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Old Nomad

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  1. As a SW-engineer I doubt that one will have to show the digital TM6 on one's phone to the IO. I assume the IO will simply scan the passport and the immigration system will automatically use the passport number to show him the TM6 data from some server.
  2. I agree that one cannot do research on smartphone screens. Larger screens are better. Multi-monitor setups are even better. In my experience, everybody immediately benefits from 2 monitors. However, setups with more than two monitors can be overwhelming for many users. In addition: browsing through (news) feeds and drilling down leads to lockdowns in info bubbles, created by algorithms trained by own behavior and shaped by interested parties. In my surrounding, I see many people misleading themselves in believing bull<deleted> by swiping and drilling through feeds. Active search, via different search engines and AI tools, is better. Using a separate search box in Firefox makes it easy to search for the same search term with different search engines.
  3. A description of Donald Trump by Nate White
  4. The most touching performance I know I like this lively trombone performance: I am German. My favorite Jazz CD: James Morrison (Australian) and Adam Makowicz, Swiss Encounters: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=james+morrison+swiss+encounters
  5. If one develops severe disabilities, computers or smart speakers/displays are a convenient means to stay in contact with other people. Refusing to get some basic experience when getting older ( (as I see with elderly people living around me in Germany) is simply stupid.
  6. Mr. T Taxi service https://mrtpattayataxi.com/prices/ I always simply email them from, to, date+time. Receive confirmation promptly. Never had any problem with them. Always good cars and drivers.
  7. I generally don't like buffets. In Jomtien I only know the breakfast buffet at Danmark Restaurant in Soi White House
  8. I assume every place with a CC terminal that accepts contactless payment (visible by to contactless symbol).
  9. "This allows me online use of the cards. But some hotels need to see the actual card, which requires me to go to America to get the physical card." You could register your card with Google or Apply pay (don't need the physical card for this). This enables you to pay in shops and hotels and even get money from ATMs that support cardless withdrawals. As a precaution for yours and similar problems I carry at least two CC from different banks and different CC organizations. Details (in German) here: karten - Weltweit im Ruhestand
  10. The German "social insurance" provides a pension and nursing care. Pensions are paid in full regardless of where in the world you live and increases are not frozen (as I have heard for UK). There are restrictions for disability pensions. Nursing care is only paid when living in Germany. The retirement age is gradually shifted to 67. One can claim the old-age pension early from the age of 63, but with a deduction of up to 14.4 percent.
  11. In many years they never bothered me. A friendly no always was enough.
  12. Jokes aside. When staying at a new hotel I always get two business cards of the place and put one in my wallet and the other one in as pocket of my trousers. This not only helps me being confident to find back but also sometime makes it easier to show a taxi driver where to go.
  13. This would be relevant for some German expats. While Germany has a tax agreement with Thailand, many Germans choose to be taxed in Thailand, relying on TH not collecting the tax on their pensions even though it is entitled to do so. The German tax on typical pensions is not high, e.g. 63€ tax for 1700€ per month pension in 2020.
  14. In Germany many use walkers like these https://mot-shop.com/products/nowego-carbon-rollator-sonderedition https://www.amazon.de/s?k=rollator&__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=1AQ8K6NOXTTN8&sprefix=rollator+%2Caps%2C152&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 Besides giving support while walking, one can sit on them to take a pause anytime.

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