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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 57 minutes ago, transam said:

    Drivers are up to date, my programs deal with that stuff..Stop worrying...????‍????



    What are you talking? Drivers are up to date? How can Vista Drivers be up to date?


    Programs dealing with that stuff? You are confused. You just have the latest Drivers that work with Vista. Perhaps you are thinking that those Driver update programs somehow magic up to date Drivers.

    Microsoft ended mainstream support for Windows Vista on April 10, 2012, while extended support ended on April 11, 2017


    So anyone exploiting holes in Vista is prevented in doing so because of your Driver update program? No. It has no bearing on that at all. Driver update programs provides zero protection against malicious attacks.

  2. 5 minutes ago, transam said:

    Google Chrome works fine on the LT, my DT uses W10 with 8GB of RAM for what I do. As I said, the LT is just a backup in case I am fiddling with my main PC..


    As for "nuts", I probably am on a daily basis, I like it that way...????


    As a backup, still no reason to be running Vista. None at all. Just a waste of time looking for Toshiba Bloatware to delete, instead of simply running a clean install of 7 or 10.

    Just don't get why you would do that.


    10 easier, as you don't have to mess around installing Drivers. 32 bit if you are averse to 64 bit on 3 GB of RAM

  3. Just now, transam said:

    It was given to me to retrieve some info then dump it. I had a bit of fun sorting it, now it is a spare for emergencies, nothing else.

    In fact, it works a treat, loads in about 30 seconds, downloads in very little time (my cleaning progs), so to me an LT with only 3GB is probably best staying with Vista..


    Even my paid for security works on it, so, a good spare. ????


    Are you nuts?


    No reason to be staying with Vista at all.


    The latest Browsers are not compatible, so what is the point?


    It costs you nothing to change/upgrade the OS, so what is the benefit of staying with an outdated OS?


    I have a ten year old Toshiba running Windows 10 64 bit, so there is no impediment to installing 10 or even 7 for that matter.



  4. Untitled.jpg.b3b0513a4b6b58d941b8f9fb95b0a1da.jpg


    Starting with the SSD in the first place is undoubtedly the best way forward. Saves the whole cloning process on both devices and the other steps mentioned earlier.


    Really no need to take the laptop anywhere, unless you have the kind of laptop that makes it difficult to fit/swap drives.


    No need to make life more difficult than it needs to be, unless it's for fun. But if you think you would need to take the laptop to a shop in order to complete the process, that doesn't sound like fun.


    I guess you still need time to convince yourself that I am right. ????


    Telling yourself that it was your idea in the first place should do it. ????



  5. 51 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    I would (not from UK but still).

    Just waiting for my 6th Euro transfer to complete.


    300 GBP transfer would cost ~3 GBP, exchange rate 39.4161

            ->  11,708.16

    1000 ->  39,140.19

    3000 -> 117,517.92


    Compare with 30k Baht ATM withdrawal today:

    To get 30k with TW you pay 766.78 (30k is the max for most ATMs).

    VISA card, debit 30220 THB (incl the ATM fee) would cost 773.46 GBP.

    And that is without possible fees of your home country bank for card usage.

    And for higher amounts you end up even better with TW.


    If you have a card without extra fees and for smaller amounts (single withdrawal), convenience might tell you: use ATM.

    With extra fees and higher amounts needed: use TW.


    Over the counter can yield different results. I get 11,715 baht for £300 over the counter with my Mastercard. Though paying £768.25 for 30,000 baht with my Mastercard and £767.825 with VISA. Weekend rates I surmise.

  6. On 12/27/2019 at 11:24 PM, KhunHeineken said:

    My plan is to upgrade to Windows 10, early New Year, when I have some spare time. Basically, in a few days time.




    After the upgrade, reloading of programs and settings, changing the UI, and debloating and tweaking privacy settings, I will shop around for a SSD, and eventually clone the HDD to the SSD, and install it.  This should not be a problem with the desktop, but I may have to take the laptop to a shop for this. 




    I see the benefits of a SSD, but the SSD can wait can wait for a while.    



    I'm sure that it all makes sense in your head. But it seems just yours and BS's.

    Why bother to buy an SSD at all? You buy one to unleash the performance of your PC.



    If you recognise the benefits, they why not save yourself the time and hassle of backing up, then upgrading over the top, reloading programs and settings....when you can simply install cleanly to a new storage drive and then reload programs and settings....


    Why take the extra steps, to get a lesser performance, only to have to replace the drive later anyway?!


    It just seems totally irrational.


    Swapping to an SSD now, achieves the same result in less steps.

    You don't need to run the Windows 10 upgrade over the top of Windows 7, so that is an unnecessary step.

    Secondly, since you won't be doing anything on the HDD, there will be no need to make a back-up at this time. So another unnecessary step.

    Then later you planned to clone the finished setup to an SSD, so another unnecessary step.


    So three extra steps to achieve almost the same result. I say almost exactly, as the clean install will result in a better installation in the first place.


    I told you, this was never about Classic Shell or the like, but your wont to hold on to the past, however irrational.


    Yes, fitting the SSD will transform the performance of your devices.

    But that's not the only point that I am making. It's that not doing so, actually makes more work for yourself and exposes your install to more risk and more risk of complications.

    Further to that, you also miss out on the Reserved Space allocated to device that run clean installs of Windows 10.


    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing...







  7. On 12/28/2019 at 5:54 AM, tgw said:


    I know there were about 30 million downloads for classic shell in the Win 8 and Win 8.1 era.


    But I expect there is much less need for it since Win 10 - Microsoft did listen and as I said, I really think Win 10's interface is okay.



    Microsoft might listen, but some of their users do not.



  8. NatWest debit card? Do you hate yourself?


    They will levy a 2.75% forex charge, on top on the 200/220 baht(minimum £5) ATM fee. Plus AFAIK they also charge another 2% on certain accounts.


    So for a £300 withdrawal, that is a £8.25, £5 Thai ATM charge and maybe another 2%(£6) dependent on the kind of account you hold with them.


    So that could be £19.25 on a £300 withdrawal. I'm sure that you were told about this earlier.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, transam said:

    Satellite L350-235

    Model no. PSLD8E-OS5008EN

    SERIAL NO. 79371146Q

    Toshiba Europe GMBH


    Updating to the latest BIOS version should introduce the Toshiba Windows 7 licence to the Motherboard.

    Then you can install from Boot, the Windows 7 installation media for Toshiba and it will activate automatically.


    Unless you want to stick with Vista....

  10. 1 minute ago, transam said:

    I have deleted a few Toshiba things, there are more that I fear chopping in case I balls it up. But I am having fun with it, and would love to just get rid of the pop up. I find it strange that there is very little on the Net regarding it...


    What is the Part No. of the Toshiba laptop? Written on the underside.

  11. 49 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

    My system cannot  smoothly play 1080p HEVC, and the only decent torrent for HBO'S Rome was in that format, so I converted it to 720p mkv. The files played flawlessly, and the quality was great.


    58.1 GB?? I think I'll give that one a miss for now.

  12. No point in continuing to clog the thread with pointlessly long winded posts that ruin the thread, making it unreadable.


    When KH is ready to make the change, he can revive the thread. Wherein we can guide him through any questions to do with activation of the new OS if he chooses the clean install/upgrade path. 


    As agreed by every other contributor, including BigStar, SSD is the way to go.

    If, as some claim, that Windows 10 uses more resources, it makes sense to do something to mitigate that. 

    Allowing his current device to perform to the best of it's ability is clearly the most sensible solution.

    I've had so many people ready to scrap their PCs in order to buy new, as they thought their machines were as good/bad as they were going to get.

    Once they fitted an SSD, all ideas of a new machine faded away.


    I understand people like to do things at their own pace, so I suggest he takes his time and asks questions about the possible new procedure. So at least he has the knowledge and option of going forward.


    Perhaps BS had KH's interest at heart initially. But BS has clearly lost their way and are now arguing for the sake of arguing. 

    What might have been a helpful discussion to KH, is now littered with misinformation and veiled insults.


    So hopefully KH will come back when he is ready to move forward, either way.














  13. 1 minute ago, Beggar said:

    I don't understand. They are valid for 12 months with this promotion. Just don't stop to top up in time otherwise the promotion will be finished. 


    Last month codes also offered free calls.

    This month codes, no free calls/extras. Just Truemove H offers an extra in the form of Hotspot usage.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Beggar said:

    You have at AIS many free calls and whatever other features. I didn't ask. TRUE has free Wi-Fi and perhaps other things. I just checked myself the Internet and have TRUE and had AIS. 


    That was last month's offering. This month is different, unless last month's codes are still working.

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