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Iron Tongue

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Posts posted by Iron Tongue

  1. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    Meanwhile the directive to hold GDP at 4-5 percent would depend on the effectiveness of stimulus measures. For example, people could choose to either spend or save their Bt5,000 monthly aid payments while businesses may or may not get help, especially SMEs who are not targeted clients of a bank.

     ..."choose to either to spend or save"... We all know there's only enough for one payment, and only the poorest laborers will likely get this, so why continue to lie as if these folks will be able to bank it?


    Is there just an inability to tell the truth here, even when trying to admit the truth?

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Right now while under lockdown the government should be building massive hospitals all over the country.


    That's what the lockdown is for - it's to buy time for what's coming after the lockdown.

    While I agree there's need for a coordinated plan and response, there's no need to waste money on building hospitals when there are countless vacant hoteks, schools, auditoriums and sporting arenas in the LoS that can be used.


    No need to burden the budget when that money can be spent on importing PPE and respirators from wonderful China.

  3. 10 hours ago, timendres said:

    I do not believe that COVID-19 has been classified as a "force majeure" event by the government, yet.

    The government does not invoke force maneure. 


    Parties in contract do.  Oftentimes, it is the action of governments that is the cause of force majeure -such as war.  


    The other invokable part is "natural disaster", but one has to examine their contract to see how this is defined.  Some, not all contracts whether employment, business, insurance include "diseases, epidemics, health emergencies", and some may not and only consider weather/geologic events like storms, tsunamis, earthquake, volcanic eruption, so you'd have to examine the contract.

    • Thanks 1
  4. South Korea Cheated.

    Reports of their success with early mass testing and contact tracing are a bit imprecise.  When it became apparent that covid-19 infected were occurring within Shincheonji Church members who had returned from Wuhan to Daegu, Korea, authorities were able to "coerce" the church into giving-up their membership list and addresses.

    With this list, they were then able to round-up the members for testing.  As a result, one half of ROK infected were church members and many others had been in near proximity with them.


    Since then, Korea's much lauded success has been dampened with infections that were never detected in the first place.


  5. I suspect it is mostly for show and likely ineffective due to dilution and exposure time of anything they may be using.


    Here's a link to the US EPA's list of disinfectants that can be used against SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19 virus).  Aside from a few, most disinfectants need contact for 2-5-10 minutes before effective destruction of SARS-CoV-2.



    • Haha 1
  6. 12 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    I can not even imagine how this will work coming from the USA.  Almost impossible to get tested.  Even on the news they say you may be able to get tested if you know you came in contact with somebody that tested positive.  But in general you won't know who has been tested positive, unless it was somebody close to you like a relative or close friend.  And then getting some certificate or doctor thingy.  And then getting that within a few days of your planned travel.  Hard to coordinate things that are not in one's control

    Garbage.  You need to watch better news.

    The US is testing more than 100k a day and will continue to increase with more labs, machines and faster turnarounds with each passing day.


    I got tested last Friday, it was free and I spent 15-minutes waiting in my car before being pointed to my station for a quick swabbing.  Whole process took less than 30-min.  By Sat. yesterday, I received a call with "negative".  In my area In CA, tests are showing a 4% positive results.


    Now getting a stupid health certificate would be likely impossible.

    • Like 2
  7. Do you have enough space to plant bougainvillea and train it to grow along the wall?  No neighbor is going to try and push through vines with 2" thorns on them.  The thorns even cause contact dermatitis!


    My dad had a home with bougainvillea growing alongside two side fences and I had to help trim it down.  Those thorns went right through leather gloves and clothing, I'm sure they'd puncture an annoying Frenchman as well!

    • Like 2
  8. Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia will benefit as they aggressively lobby for tech investment.  Japan has been investing for over 20-years already.

    No Taiwan as it no longer is contract manufacturing haven (main export is middle management to oversee factories abroad).


    Maybe further investments in USA and Mexico to get around tariffs and shipping expenses.


    Doing business in China will continue to sour due to IP transfer/thefts but also increased labor costs.  It isn't cheap to manufacture there anymore but supply-chain availability forces them to continue.

  9. 2 hours ago, morrobay said:

    In hot humid climates the R0 is 1.5 , of course if in a crowded cluster like the boxing stadium it could be 2.5 So until there is evidence for the numbers to be way off, and there isn't any, take it for face value. 

    Then where was the growth curve, the spike, the increase in deaths before infection rate goes back down?

    Mathematically, it doesn't grow at flat rate of 100-day for one week and then drop to consistent 50-day afterwards.


    Hot climates isn't doing much as Australia is yet to spike and Singapore is reporting more infections.




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