They also now & scrape to scam buyers & then try screwing the seller over. I was selling heaps there years ago with never a problem and a big rating but as you said they are going down quickly. I won't do anything there ever again
If you go live in any other country you will lose a few hundred each fortnight but you choose if in Aussie bank or 4 weekly payment to your nominated overseas bank account
That's what I did years ago and now regret. I've recently returned to Aus and am very homesick for Thailand and lonely. A few more years here then I can return. Aus does not feel like home at all for me
I'm leaving next week for 3 years. I spoke to Kbank & Krungthai last week, both said make sure you have 2000 in bank to cover the 50 per month fees and your accounts will be fine
Thanks, employer takes tax out of salary each month. I just don't want to go to immigration to get that rejection and told to bed gone in 7 days, I'd rather just get on a plane and go
Hi all, I will be resigning from my job shortly and returning to country of origin. I'll be back in Thailand in about 3 years as a retired individual. If I don't go and cancel work permit and get they 7 day rejection from immigration would it come back to bite me later? I intend flying out immediately upon resigning
A friend of mine here in Buriram did his online but never confirmation that it was approved so ended up having to go to office. All up about 4 weeks after doing online the approval email came through
I recently had some done, rejected, embassy staff said it looked like background removed or altered. Pics were done using green screen. I went back and had redone using a dirty wall as background. No problem accepting those
Best parking is just down bit on left before you reach border, some security, 100 a day. Mototaxi to border gate 20 baht. On land crossing you 30 day exempt, 45 days is by air entry