagon to their respective borders. I would imagine Immigration would prefer sending all other 'illegals' by air to their homelands charging them 3x the airfare (immigration administrative costs inc.). Plus, fees gained from inmates paying for better food and/or a fanned and less crowded cell.
  12. I remember seeing one account of a guy who reckoned he was a soldier in the American civil war. He gave some details and descriptions of his time during the period but when he was placed under hypnosis, it turned out that he'd recently been to a library and just flicked through the pages of a book about the civil war where all his past-life info was found in the text and photos within the pages. Apparently he was unaware that his sub-conscious had picked out segments and details and stored the information. I'm still sitting on the fence about anything related to reincarnation, paranormal, supernatural, conspiracies etc. I hope before I pop my clogs that I can get some definitive answers to life's great mysteries.
  13. Is Mae Sot/Myawaddy open? Is there still a flight to there, or maybe perhaps to Tak? Good thing is you would only get 4 exit and entry stamps. Getting full page visas for elsewhere can quickly fill your PP in no time.
  14. Big C opposite Zeer Rangsit has lost a Kasikorn ATM plus their mini branch along with 2 other bank branches (I think BB and SCB). The Big C superstore used to be thriving years ago but one day last week I saw perhaps 10 shoppers and an Indian family of 4 eating at the inside-KFC branch there. I guess the closed banks aren't helping anymore to attract customers. A newly placed Kasikorn ATM appeared a few days ago at the local market. Maybe some are being relocated to busier locations.
  15. Or waiting 2 hrs for her to get ready just to go to Tesco Lotus is no fun.
  16. Coming Soon. . . . . . . . . .actually 17th November 2023 to be exact. If you can't wait that long then perhaps the documentary that it is based around might suffice. On fmovies in SD.
  17. And for female university students don't forget that bus-ticket sized piece of paper to hold over your head when running for cover from the rains.
  18. Hope he doesn't have a pilots license.
  19. Too Cheezy-chinesey for me. Like in Chinese movies the enemy liked to stand out in the open or lined up atop a mountain ridge's sky line just waiting to be shot at. Being based on some true events kept me to the ending credits. Not quite good enough for my 'Keep File'. Subtitles needed for the non-English dialogues.
  20. Bo Diddley with his 'Diddley-ettes' (?). (wouldn't diddling either or all of them)
  21. I don't remember TotP's ever dancing this enthusiastically.
  22. I often play Bryan Ferry's version of the song. Starts off slow and mellow and ends high and loud.
  23. I love the way Cooder encapsulates geographical areas into music.
  24. Mugging? Don't worry. You've more of a chance of waking up in the morning in a bath tub full of ice cubes minus your kidneys. Or, crashing into Cinderella legging it down the road with only one glass slipper. (before midnite, no problem) ????
  25. Would anyone like to be able to recall everything in their past?
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