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Iron Tongue

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Posts posted by Iron Tongue

  1. 2 hours ago, WhereIsMyRyeBread said:


    If a buyer in America ordered tobacco he'd have to apply for a permit or be punished under USC Title 18, Section 1716E which means paying amount equal to 10 times the retail value making a 100% tax look cheap.

    There is an array of FDA laws in place governing it so it's exceptionally strict as you probably know.

    These are ofcourse federal laws. I'm pretty sure if you break it you can be sent to prison and then you got a criminal record and your life goes up in smoke from there.


    So all in all, comparing to the Evil empire, a 100% levy is a nothing burger. 


    Hmmm, is that right?  

    Over the past ~15 years, I've ordered quite a bit of pipe tobacco from Germany, Ireland, Denmark, UK, Italy and Indonesia IIRC.  Bought plenty from American stockists as well of course.  I've even sent pounds of 'baccy to friends around the globe as pipe smokers tend to be a friendly bunch.

    In all, I still have almost 135 pounds of aged and rare tobaccos, in fact my handle here is a reference to my pipe smoking hobby.

    link to my pipe tobacco collection if you are curious:



    Nobody from Customs or ATF has kicked-down my doors yet. -Good thing they don't know about my cigar collection!


  2. 11 hours ago, HarrySeaman said:

    The US government is staying the same thing.


    A neighbor who is in a wheelchair tried to fly back to the US last week.  He had a flight, was at Swampy, and they wouldn't let him on the flight because he was over 61 years old.  61???


    Fat chance for someone like me who is 76, even if I was stupid enough to go back to the US with Homer Simpson in charge of the country and personally missmanaging the virus situation.

    I'm curious, who is the "they"?


    Thai Immigration, the US airline, some other airline, US representative at airport?

  3. On 3/31/2020 at 7:48 AM, banagan said:

    Good to hear. Do you mind me asking, for the China Virus?


    If things got to Italy levels though...


    In Italy, they were triaging new patients, deciding whether someone was worth attention or put on a cot in the dying ward.

    If it gets that bad, it'll depend wholly on your age and condition.


    Don't get sick is still the best plan.

  4. 47 minutes ago, SinCityGr8One said:

    I put in a bunch of banknotes in the washing machine along with detergent, 1 cup of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of baking soda and after washing they went into the air dryer. Then hung them on a line set up directly towards the Sun. When dry, the Wife ironed them nice and wrinkle free. Not sure if it's 100% effective, but they sure look good.

    You're probably good to go if you just iron them with steam.  >100°C will kill any virus.

  5. With that much ink on him, I doubt he was holding a flag over his head and leading groups of tourists around.


    Wish I could see his tats better, but I can't see any gang related ones, nor military on him.  


    As for speaking 5 languages, I speak 4 and spent a lot of time at the Uni learning them.  Somehow I doubt his proficiency goes beyond some street Spanish, Viet, Lao, plus  Thai and English.  This is common in California.


    IF he has PTSD and served in the military, he'd qualify for VA benefits.


    And I agree that he was probably deported, or self-deported to avoid jail-time.  Just a small time hood who couldn't even pull off a convenience store robbery.

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, than said:

    the tests do not work 100%.
    The youngest French victim of covid-19 was 16 years old.
    When she was admitted to the hospital for severe respiratory symptoms, she was tested 3 times, the first two tests were negative the last positive

    Makes sense.  1:3

    Rapid test kits i itially used in EU were purchased from China.

    It has since been discovered that only 30% of the kits actually work to detect covid-19.

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