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  1. It is true. And I'm a neutral. Want recent examples? Look at the NY Times the 3 weeks before the start of the Gaza War. MANY examples of the Israeli's attempting to block Gaza from the outside world. And you deny that?
  2. I am a non-EV user. I had always assumed I would be (amoung) the first to adopt EV technology, but always found reasons why I shouldn't. We live in the country - East of CM and West of CR. 3 months ago our area got it's first charging station. There are now 4. While I have picked the EV car I want to buy, I am still very stressed about the decision - after reading all the issues people are having with getting charging stations to work correctly, and actually paying for that. My 14-year old Innova works great. When it needs fuel, I stop at any of a kazillion gas stations; and pay with cash (remember that paper stuff???). Switch to EV? Not yet.
  3. No... and not likely to be open this year.
  4. Seems a lot of people have forgotten the over-a-million that died from Covid in the USA. And still killing about a thousand people a week in the USA. MAGA (just without a lot of people who would otherwise be alive and contributing to society.)..... Sigh
  5. AHo
  6. I can't remember if the shop has a posted name or not; but the location is near the corner of Suk Sathit and Ram Ratchadet roads and is east of and across Suk Sathit from Kad Luang (heading away from the clock tower. the shop is on your right near a little intersection). When you're close, it is VERY obvious with large bolts of material filling the front of the shop. Their prices are very seasonable.
  7. It MAY have been referred-to above, but a solid yes for Rimping's Artisan French Country Sourdough bread (and reasonably [.. for Thailand...] priced).
  8. The section of Highway 118 between Chiang Mai and Mae Khachan was completed 2 years ago. The section between Mae Khachan and Mae Lao is currently under construction in small sections. There are currently 2 major issues: the interchange under construction at the junction of Highways 1 and 118 (traffic is required to take a very long and slow detour) while the highway from the earthquake zone to the junction (approx 7 km) is rough, slow and dusty. The other major issue is about 8 km north westerly from the Charoen Resort. Long delays and lineups are to be expected, and the trip is extremely dusty.
  9. The meeting was over 50 years ago? Long time for someone to be National Police Chief.
  10. Thanks. Looking at the rates you posted, I am amazed that electrical rates could be maintained at such low rates in BC (while other costs have increased so dramatically!) I've been in Thailand uninterrupted for going on 20 years) but have family in BC and Alberta Comparing the BC rates - even those in the interior - with the AB rates. Holy Sh__
  11. 500B/month? In BC? ummm forget that this conversation is about Baht not dollars?
  12. It appears that the lower areas of Mae Sai near the Sai River are flooded again. Seems the hardest hit are the areas between the Sai Lom market and the Friendship Bridge. Hard to keep an exact count, but it appears to be the 7th or 8th time this season. So much for local officials claims that such would not happen again. Cleanup from the previous and MUCH more drastic floods is still not complete.
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  13. Avoid wood frames if at all possible. Plastic or aluminum do not get eaten by termites and other bugs.
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