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Iron Tongue

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Posts posted by Iron Tongue

  1. 18 hours ago, webfact said:

    Meizhou Hakka FC went back to China on Monday and forward Dorielton, 30, was diagnosed the next day. 

    Timeline doesn't make sense.  Seems there should be more days in between.


    Did he go and get tested the second he landed in China and got immediate results within 24-hours?


    If he felt to need to test immediately, was he already feeling unwell in Thailand and while boarding plane to go back?  Did he have a fever while boarding & still got on plane?

    • Like 1
  2. Africa's good luck was that most of the ~200,000-250,000 Chinese workers in Africa went home for Chinese New Year and then got travel-banned.  

    As China lets-up on travel restrictions Africa will get crushed by covid-19 infections.  Their only hope is if a treatment and/or a vaccine gets fast-tracked.  

  3. 11 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    The big irony with Italy is that Italy really was one of the first to close borders, it acted with lightning speed. On 29 January the two Chinese tourists were diagnosed with the virus and on 31 January Italy closed its borders.

    No irony at all. 

    Although the govt. and certain members of the medical profession tried to warn them, Italians treated the coronavirus with arrogance and refused to let it affect their lifestyle.  They kept congregating and going ojt as they always did, often with 3 generations of family.  They also kept travelling.  As a result, their country has been devastated.  The French and Spanish were barely any better.  Now all of Europe is covered with infected. 

    If comparing continents, Europe has 15-20x the infections as North America.  The US has 195 dead compared to how many thousands?


    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    Are you serious?  Really.  You believe what you read in a STYLE section?


    One does not wear the same pair and reuse.  You wear them outside, perform your functions and then toss them for a new pair.  

    This is why you should buy a box of 100.  Take a couple pairs with you everywhere.  Use and replace, use and replace.

    Yes, you will still need to wash your hands, but now have a impermable layer between your clean hands and potential cotamination.


    I didn't realize that I had to explain every step of wearing gloves to some people!  How old are you?

    • Thanks 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    But won't prevent you from touching your face with the infected gloves. We touch our faces about 23 times an hour minimum unconciously. Had a CDC Doctor on tv saying how to prevent infection and when she stated don't touch your face she touched hers.  A female congresswoman was doing the same and touched her hair eyebrows and nose like 6 times in 2 min.

    A mask will prevent you from inadvertantly touching your face.

    Gloves are a constant reminder to not touch your face.  They are a constant reminder that you have something on your hands and have to be careful with surfaces.  They also protect you from contamination.


    Why do health care professionals and first responders wear gloves?


    Anyone who thinks gloves aren't as good for preventing infections, well, I'll leave you to your beliefs.

  6. 4 hours ago, J Town said:

     I was really shocked when, out of morbid curiosity, I looked at how much my annual trip back to the states would cost. The price went UP almost 10%! Cruise line prices are less than half what they were a year ago.

    10% more isn't much when flights have been reduced so drastically and most are empty on the return trip.


    50% off a cruise isn't saving anything when liners have stopped sailing altogether.

    • Like 1
  7. Don't go, envelope will be readily acceptable.


    Still need an excuse?  Tell them your wife doesn't feel well and you don't want to bring any worries to such a happy occasion, so you two won't attend.  -But still give the envelope!

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Mavideol said:

    and I thought, because they started to open factories and let some people go back to work,  they had solved the problem, they really are good with misleading information

    Yes, just telling lies to the world as well as internally.


    The real situation inside China is that SINOPEC is cancelling crude oil deliveries for April.  No oil = no fuel, no plastics for factories.

    • Like 1
  9. 27 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

    My take on this is that the Cambodian Government are sh!tting themselves over what is going to inevitably happen. Stay in Thailand as we can't look after you.

    Exactly!  I feel really bad for these workers.  Absolutely marginalized by Thai society and soon to be abandoned with no work as Thailand's economy crashes.  If not already happening, covid-19 will soon tear through their ranks because of their sanitation and living conditions.

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