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Posts posted by HashBrownHarry

  1. 8 hours ago, Mavideol said:

    is your visa card secured with a fixed deposit amount, can only increase to the total of the secured deposit, that's what happen to me, had to increase my deposit and by doing so they increased my available balance/total

    Limit currently set at 100K, i would like to double that, plenty money in account.


    Did you increase yours by phone?

  2. 9 hours ago, AndrewMciver said:

    These repatriation flights are getting riskier and riskier.


    It's criminal that they are not getting Thai's tested before boarding. Yet expect foreigners on the same flight to test. 


    If you live in Europe, or the USA, you can afford a test, just to give some extra layer of protection to the quarantine. 

    It's not risky at all, the Thai's still have a 2 week quarantine on arrival so they'll get tested and monitored.


    The only risk is the infection of other passengers who will also get tested and monitored on arrivals, what's the problem?

    • Sad 1
  3. 1 hour ago, SnipTheCat said:



       The requirement to have a Covid-19 test for application of CEO (on married ground) has been waived (information given directly to me by Thai embassy in Belgium), only the covid-19 test before flight is necessary, and the embassy don't ask any more that you present it to them before flying as it was the case before. However on work permit ground, it has always been like that, covid-19 test only required for flying. 


        For flying, the 72 hours requirement is the date & time of the test, no the result, prior to departure (and they do check at the airport).


        When you arrive in Bangkok, if the date/time of your test is more than 72 hours, you may (and will most certainly) be asked to take another covid test at your expense before entering ASQ. In my case, the test was done 71 hour before arrival, I thought they would never take into account the 5 hours time zone difference, but they did, they looked at the date and time and said "ok, you are still in time". 


       (My references: I have been repatriated under work-permit, and I'm currently at day #13 in ASQ tested negative for the second time, going out on sunday), My father is doing the procedure to be repatriated under married ground but is stuck with some extra requests from the embassy at the moment)

    If you don't mind me asking, what country did you arrive from?


    From UK only 3 flights for august, all full.


    There does not seem to be any wait list, only when flight opens hope that you get lucky and register?



  4. 8 hours ago, Aussieroaming said:

    Thank you for the report. I'm still waiting to get home to my wife and home in Bangkok. UK embassy won't give a COE without a flight booking or ASQ booking and when I asked them for a list of repatriarion flights so that I could book on one of them I was told Thais only, wait for a commercial flight. Then the Embassy told me not to book a commercial flight because they aren't allowed into Thailand yet, so go figure. Haven't seen my wife for 6 months now. Jan 2020 when she went back to Bangkok and got stuck by the Covid event.

    This contradicts another report of someone that has gone through the process, mentioned was COE first and once issued you're advised to make the flight / hotel booking?


    Which one is correct?


  5. 59 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Caveat - The process at the Thai Embassy UK may well be different now. 

    Those applying to Embassies and Consulates in the US seem to have be applying for the CoE through an online process (I’m not sure I haven’t gone through it). 


    To answer your question HBH

    - In late June I wrote to [[email protected]] the Thai Embassy in London to ask what the specific requirements are (I received no reply - do not use this address). 

    - A day later I wrote forwarded the same letter to [[email protected]] and received a response listing the requirements. 

    - I immediately responded (within a few hours) with all the requested documents (except fit to fly and covid certificates) (I’d already had the insurance certificate issued and had been in contact with ASQ’s) 

    - A week later the process seemed to ‘kick into action’ with a lot of e-mails back and forth (lots of e-mails !).



  6. 5 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    I suspect the Embassy is going to process your application for a Visa first.


    (Is that correct? if your parents are Thai, so are you. Do you not have a Thai passport?)


    Then, when repatriation flights become available that ‘visa' step is out of they way and they may then process an application for the Certificate of Entry.


    Is this the Thai Embassy in the UK??? 

    Ultimately, I suspect that they are not processing any more CoE applications at the moment because there are no planned repatriation flights to place anyone on.




    No one is taking any commercial flight back to Thailand. People who are able to return have applied for the Certificate of Entry as early as possible. 

    As soon as it was announced that those Married to Thai citizens could return I e-mailed in to the Thai Embassy immediately, as soon as I received a response I submitted the required documentation. 


    Once you have been given notification that you can apply for the CoE, respond immediately.


    When you say e-mailed the embassy, just a message explaining your situation, is that correct?


    Then they reply and then the process begin?



  7. 2 hours ago, whiteman said:

    I will keep it simple    income per month  141057 Bhatt  Expenses 96785  CASH OVER  44272 per month.


    Assets still I have 9.69 million Bhatt

    house in N.Z. VALUE 8.9 MILLION BHAT TOTAL TOGETHER 18.59 MILLION BHAT to fall back on if need to.


    I have a house here and 2 cars all paid for and a Thai partner of 16+ years no children.         I am 73 arrived here in Thailand at 57 with 44 millions Bhatt           so 44million had now have 18.59 million left + spent 10 million on a house here.


    so came with 44 spent 10 on house ==  34million  still have left 18.59   === spent 15.41 million in 16 years  hope that helps. I also have Health cover for both of us and 4 dogs and 8 cats. I am very happy with my life hope this gives you what can happen here if you stay long term


    1MB per year is what i'm planning on.

    • Like 2
  8. On 7/22/2020 at 4:52 AM, bkk6060 said:

    Thousands of TVF members

    who know 1000's of people.

    All the older expats living here.  And their Thai partners who have families with older family members and parents.

    And no one personally knows of anyone who has gotten it in Thailand?


    I've tested positive twice, zero symptoms.


    I know personally more than 20 people ( first hand ) who have tested positive, none with symptoms.


    I'm sure there's been lots of people that have had it but if never tested will never know ( unless shown symptoms )


    I know of ( not first hand ) 2 people that had symptoms, 1 in ICU for 2 days, one for 1 day ( as precaution i think ) both reported loss of smell. Both 100% recovered now.

    • Thanks 2
  9. 5 hours ago, rumak said:

    I have at least as much as I have saved from not throwing my money away  giving it to the insurance mafia.  Not lucky,  just lived within my means.

    More than enough to pay for any hospital procedure here in Thailand .

    Like BM2......  i get very very affordable service at the hospital i go to.  And nice attitudes as well.


    2MB will not last you long.

  10. 2 minutes ago, rumak said:

    i understand.  We have to make some choices in life.  I chose to tell the medical/insurance mafia to

    shove it.... I'd take my chances . This idea that someone has no claims but each year they jack you up

    however they like, take it or leave it    haha   i left.

    Now i do have extra third party car insurance, since i used to drive a lot.  The cost was reasonable,

    and they gave me a discount every year that i had no claim.  I have been on a 50% discount for the last

    10 plus years.  No increase.   Now that's fair..... in my book.


    As you say, we all have the choice to make.


    A friend of mine's wife got hit on her bike by a drunk driver, bad injuries, total bill 3M ++, there are many examples.





  11. 2 hours ago, rumak said:

    that's why we say :  different strokes for different folks. 

                                  I have yet to have a stroke.

                                  but then again I take much better care of myself than most

                                  of the world population.

                                  eating well and staying fit to me are no brainers.

                                  if i go by that criteria,  there are lots of people with no brains  


                                  I am still going strong .  guess i lucked out.  and the insurance companies,

                                  in MY case,   lost.   

    Totally agree with staying fit and healthy, makes a huge difference to well being.


    However this is no protection against accidents.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    If you don't insist on using Bangkok Hospital (et al), hospital care is really cheap in Thailand.

    But most foreigners are too stupid (or fearful) to use hospitals where they may encounter normal Thai people.


    I'm OK sitting with the Thais all morning if it lowers my hospital bill from 20,000bht to 500bht.

    To each their own, you've stated yourself many times your poor so maybe not an option for you.


    FYI- i went to a local hospital with a pretty nasty wound on my hand ( muscle off bone and required surgery + 27 stitches ), the local hospital A + E dept looked at it and said there was nothing that they could do, i asked for pain killers until i could get to a real hospital ( 3 hour drive ) and they gave me paracetemol.


    So yeah, thanks but.....no thanks.


    Would hate to think if it was a life threatening situation.

  13. 49 minutes ago, rumak said:

    BM2 has some funny lines.  Many are true.   Unless you are having your penis sewed back on, or

    major major surgery and extensive long term care..... just self insure.   We have all had some issues

    but one guy wrote that his healthcare coverage costs over 14k baht a month ! Arai na ?   Like almost

    200k a year ?   Well, at that rate i have saved over 4 million baht over the last 20 years. 

    My total expenditures over that time:  maybe  150k baht (and insurers would not have covered most

    of it. )      

    When i came here I brought my savings.  Put the 800k in a bank.  Bought some land, built a modest but

    comfortable home.  I have had 2 toyota vios , 2 honda dreams (and an old PU for the farm) .

    Barely ANY maintenance !  

    My Swiss buddy worked for 35 years and gets a pension near 200k a month.  I do not have anywhere near that...... so i live well for about 30k a month.   And have for 35 years without punching a clock.

    So different strokes.  My only regret is not being born to rich parents   555 .   Hope to choose better

    next time.  

    Your 'self insure' theory is flawed, what happens if your friend that did it had an accident / illness 2 years after starting to self insure, where would the money come from? What happens if he had multiple illness's or accidents?


    IMO medical insurance is a must have, no brainer...

    • Like 1
  14. 7 hours ago, mjakob007 said:

    From what the embassy has told me,


    1. Submit all documents available, then await embassy's advise on seat availability on repatriation flight (this seems to be the most scarce variable), date and time for the same.

    2. Once you have a ticket on repat flight, obtain ASQ booking with full payment.

    3. All docs back to embassy for issuance of CoE.

    4. Get F2F cert and C19 test done within 72 hours of the flight, get them across to embassy.






    Thank you.

  15. 7 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    You could apply for a one year extension if you can meet the financial requirement of 400k baht in a Thai bank for 2 months or proof of 40k baht income. 

    My general list of required documents and etc is here. Marriage Extension Requirements 2.pdf

    Perfect - thanks.


    What about on the 1 year extension, once i leave the country it's void, must obtain new visa for entry?



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