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Posts posted by HashBrownHarry

  1. On 6/11/2020 at 2:20 PM, Neeranam said:

    They were made take away their tip box the last time someone complained, with hundreds of Facebookers commenting about the injustice. Not all like to bend over and take it up the you know what.


    It's absolutely shocking, one of lifes travesty's. 


    Perhaps this is bigger than CV-19 and BLM combined?




  2. 11 hours ago, Leaver said:

    Or an innocent running from criminals looking to commit a crime against him.


    My point simply is, leaving the scene in no evidence of being at fault in the accident. 

    Guilty people don't leave the scene, normally no license or drunk or no insurance in RTA's in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    I'm English, I don't want to include any Scots or Irish in my nationality.

    I'm Scottish and we tried to get our independence, unfortunately it failed.


    So the feeling is very much mutual.


    England is like Pakistan / India / Africa / Middle east now anyway - Scotland is too cold 

    • Like 1
  4. On 6/10/2020 at 10:43 PM, Mama Noodle said:

    Its been my experience that finding a 'deal' on a property is a matter of finding someone desperate, which is rare, and thais whether it be land, homes, or condos will just ask for a high price and hold it for 10 years if they have to in order to get it. 

    One would think they're should be a lot of desperate people about in the coming months, i'd wait another 6-12 months.


    Bargain hard, as someone has mentioned 50% of asking price is what i'd offer.

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 6/6/2020 at 12:31 PM, Yinn said:

    Three lawyer deal.

    your lawyer, seller lawyer and another lawyer hold the chanote.

    MUST be different lawyer. 

    MUST write from the land office on Chanote. 

    MUST insurance the house. 


    Similar to jumnong way.


    No problem.

    Better than pay bank. Also if you want to pay one year the bank will “fine penalty” for pay “to quickly”. Bank never give one year house loan. 


    Good luck.

    Are the interest rates at banks right now not very low due to pandemic?

  6. 1 hour ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

    My pet hate is sleazebags, and the op clearly is one. But yea, maybe I went a bit far, should be use to it after 20 years here. As for me being a 'saint' I've 'slept' with 100's of 'women' here, but never any that I would deem too young and treated them with the respect they deserve, it's called being a gent and having some class. I think we can all see from the OP's post the type of 'dude' that he is. 

    Yet you've come to a city full of 'sleazebags'......hmmmmm

    • Haha 2
  7. 7 hours ago, Postmaster said:

    Robblok.  That doesn't help the cause of ridding this country of soi dogs.  Time is well overdue here to call time on soi dogs everywhere in the Kingdom.  With the sad death of King Rama 9 who was a serious dog lover the action should have begun then.  When around in packs they can be quite frightening.  You have to run the gauntlet of them snapping at your heels when walking in little used soi's or them biting your legs when passing on a motorcycle.

    The % of bites is very small considering the amount of dogs about, nothing to get bent out of shape about.

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, papa al said:

    Found this company 

    Mango in CM

    advertising CB150 at ~B4K/month

    CB300, 7K/ month.

    R/T air is about 5000. 

    R/T train ~ 2600.


    Always better and more confidence on own bike as opposed to renting IMO.


    Papa should send on train as original plan.

  9. 4 hours ago, Kerryd said:


    "he would go to his factory job in a mask every day."

    I'm guessing Thai. If a foreigner had a "factory job", he'd have been (most likely) making a decent wage and living in a nicer place.
    And the headline would have blared "FOREIGNER" or "Dirty Farang" as well.

    Also, if it was a foreigner there'd probably be more empty beer bottles laying around and junk food wrappers from fast food joints, not "Thai style" take out food in styrofoam and plastic bags.

    I imagine that place would be stinking to high heaven and be infested with thousands of ants and flies, not to mention mold and bacteria. Surprised the landlady/owner wasn't getting complaints from other tenants long before this.

    From the sounds of it he just up and left as well and probably living the same way somewhere else.

    There've been other stories posted on TV of similar cases, usually Thais, living somewhere then disappearing and leaving a massive pile of garbage behind. I think one not so long ago was a story about a condo (in South Pattaya or maybe Jomtien ?) where it looked like they were running a recycling center in the condo and every room was absolutely filthy.

    Are you a detective?

  10. 14 minutes ago, MikeyIdea said:

    You unfortunately don't live with your 85 year old multi sick mother who wouldn't stand a chance if she got covid-19, I do.


    Shall we switch. I don't care, I give covid-19 to you and you kill your own mother instead of vice versa. 


    She wouldn't be missed anyway, she couldn't even teach you to respect others


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