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Iron Tongue

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Posts posted by Iron Tongue

  1. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    3. On the 3rd offense, confiscate their land. Period. No questions. No legal proceeding or appeals on the part of the farmers. Allow others to come in and purchase the land at a fair price, with the caveat that sugar is prohibited as a crop to be grown on that land. If they could add two years in prison, for the legal land owner, that would be even better. The news would travel faster than the toxic smoke, and farmers would change their ways overnight, and move into the 21st century. 

    All this will do is make mayors, police and army officers even wealthier as they confiscate all the land though trumped-up charges and turn the farmers into modern day serfs.


  2. There is a pm2.5 mask with twin breathing valves designed for exercise in toxic air environments. The valves allow for outflow of breath only (like fish gills) without letting in bad air.  It's as good as you're going to get if you want to exercise during this mess.  The filters and valves are replacable.


    I originally bought mine before covid-19 for China business and when we had all those fires in N. California.



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  3. 13 hours ago, toofarnorth said:

    I think that is why the virus is with us.  Far too many pensioners on the planet , wipe us out and more room for the younger ones.....that is 'till they reach culling age.

    Nah.  Think about it, the world is run by people who are 60+.  No way they'd potentially kill themselves off if a pandemic gets out of control.  Old people are paranoid about diseases.


    Besides, cost of health care for seniors is exponentially higher than other age brackets.  Purposelly infecting seniors will cause a drain on any national economy.


    Now, if world govts. had announced stopping of senior healthcare before covid-19 broke out, then I'd believe it.

  4. It will never be the old normal again.


    On the minimum, cheap and easy international flights won't be available until a vaccine becomes available.  Proof of covid-19 vaccine will become a requirement to fly as well as to be granted a visa.

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