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Everything posted by sscc

  1. Thailand Prime Minister, previous or current can invite whomever to visit. Need no approval from anyone or any country. What is the issue ? I see none
  2. 1/ Better speaking in Thailand official language : Thai 2/ Better speaking according to the written script in international forum. ( Not as ignorance type suggested her to talk without script, making mistakes and regretting afterwards ) 3 iPAD or Samsung PAD or paper or card are all fine. ( there is no Thai PAD )
  3. About intelligence ? Vance intelligent level is surely top "the group of five" who had been involved in the Election this year. Vance intelligence is ahead of Harris, Walzs, Trump and Biden. Even Vance is the youngest and less experienced.
  4. This man Ken is stupid, very stupid.
  5. Care about whose vision ? As long as such vision is good for Thailand and Thai people and helps the Thai public, it is the Right and Proper Vision. Quoting a famous phrase : " Black cat or White cat, as long as such cat catches mice, it is a good cat " Over 4.5 decades ago, Deng S. P. uttered it.
  6. Pay to get in for locals. Foreign passport holders pay nothing to get in. Singapore did it that way when they legalized casino gambling. First casino opened in Sing ( around 2011 ), foreigners go in free., Singaporean locals pay Sing 70 dollars ( higher amount nowadays )
  7. Loan Sharks show up at every casino worldwide.
  8. I notice ASEAN is on the rise.
  9. In past 30 days, USD Vs Baht had dropped 5-6 %, USD Vs most others ( Pound, Euro, CAD, AUS ) had dropped 0.8-2.5 %. USD Vs RMB lost 1-2% USD Vs Sing$ also dropped 2-3%. One special case is USD Vs Jap Yen had lost 6-8 % in past 30 days as Japan Government had been selling off Many Billions US Treasury Bonds and converting USD to Yens. Nevertheless, Thai Baht had been strong against all except Jap Yen.
  10. Two days ago, that report of Thaksin S opinion on the digital wallet was FAKED and ill-intent news. Faked news come out all the time in Thailand. After all there are only two red lines in news reporting in Thailand. Many long-stay foreigners are not quite aware yet.
  11. All know that the young Thai Prime Minister is going to seek advise from her father. Yes, there is "Buy one get one free " concept for her rise in Thai politics. However, it is not just Thailand, it happened elsewhere too. There is similarity to the Hen Family in Cambodia Election 2023 as the son taking over. It also happened in USA Yes, USA and true to the facts that USA Hillary Clinton openly promote "Buy one get one free" as one of Hillary campaign slogan.
  12. There has been example of part-time teacher elevated to Prime Minister in your definition of "free world", happened not that long ago either. Yes, Family name and family connection do matter. She got the Prime Minister position because of family name and family connection. So was Canada Justin Trudeau ( once part-time teacher ) in 2015. So was Philippines Marcos Jr in 2022. BTW her rise to the top post had been in accordance to al rules and laws of Thailand.
  13. This young, inexperienced PM is going to be helped and surrounded by political savvy personnel, at least for a while, On top of that, she also has her father advising her. I don't know if she is capable "learning on the job", that is very important . Globally there had been inexperienced rose to the top job in recent time, some capable and some incapable learning on the job. Capable learning : 2009 USA Barak Obama came to Washington without experience. Incapable learning : Canada Justin Trudeau took top job in Ottawa in 2015
  14. Fourth and Fifth Generations. Father of grandfather of Thaksin came from China. Grandfather of grandfather of this young PM came from China. Such is info related your fuss.
  15. Two days ago, the situation appeared bleak or at least very bad, not terrible as the period 2011-Nat 2014. Thinking further, the situation appeared uncertain as of the current state. As to someone rising to the top position due to FAMILY name, it is not just her, there had been other example in recent time. Canada Justin Trudeau who had been a part time teacher and became Canada PM In 2015 due to father P. Trudeau connection dated to 1970's. In Singapore, Prime Minister Lee Jr had the benefit of the right family name too due to his father, the founder of Singapore.
  16. In Thailand, age does matter. ( in opposite way to what you think ) Opposition Move Forward Party Pita age 42. The new Opposition People's Party leader age 38 Yingluck PM at age 43 the new PM at age 37. Unlike even their neighbors Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thai public concern more about Youth than experience for politicians and contempt on oldies in politics. Whatever the reason, I don't really know Age is at least a major factor that Pheu Thai party picked this young lady rather than a 75-year old and unhealthy alternate.
  17. None of USA business.
  18. Thai are not stupid to "so close the island off to tourism then... " as you suggested.
  19. Looking for info and hope someone can advice. Non-O Visa retirement visa extension, 800K method, Jomtien location. As 1-year visa extension is due on same month of 90-day reporting and just couple of days apart, do I need to do Both virtually at same time, or do I just get 1-year visa extension and ignore 90-day reporting on that month ?
  20. sscc

    Lost driver's license

    I lost my five year driver license earlier this year. Must have police report, 20 B and Residence Certificate 300 B -- all original-- in hand while applying for replacement at DLT. I did not have a photo copy of lost license so I had panic before going, anyway it was OK. Bring passport of course and you will need photo copies of certain pages -- could do on the spot. Cost for replacement was surprisingly low. around 200 B --- could not remember now..
  21. I often take this bus and I just talk facts. Why bother photo ? Your info is not up-to-date and incorrect. SO BE it.
  22. Saudi actively invest in Asia nowadays doing major projects in China, South Korea, Indonesia. They will do joint venture projects in HK too. it appears Thailand might hopefully get minor share. .
  23. True. It is a bad piece by Jonathan Head of BBC
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