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Posts posted by Eindhoven


    You need to stop taking your computer to the shop and learn how to do things for yourself with the help of the people here.


    The benefit of this is that we know exactly what has been installed and can follow up as we have a record of what was done.


    Since none of us have any idea of what your local computer shop has done or anything about your device, it might be an idea to start from scratch.

    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Do any new computers come with a SSD installed or is it something you can only add? Not a techie so be tolerant.


    It's not a stupid question. A lot of manufacturers are putting out laptops with half decent CPU(processors) and ample RAM(memory), but then seek to cut costs in other ways. Low resolution or just low quality screens and old. cheap and nasty slow mechanical hard drives(storage).


    Often, as we know, novices get caught out by this.


    With the old and slow storage, it is usually easy to remedy by fitting a Solid State Drive yourself.

    To save money, help is offered here to do so. But many chose to not take the advice for one reason or another.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Isaanbiker said:

    Eindhoven is right that an SDD will make your PC much faster. But if you delete your old system files and unnecessary files ( and there'll be a lot of GB) and only use start up programs that you really need, your machine will be much faster.


      Eindhoven is right about the speed of a hard drive that doesn't have moving parts, but he doesn't appreciate any tips that go another way.


    I've got a 10 year old Dell notebook that still has an ordinary drive and runs fast. I'll replace the HD with a SSD, should it fail one day.




    OP, once you've done all tasks, please report back. 



    You are wrong, I do agree that cleaning up and de-bloating will help. But I do not agree with installing yet another program, in this case System Mechanic, in order to do so.


    It is patently ridiculous, that a device that can likely accept NVMe SSD with vastly improved IOPS, read and write speed etc, comes fitted with a 5400 RPM HDD.


    Did they have some twenty year old stock of which to get rid? There is really no good reason for it at all, other than marketing the laptop as having a large amount of storage.

    It's a travesty.

    So rather than wasting time and resources making minor tweaks to improve performance just a little, do the job properly. Fitting a NVMe SSD module and enjoying the performance as it should have been in the first place.


    • Like 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, pdtokyo said:

    haha you are obviously not a tech guy ... otherwhise you'd know they are mutually exclusive ...


    As for your English lesson ... thanks but i'm a native speaker with two English A-levels ... and yes of course it's always possible to mangle and abbreviate the language ... and in some cases desirable ... if sending an SMS or Twitter where space/time at a premium ... but in a forum like this? Maybe not.


    But again, you miss the point ... simply writing 'Get rid' or "get rid of it" or ''i would urge you tob uninstal it at your earlist convenience" ... it doesn't matter what the words are ... you need to provide at least the minimum justification for your dodgy advice. Dodgy in my opinion of course.



    They must have really lowered standards for 'A' levels. ????


    Pray tell me, which advice do you consider "dodgy"? 


    I have justified all of the advice given. So with which advice do you disagree?


    It's is one thing to admit to "bateing"(sic), but you need to do it in such a way that does not derail the thread.

    So if you think any advice that I have given is bad, please point it out for all.

  5. 1 minute ago, Rookiescot said:

    Dont understand why some of you guys dislike AVG. 

    I have used it for years with no problems. Currently have it running on 3 laptops, 1 desktop and my mobile phone.

    I also use AVG PC tune up. I find it is excellent. It also allows you to define which programs run on start up.


    You can do all of that without installing AVG and it's accompanying bloatware.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:

    The OP wanted to have advice how he could have his PC faster. Of course would an SSD drive and a new installation on an SSD drive make this laptop very fast.


    I've upgraded and fixed enough PC's and laptops now to be able to differentiate between a good and bad program, what's useful and what's more a joke.


      Why would I waste so much time and post something that I'm not aware of?


       With deleting some restore points, I didn't mean all of them. Some machines have all the junk from earlier installations and getting rid of them can only make it faster.


        Creating one restore point before and one after running System Mechanic should be enough.


        I could free 10 GB on my main PC deleting all the old ( Windows) system files. Have a great day. 


    You could have stopped after the first sentence. The OP simply needs an SSD fitted to his laptop.

    He doesn't need System Mechanic, ever.

    He can tweak and improve performance by getting rid of unnecessary bloat. But the one constant will remain, the doggedly slow 5400 RPM HDD. It's 50 year old technology in a 21st century laptop and it just blocks the performance of every single other component.


    This is what Mario needs to understand. He certainly should not be encouraged to install more bloat. Those were solutions from twenty years ago.




    • Sad 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, pdtokyo said:

    Thanks but read my post ... Adobe speed launcher one of those that 'does sneak in',  ... i did the screen shot before deleting it for the n th time.


    ... and as for your advice on AVG ... thanks but i've been personally using the free version many years and a very happy (non-paying) customer ... and as an ex-IT pro have installed it on 100s of work devices. Zer ... problems ... ever.


     "Get rid" isn't even gramatically correct, but of course that will be forgiven if you have some inside knowledge to justify slagging the product and share it with us all.


    Adobe Reader. More bloat. Relatively huge and largely unnecessary program.


    Ironic that you misspelled 'gramatically'(sic) whilst attempting to berate me for using "get rid". ????


    But all in good humour. :wai:

  8. 1 minute ago, Mario666 said:

    Thank you Bar Tender for your helpful reply.


    Some others are not so generous!





    I think everyone has been equally generous. You should be more careful with your words.

    Almost everyone posting on this thread has tried to help you, with the exception of thedemon.

    • Sad 1
  9. Just now, pdtokyo said:

    Thanks but read my post ... Adobe speed launcher one of those that 'does sneak in',  ... i did the screen shot before deleting it for the n th time.


    ... and as for your advice on AVG ... thanks but i've been personally using the free version many years and a very happy (non-paying) customer ... and as an ex-IT pro have installed it on 100s of work devices. Zer ... problems ... ever.


     "Get rid" isn't even gramatically correct, but of course that will be forgiven if you have some inside knowledge to justify slagging the product and share it with us all.




    Colloquial English. Simply shortened from "Get rid of it". English forum. Colloquial English.


    As soon as someone states "IT Pro" I know exactly with what I am dealing ????

    • Sad 1
  10. Again, it helps to know the exact model, since that will have a bearing on how easy it will be for you to fit an appropriate SSD.


    If you are not competent enough to fit an SSD yourself, you really should not buy a laptop with the old tech HDD.


    Unfortunately, because you've posted in the wrong place, the quantity and quality of replies may be limited.

    But, you have enough to be getting along. 


    If we assume that the laptop is this one; https://support.hp.com/th-en/document/c06294061


    then we can look for a guide as to how to fit an SSD to the particular model. Which is why it is always useful to post the exact model in the first instance. Then we are rolling from the very first post, instead of having to ask multiple questions about the specification.

    • Like 2
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  11. 12 minutes ago, pdtokyo said:

    (a) actual device is nice to have but largely irrelevant these days ... any device capable of supporting WIN10 should almost by definition be capable of starting up inside 30 seconds

    (b) OK, maybe OP has posted in not the appropriate forum ... who hasn't done that in their lives ? ... but why default to being snarky about it?


    What a silly post.

    Actual device is important as a starting point.

    Someone running a newish HP, but with a Pentium N5000 and a slow HDD for example is going to run into problems after installing more bloat. As they have.


    Do we know if they are running an HDD or SSD? No we don't, so that is why we need to know exactly what they are running.


    Pointing out that they have not posted in the appropriate forum should hopefully spur them on to request Admin move it to the correct forum, in order to glean more useful replies.

    Unfortunately, yours is not one of them, containing literally no useful information at all.



    • Like 2
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  12. 6 minutes ago, pdtokyo said:


    I think you've already got it!


    Open Ccleaner -> Tools -> StartUp and Delete or (if you are note sure) Disable stuff you think you don't need.


    I'm ruthless and only leave VPN and AVG in there ... but stuff does sneak back in ...


    BUT ... the problem is probably is NOT software ... look at replacing your C : drive with a small cheap SSD drive ...


    If Windows 10  does not start up inside 30 seconds with an SSD (and maybe minimum of 8 gb RAM) then problem is probably viral and time to look at backing up your data and re-installing clean copy of Windows.




    Ruthless, but you are running AVG? Get rid.


    Why do you need Adobe Reader Speed Launcher?? Disable.


    You can disable Smart Cleaner Monitoring within the program's interface.

    • Like 2
  13. 4 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Same story from my Thai wife, her mom sold her to me in exchange for paying off the loan (100kbht).

    A condition of the marriage and payment, was that ownership of the family farm was transferred to our first born, which was done shortly after his birth, one year after the marriage. Mom's other children still don't know about the transfer of ownership eight years later.


    I've still got my son and the family farm.


    That's an incendiary in the making...

    • Haha 2
  14. 9 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:

    Anutin Charnvirakul of the Thai public health ministry Suggesting kicking farangs out of the country 

    Think someones getting annoyed that hes not being listened too.. You cant have it both ways, one time you want to say dont worry, its under control, dont panic.. The next you want to kick out europeans because they snubbed him and wouldnt take a health mask. 

    Maturity much ?? 



    Sad character. Always looking for someone else to blame. How many Europeans have contracted the disease in Thailand? How many Chinese/Asians, of whom he speaks so highly?


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