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Posts posted by HashBrownHarry

  1. 1 minute ago, superal said:

    Are you aware that any foreigner who intends to travel to Thailand must have $100,000 cover for covid 19 and that has to be highlighted for the IO to view and not just within the policy document . 

    I repeat once again the topic is about foreigners married to Thai spouses who want to return to Thailand , however the current insurance  requirements laid down by the Thai government are impossible to attain because the countries of departure are mostly stating that international travel should not be taken which in turn invalidates any insurance policy. 

    Here is an extract from the Staysure Insurance company but common to other companies e.g. Regency FEPs

     Please be aware that your travel insurance will not be valid when the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all, or all but essential travel to your destination. But, all your policy benefits will resume as soon as the FCO advises it is safe to travel again.

    Regency will issue a valid covid covering policy to those who are residing within Thailand but not to those who are abroad and wish to travel  .

    Interesting, so once FCO allow travel to thailand it's valid, right?

  2. 14 minutes ago, superal said:

    Are you for real ?  Look at the topic heading  , foreigners-married-to-thais-set-to-be-allowed-to-return-to-thailand/  . I will spell it out for you . Covid 19 insurance is not available for travellers to Thailand when their countries government advise against all international travel . Covid 19 insurance can be available if you are currently staying in Thailand but certain conditions are made .  Regency Insurance verified this today . Do you want their number ?  ????


    Try reading it again and again until you understand the facts about international travel which is what the topic refers to , take your time , you will get there eventually .

    Tell me what i'm missing pls?

  3. 3 hours ago, superal said:

    Are you for real ?  Look at the topic heading  , foreigners-married-to-thais-set-to-be-allowed-to-return-to-thailand/  . I will spell it out for you . Covid 19 insurance is not available for travellers to Thailand when their countries government advise against all international travel . Covid 19 insurance can be available if you are currently staying in Thailand but certain conditions are made .  Regency Insurance verified this today . Do you want their number ?  ????

    No thank you, i already have insurance, why would i need their number?


    Very strange post? Are you feeling ok?

  4. Can anyone recommend companies that have a good track record for this in Thailand.


    I've got about 50-60sqm outside area i'd like something done with, it's currently pebble dashed and looks a bit scabby.


    Or any photo's of what you've done yourself with outside areas.



  5. 55 minutes ago, Swiss1960 said:

    I dont know whether your problem will get solved with all you describe to change.. but given the distance to the pool shop and from a personal experience with my pump, it might just be cheaper in the long run to replace the pump.. pumps, even your size, don't cost the world


    Correct, about 7K


    This faulty one you could easily use for another purpose and just remove the plug when not in use.

  6. 2 hours ago, superal said:
      8 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    Direct me to an insurance company please who would provide insurance when are you are advised not to travel there ?

    Regency ?  ok if your under 70 years of age ,   $ 100,000 covid 19 travel insurance ? I think not , unless you know different 


    I told you what company to check, is that too difficult?


    baby steps i guess, do you need a phone number too or will you manage now?



    • Like 1
  7. 52 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Indeed.. Don Mega has already 'won' that round after Davo failed to meet the argumentative challenge and resorted commenting on the the cranial distortion of Don's head and that he has few friends, which is an automatic failure on any intellectual level. Then to resort to the 'have a nice chat. if you know what I mean'  and implying violence simply outs the author as being quite the tool !! Significant failures in one post !


    are you the referee?

    • Haha 2
  8. 16 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    A possibility?

    Sadly not currently available.

    20 minute test on the spot. Doubt it.


    Had a 20 minute test on the 7th before a charter flight, the test kits are available whether in Thailand tho not sure.


    This 'quick test' however will show positive for anti bodies as well, if that occurs you'll need to go to a clinic ( same day results £300 in London ), with this test you can fly with the anti bodies and it proves you're not 'carrying'.

    • Like 2
  9. 12 hours ago, Curt1591 said:

    Non-working expats only give money to the Thai economy. Working expats receive money from Thai economy. 

    Non working ex-pats don't need money from Thai economy.

    • Haha 1
  10. 58 minutes ago, LennyW said:

    Pink ID card and Thai driving licence.....Pfft, get a work permit then you have a playing card.

    You have to work.........pfft!



    • Haha 1
  11. 48 minutes ago, champers said:

    Royal Ascot this week; I wonder if anyone is showing it. Most races are in allowed drinking time. Not so EPL.



    I'd imagine there's quite a few people having a punt online now there's something to bet on.

  12. 13 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    You are correct, not all sport, globally, has been cancelled. 


    I am sure Pattaya has a big expat following of horse racing and snooker.  ????

    Considering it's amongst the only live sport on right now then i agree with you, it's likely to have a large following, as per the OP.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    Sure, buts that's not a lot of content, is it?

    Content was not discussed, you said there was no live sport which was wrong.


    There's also been several UFC events over the last 3-4 weeks as well.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    I seem to remember you saying you moved away from Pattaya, but come back to Pattaya for around 4 days every month, because you have a condo here.  Is this the case?


    On years gone by, The Sportsman has been busy.  Yes, it's only a small bar, so when even full, we are not talking about the numbers the bigger places get, but then again, I am sure they pay less rent and have less over heads, so profit margins would have been ok back then. 


    As for Retox, it been there a while.  I would hardly call it a flash in the pan.

    Sometimes longer, sometimes less.....up to me.


    Don't agree, the busiest time was for the sunday carvery as i recall, never liked the place, too dark.


    Define ' a while '

  15. 1 minute ago, Leaver said:

    What sport do you say was "on for weeks now" that he was going to be able to watch?  

    German football league / horse racing / snooker has all been on.

  16. 1 minute ago, Leaver said:

    It's you who has no idea.  You are only here for 6 weeks of the year.


    The Sportsman used to very busy, and regularly.  Yes, it's only a small bar, but even last high season, there were empty tables, regularly.  It's location is very central for expats, and tourists.  


    I am talking about Retox on Soi Honey.  Have you ever been there.  It's probably Pattaya's busiest sports bar, and is for sale. 

    I lived there for 8 years ( mentioned many times before that you seem to ignore ) until i got fed up with the place.


    The Sportsman was never 'very busy'. Infact i beleive the owner got into trouble for trying to sell class A's from there?


    I know where Retox is thank you, i have been there. How long has it been on the go, i don't think too long, right?

  17. 4 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    The OP mentioned the Australian Football League.  This competition restarted on the 10th June.  That's 5 days ago.


    You must be talking about the Belarusian Premier League.  It was the only show in town for a while. 

    Read post #21

  18. 1 hour ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    The gate is 6.7 metres with the extra  bit on the end so it needs the support. As you can see the motor is on a small plinth.


    the only trouble in 2 years was this


    Ok, thanks


    All my gates have only been about 4-5 meters so it makes sense for the additional support if 6.7m.

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