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Everything posted by bobandyson

  1. Whatever fish you eat, it will always emerge later resembling a brown trout. ????
  2. Oh but something almost did improve I think around the early noughties. The education minister at the time was going to Japan on fact finding missions 4 or 5 times a year to see how he could improve the Thai education system. He was even taking his family to help and assist him (at the tax payers expense of course), such was his determination to improving the education here. I wonder what became of him. ????
  3. Dolly sounds a bit effeminate to me. I prefer Hunky Dory myself.
  4. Ahhhh Soles................They're not squid............They're soles.
  5. Watched all 5 seasons a few months back for the 2nd time. It went downhill after Gil Bellows (Billy) left. Those 3 youngsters (1F 2M) that joined around season 3 or 4 made things worse/boring/khrap. Very much doubt I'll watch all 5 seasons again.
  6. Today, went to get another covid ext at CW. Same old same old regarding documents required but, the immigration officer asked me to fill in yet another form, only this time it was the 90 Day Report form. Great!! I was due to go to MTT as usual on Monday 20th, so that has saved me a journey. And, I wasn't given the usual 'under consideration' stamp, so there's no need for me to go back to CW in 2 weeks time to get the 'approved' stamp. They gave me the full 60 day stamp there and then that gives me until November 17th. So once I get my 2nd Astra jab on Oct.20th I can then start making plans to return to the UK.
  7. Possibly that's what happens. But if they move somewhere else without notifying immigration then they can only wait for the overstayer to slip up.
  8. My 3yo grand -daughter often drags a little stool into the kitchen wanting to help wash dishes. Luckily, nobody uses the stove to cook anything.
  9. But ask Anutin about the Thai construction industry and you won't be able to shut him up.
  10. When you have an incompetent, lazy and corrupt police force it would be easy to overstay for years. Move to an address other than what is on your last TM card, lie low, don't pee off any Thais about anything whatsoever, rent somewhere that doesn't register you with immigration etc. But vaccine passports will soon be needed to enter any public buildings and parks, food places, shops, hospitals, book seats on buses etc.,, CCTV everywhere will have Facial Recognition Technology so life will be very limited for anyone on overstay. ????
  11. Or when you've been in Thailand longer than the Thai-born girls you're chatting up.
  12. I think one sign that I was getting old was when I was in KFC a few years back and a young girl behind the counter had a name tag with 'Tarinee' on it. Pointing to the tag, I mentioned to the girl that my wife's name was also Tarinee. She looked puzzled for a few seconds and pointed out that the tag actually said 'Trainee'. Duh!! ????
  13. When consider you're too old to be doing household chores but you always consider yourself still young enough for a bit of 'rumpy-pumpy'. ????
  14. Or 'I remember when. . . . . (usually about something pre-decimalisation). I made some home-made porn when I was around 40 and looking back on them at 62 and seeing myself from a different perspective. . . . . it made me look better hung than I actually was or now am. ????
  15. Or worse. . . . .you've left the note on the kitchen table at home.
  16. You know you're old when you're eligible to make a comment on here.
  17. Recently watched the spaghetti movies again. 2x Dollars, Good-Bad-Ugly, also Josey Wales, Two Mules. Haven't seen Joe Kidd, Thunderbolt, or Beguiled for over 30 years so will give them a look-see.
  18. But I bet he looked soooooo cool though. ???? But not as cool if he ended up in a cold mortuary freezer. ????
  19. I remember that album coming with a free poster. I was putting it up on my bedroom wall when the police came to my house because I'd shop-lifted the album from 'Boots' about an hour previous. I had to hand over the album but there was no mention of the poster so I got to keep it. Who says crime doesn't pay? ???? Always loved the guitars on this track.
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