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Iron Tongue

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Posts posted by Iron Tongue

  1. Some countries will handle quarantines and lock-downs better than others since these are similar to martial law, curfews and house arrest.  Thailand is familiar, so is China, Iran, even South Korea.  


    Western countries are the real outliers as they are not at all familiar or welcoming of these and as time passes (and initial fear wanes), you will see more unrest come from them.  US protests over lock-downs are an example.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, DoctorG said:

    The CNN et al decision to stop broadcasting Trump's updates appears to be working. His numbers have slipped since.

    You seem to be under some misguided belief that Trump supporters watch CNN.


    Apparently, nobody watches CNN in the US after they started broadcasting political opinion as news. 

    In 2019, CNN was the 22nd most watched cable channel, with 1/3 the viewership of conservative Fox News channel.  Fox does broadcast the daily covid-19 update and is ranked #1.

    • Haha 1
  3. 21 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    How did the police know he had these tattoos in order to arrest him?

    Was in in the habit of walking about without a shirt on perhaps? Or were the tattoos on his legs, and he always wore shorts?

    I doubt this was his first offense.  He's probably served time  or at least been arrested before and was known.  Police agencies in the West take photos and maintain a record of distinguishing tattoos for just this reason.  Thai police must do the same thing.  That, or they walk around and show the pics to lowlives who may have seen someone with similar tattoos.

    Basic police work.

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  4. The infection in Singapore is largely limited to the workers in their locked-down compounds.  These are run like low security prison camps with up to 20 per room and surrounded by fences and more fences.  They account for 90%+ of new daily infections due to these conditions.


    Penalties for leaving include up to 6-months prison time and s$10,000 fines.


    I think things are different in Thailand where laborers are still working and sometimes interact with locals.



  5. Unfortunately, there is no news of Lil' Kim beyond one report from a NK defector website dailynk.com.  That site has been (often) wrong before.  


    All other mainstream reporting has been mere quoting of that single source.  South Korea and China deny this story.


    Daily NK has updated their own report to clarify that Lil' Kim did undergo a heart procedure and is recovering.  It no longer mentions him being in critical.

  6. 50 minutes ago, digger70 said:

    Did Anyone tell the people? who's checking this ?  Would be better to Cremate Them. Don't think Bury a  Horse is 100 % Safe. 

    Not safe to bury dead things?  Aside from burying people:


    6 million cows were killed in the UK because of mad cow disease, they were all buried.

    Millions of pigs were killed in Asia because of African swine fever, they were buried.

    Then there was bird flu and millions of chickens & ducks.


    I think it's safe.





  7. New York, London, even India are warning that covid-19 is pushing the world into a global depression worse than the Great Depression of the 1930's.  


    Global depression = nobody has money. 

    No money = people stop buying <deleted>.

    Nobody buying <deleted> = China gets no factory orders.

    No factory orders = no money for China


    Somehow, I don't think the Chinese are going to be vacationing just yet.




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  8. 21 hours ago, webfact said:

    They said they were not planning on going back to Russia until the coronavirus outbreak improved

    You guys aren't getting it, this is about Russia.  Russia is exploding with covid-19 right now.  It may become the next "Italy" in terms of infected and death.  Healthcare resources have always been minimal there.


    These two are camping out most likely to save money as nobody knows how long this emergency will last.



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  9. On 4/18/2020 at 1:02 AM, Crossy said:

    Tictoc.com - "Tic Toc is a Dallas-based marketing services and promotional products agency."


    Not sure where this is going. But The Pub is a good start methinks.


    Tik tok.

    It is a China owned company that lets users post vids no longer than 15-seconds.  Extremely popular with the young.


    Perfect for training vidiots to have even shorter attention spans.


  10. 6 hours ago, HaruHaru said:

    It's amazing that a small city state,  Singapore has more than 5,000 cases of the coronavirus now. They reported 623 new cases on Friday after a record 728 on Thursday, when the number of Covid-19 infections doubled over a week.

    Singapore forces their 200,000 migrant workers to live in fenced-in compounds by the thousands, where covid-19 is running rampant.


  11. 3 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    The NYT has an article that the corona virus deaths are understated in US due to the fact that there is no uniform system for reporting corona virus related deaths. US don’t do testing on those who die from flu for instance. 



    Nice attempt to deflect away from a discussion about how the WHO is owned by China.  Really typical of Chinese online propaganda.

    So is it true you are only paid wu mao for each post, comrade?

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  12. 11 hours ago, OnTheGround said:

    I would also realised that I had failed as a father.

    If current curfew lockdown continue for some time, society has to set examples early on. 

    Court Of Appeals should decline their appeals.

    I have a feeling that this is indeed meant to set an example.  Don't know how long this will take to get through appeals but I think they will be serving some jail time, perhaps early release, but still real jail time.

  13. 13 hours ago, jollyhangmon said:


    ... could it possibly get any dumber?? 

    It's either a .22 or an air rifle, either of them not up to the task, unsurprisingly.

    Imho said rifle should be stuck up the good Sumporn where no sun don't shine ... 


    Apparently, you aren't aware that a ".22" just defines the diameter of the barrel and air rifles do come in that caliber as do firearms.  .22bb, .22short, .22lr, .22 mag, .22 hornet,  .223 rem are just some off the top of my head.


    And yes, a .22lr bullet can and is often used to dispatch cattle and game.  It is plenty for the task.




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  14. 4 hours ago, chessman said:

    Not blaming Trump at all, perhaps you should read my post again. What I am saying is perfectly true. Other countries don’t have news outlets trying to minimise the number of people dying. Perhaps you should ask yourself why that is happening in the USA but nowhere else.

    Ahem... Chinese news, Thai news, North Korean news, Russian news, Iranian news, Turkmenistan news...

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