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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. 1 hour ago, gimo said:

               Is a magicsee box specific to 3BB or would it also work with AIS , which is my wifi provider ??

    Not connected to any network. You are making a mountain out of a molehill. The box to which I linked is suitable. Your bigger issue is actually getting what you want to watch up and running. You are making too much of an issue about the box.

  2. 26 minutes ago, digbeth said:

    NT (the new TOT/CAT) has a pretty good deal on data only sim at the moment, 999 a year for unlimited data

    the catch is that their network is only on 2300mhz (LTD Band40) so make sure your router support that if you want to try this deal 

    ...and that you don't live above the 5th floor if you intend to use the service.

    • Like 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

    Yes, always check out the promotions on the providers website or call them.  Packages are always changing.


    These days its all about the internet.  Anyone, anywhere can call free on Line, what's App, or Skype.


    These days you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone or business that doesn't use Line. 


    100 minutes is fine for anyone who needs to call grandma or grandpa who doesn't understand the apps. 

    Sorry, but your post makes no sense at all. Promo isn't be found on their website. If it was, you wouldn't overexcited about paying 699 baht + VAT instead you would see the deal that I mentioned, but you didn't. So your advice is not good at all in this instance.

    I don't ever check for promotions on the providers website.


    I have no idea as to why you are telling me it's all about the Internet. You are paying 249 + VAT for 10 GB of data. I just informed you that you can get unlimited data for 235 baht....and you respond by trying to tell me that the best place to look is on their website....and that it's all about the Internet.... Makes no sense to me at all...sorry.


  4. 8 minutes ago, crouchpeter said:

    Exactly what I use, (except AIS), 4 Mbps and 30 gb/ month. Last year was 1100 baht, but now about 1600 baht per year. Went to AIS to recharge last week, and from now on can recharge online. And I watch Netflix, YouTube etc. + computer, phone.

    Poor value. You can obtain Unlimited 4 Mbps with free any network calls for 150 baht per month or even Unlimited 8 Mbps with free within network calls for the same amount. Alternatively the AIS Marathon SIM offers 15 Mbps with a 100 GB per month limit and 60 minutes of any network calls for around 1500 baht for 12 months of usage.


    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

    That's a good deal if you actually have "unlimited"  data.


    I'm paying 249 a month (TRUE)for 10 GB data 100 minutes talk a month. 


    However I just saw this.  I'll be calling them myself.



    Don't get overexcited. First, test the speed you can get at your place with Truemove H. If it's not more than 30 Mbps, then what sense is there to pay 699 plus VAT, when you can buy a 30 Mbps plan for 235/265 with free any network calls?

  6. 6 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Briefly, because there's nothing in forum rules to say I cannot.


    And staying off topic, where are your friends at this time of the morning?


    Thanks for remembering my SIM router contribution from simply ages ago. Since you appear to have a memory like a steel trap, you may recall it was procured for a multi-user work site in Myanmar but that's as irrelevant to the OP's requirements as the smartphone hot spot option.


    Talk about banging on...

    Sorry, this thread is about SIM card routers. If you want to chat off-topic, try a PM. Otherwise...

  7. 2 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    No it isn’t. It is your reading or comprehension that is sadly lacking as the detail you say are not there are. Also as different packages have different limitations, as I noted the precise details are in the T&Cs. 

    You are and you were completely wrong and now you are just posting utter nonsense.

    • Haha 1
  8. 9 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    “All network calls” specifically means mobile networks and has nothing to do with landlines. It also means that calls totalling 30 minutes are free (it is unlikely, but possible, that individual calls under 30 minutes are free) again the details are in the T&Cs of the contact.


    Landline calls are separate from that and may be charged (most likely are) but that is in the T&C of the contract so they may be free.


    There is no monthly limit to call length, just a monthly free limit.

    Your reply is totally erroneous.


    Any networks calls include landlines. 

    You are also wrong with regard to the duration. Each call can be up to 15/30 minutes in duration. Then you either hang up and redial or pay for the remainder, if wanting to continue the call. There is no limit to the amount of calls that you make with Unlimited any network calls. There is no monthly free limit unless specified; e.g. 60 minutes per month.

    • Haha 1
  9. 12 hours ago, Mickeymaus said:

    About 40/20 for download with 3BB server. GSL Networks server in Tokyo showed the same results. Both with Speedtest. A different server in Japan showed only about half of this speed. 


    Don't worry - I will have to test this SIM more. There might be some bad surprises. I also don't know if the 70 GB package will behave the same way. Could also check AIS. But I would need a cheap SIM first and then a cheap option to test 24 hours. DTAC was very bad at my location.

    What don't you understand about not using SpeedTest?  You are just foolishly wasting time. Forget about any 70 GB SIM and buy a capped pack as advised. You are losing all sense of proportion and focus. 


  10. 1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

    I may be different but I don't need the smart phone stuck in my hand EVERY time I go for a stroll.


    Nope. Nobody else free-riding for free on my internet, thanks for the concern though.


    That's why I have  spare charger.


    If you say so.



    Why are you reply to a replay meant for another poster?

    None of your friends around this evening?

    I seem to recall that you also bought a mobile router, so all in all, your post seems just nonsense.

    What has a spare charger to do with it? Just because you are prepared to foolishly leave your phone on charge whilst using it as a hotspot in place of a dedicated mains powered router, doesn't mean that others may choose to deplete their expensive and perhaps not easy to replace battery. Not to mention the heat adding to the general malaise.

    Using a phone as a Hotspot is meant to be a temporary solution. The OP asked about SIM routers, but silly Trolls are determined to bang on on about their mobile phones.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Mickeymaus said:

    I made such a big mistake. I am feeling ashamed for that but I want to be honest. Last year my friend used my WiFi and we both forgot. His phone connected to my WiFi yesterday and we didn't realise this. Therefore the unbelievable good speed of about 40/40 - at least for a SIM Card. Today we checked again and by accident my WiFi was switched off. The speed today was only about 15/10. This with the True Move Thor SIM from Lazada. Still better than DTAC that showed only 5/5 at my location. This SIM has 30 Mbps speed but only 30 GB. DTAC is checking now why it is so slow... 

    Easy mistake to make.

    Have you tried AIS? You can choose unlimited 15 or 20 Mbps with them. They did, until recently, have an unlimited 30 Mbps option at 235 baht per month. 


    Try a normal 50 baht SIM to test the max speed you can get with them. If more than 20 Mbps, then go for their 20 Mbps offer.


    You can add a day pack to the Truemove H SIM to test the max you can get with them. https://pre-truemoveh.truecorp.co.th/topping/volume_base_internet_package_en.html

    If 20 to 30 Mbps, you can choose either their 20 Mbps(200 baht) or 30 Mbps(235 baht) offerings.


    • Like 1
  12. 20 minutes ago, cyril sneer said:

    Did this for 6 months and worked fine (using Truemove)


    Then one day it suddenly went to <deleted> and was too slow to use, felt almost like they detected I was using a hotspot router and slowed it down


    The speed went right up when putting the sim back into the phone

    Is this on your 4 Mbps Truemove H connection or another SIM pack?

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Dart12 said:

    both gf and I have phone in the house. So all good.  4 years and running no problems.  

    What in the world are you downloading in this day and age?  If you need that, yes have a designated device in the home (which is what my suggestion was).

      Know your own needs.  NO one but you will know what you need but you. I don't need it. I shared my experience, not recommended it.

    I also said "alternative", and something that would give him a 2nd device in the home and a choice he can make.  I never said better (or worse).  It's just different.


    I am saying that it's worse and anyway he would have another device in the home if he buys a router. What advantage is there to spending more on another mobile phone?


    The OP asked about a router, not using a mobile phone about a HotSpot.

    Windows images, for instance, can take a while to download, you cannot stream them ????

    Back ups to the cloud. Do they need to stop because you are popping out to the shops?

    Seriously, it's a terrible idea. Useful only if you already have a smartphone and nothing else.


    • Like 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, Gabe H Coud said:

    are these AIS packages you refer to available with AIS directly(via stores) as mine last 2 years was not(lazada only)


    Also crucially can i keep my current AIS number (that would be most appealing if so as i have to change with the package i sent you in OP )


    thanks again for top intel

    The only way to keep your number, would be to call AIS and ask them to apply a suitable package month by month package for you. They do that for the one year SIM. Some members were offered 10 Mbps for 150 baht per 30 days or 10 Mbps with free any network calls for 200 baht per 30 days. 

    If you go for the pack without the free calls, but you would like free AIS calls, tap in *777*498# before you top up. Then top up the 150 baht. That will give you free unlimited AIS to AIS calls every time you top up 150 baht.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Gabe H Coud said:

    are these AIS packages you refer to available with AIS directly(via stores) as mine last 2 years was not(lazada only)


    Also crucially can i keep my current AIS number (that would be most appealing if so as i have to change with the package i sent you in OP )


    thanks again for top intel


    You can apply them yourself via USSD code or simply pick a vendor from Lazada who has them and can supply or apply.

    If I post them here, the vendors get nothing.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Dart12 said:

    another option is you can just consider a cheap Android phone and use it's hotspot.  

    3000 baht for a samsung.  I'm sure there are much cheaper, but then you have an additional phone and useable device in the house as well.

    I actually just use the SIM from my phone as the hotspot for the house.  If I'm not there it's not needed, right?

    That's more than an entry level 4G router. Android phone is not suitable for use as a permanent hotspot anyway. Plus you'd have to make sure the cheap Android phone has carrier aggregation enabled. Not only that, but enabled for the channels needed for the network that you choose.

    • Like 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, Gabe H Coud said:

    Interesting, i quite like the idea that after the previous purchase all my calls are free and i dont need to top up, but i admit i dont make many calls at all


    So how does it work with monthly? how long does that offer last for? How do you actually pay versus my 12 month one off payment ?


    The monthly offers run for at least six months, in theory. In practice, it might be longer. ????

    If they do inform you that it is ending after six months, just give the call centre a buzz and they will continue it for you or offer the closest that they have at the same cost.


    You can top up the whole amount for six months, 900 baht or just top up prior to each monthly renewal date...or if you don't want to use it for a month or two...not top up at all.


    Personally, I would go for 15 Mbps unlimited with free any network calls for 200 baht. An upgraded version of the 8 Mbps offer, for not much more. 15 Mbps better for video etc.

  18. Just now, Gabe H Coud said:

    Thanks for reply/info


    Yes I saw that too but in description below it says it  has to be registered by 31 march '23 


    I'd best check with them 


    Thanks again 


    I edited my post after checking the Most Recent tab of the review section.

    Noticed that there is another seller now. So perhaps a new batch has been released.



    Though actually cheaper to go monthly if you don't need the free any network calls. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  19. Are you sure that the product still exists?



    .Register before October 2021‼


    That is the only vendor selling that package, anywhere. Doesn't mean that it isn't okay, just that I haven't seen it anywhere else. I only know of their monthly 8 Mbps pack.


    DTAC and Truemove H still have unlimited data annual packs. AIS just month unlimited these days.

    Typical examples with AIS: 4 Mbps with free any network calls, 150 baht per 30 days, 8 Mbps with free AIS calls, 150 baht per 30 days,  15 Mbps with free any network calls, 200 baht per 30 days and 20 Mbps with free AIS calls, 200 baht per 30 days



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