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Posts posted by HashBrownHarry

  1. 22 minutes ago, Pasadena said:

    I already pay annual insurance with Europ Assistance, but it doesn't cover Covid. I have no intention of paying two insurances, and frankly, the ceiling required also seems stupid to me. They are doing everything they can to alienate foreigners.

    They are doing everything they can to protect their own citizens which i'm sure a lot of other countries are jealous of.


    I will return to Thailand once my work is finished, i'll jump through whatever hoops there may be, no problem.


    I really don't understand the people that get bent out of shape about it, there's nothing they can do that will change anything.

  2. On 7/4/2020 at 3:34 AM, northsouthdevide said:

    Did you talk to the otop center in your nearest town or city? 

    Not only they may have members with the skills to make the huts for you, but it would also be a good contact for promotional purposes. 

    All the OTOP products i've seen over the years are overprices, every single item.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    I only mentioned what I thought would be the appliances that are the bigger users, but there are many others.  Eg. cash registers, computers, CCTV etc etc etc etc.


    Maybe there are different tariffs, that there's certainly some big electric motors running a lot in an operation like that.       

    cash registers, computers, CCTV etc etc etc etc.


    These are negligible. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Leaver said:

    Large fridge and freezer in the kitchen.  Large drink fridge/s in the restaurant.  These are on 27/7.  Running in a hot climate.  


    Possible electric cooking, and water heater.


    Air conditioning would also be expensive to run during opening hours. 


    Lighting not so expensive, but also on during opening hours.  


    Opening hours 2pm to 11pm.  Open an hour early for prep, and close an hour later for clean up.  That's 11 hours a day, but fridges and freezers running constantly.  


    You don't think it's possible?


  5. 1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Can you? where?  With the Certificate?


    There are different types of Covid-19 tests in the UK


    1) NHS Covid-19 test (hospital or Drive through)

    2) Covid-19 Abbott IgG laboratory antibody test (quick results - within the hour)

    3) Covid-19 IgG/IgM Rapid antibody test (results with 24 hrs)

    4) Covid-19 PCR Test (results within 48-72 hrs) This test is required for Travel.


    Item 1 is a test carried out if you are admitted to hospital or at a 'Drive through' Covid-19 testing facility. Tests are taken and processed, you will only be notified if your test is positive. The assumption is, if no one contacts you, your result was negative. 

    Items 2 and 3 are not tests for Covid-19 they are tests to check if someone has had covid. 

    Item 4 is a Covid-19 Test need for travel and is either taken with a home test kit and sent off to a lab. Or taken at a Private Clinic.


    If taking A PCR test at home, a Test can be ordered through a Clinic and mailed to your house. You take the swab as instructed, then mail the test to the Lab. The Lab contacts the Clinic with the Results. A Doctor at the Clinic e-mails you a Covid-19 Negative Certificate: This is very dependant of the efficiency of the post. 


    If taking a PCR test at a clinic, the process is the same, but you miss out the uncertainty of timing with the post. 


    With some clinics it is also possible to take the PCR test with a Courier. The Courier brings the test to your house. You take the test, the courier returns the test to the Clinic who process the test and return the results to you. 





    Yes you can / clinics / with certificate


    You're wrong about drive throughs, they will send you a text to confirm negative also.


    Item 4 is the one you'd need, clinics do it, £300 for 24 hour results.

  6. 10 hours ago, colinneil said:

    I think you missed the point of my post.

    Why make a fuss making sure the childrens temperatures are taken , but not the teachers?

    A teacher can get and pass the virus, just the same as a child.


    Temprature has now been proven not to be an indicator as it was thought of before.

  7. On 6/29/2020 at 8:27 AM, Berti said:

    The daily confusion.

    They only now expand alternative state quarantine. I heard hotel owners are desperate because nobody can tell them how to become a quarantine hotel.


    Quarantine hotel is easy, people just have to stay in their rooms, food / bedding etc is left outside the door for 'guests'.


    Any positive cases that occur are removed and then taken to an isolation hotel with other positive cases and vitals are monitored daily, if sever symptoms are shown they'll be taken to a hospital.

  8. 10 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Interesting.... But recovered from what? they had zero symptoms. 

    How did they find out they were carrying Covid-19 asymptomatically?


    Personally: I agree, the Virus doesn’t concern me. Many think they have had it, I think I may have had it but we really have no idea until we are tested to see if we have had Covid-19. 


    By now massive proportions of the population should be being tested to see if 90% of the population have had Covid-19 in which case we have little to worry about. That would also be embarrassing as we locked down for no reason. OR, only 5% of the population have had it [Covid-19] in which case we need to be seriously concerned as a vast proportion of society is still at risk. 

    When i say recovered i mean their body got rid of CV without showing symptoms, they were tested that's how they knew.

  9. On 6/18/2020 at 8:22 AM, superal said:

    Are you aware that any foreigner who intends to travel to Thailand must have $100,000 cover for covid 19 and that has to be highlighted for the IO to view and not just within the policy document . 

    I repeat once again the topic is about foreigners married to Thai spouses who want to return to Thailand , however the current insurance  requirements laid down by the Thai government are impossible to attain because the countries of departure are mostly stating that international travel should not be taken which in turn invalidates any insurance policy. 

    Here is an extract from the Staysure Insurance company but common to other companies e.g. Regency FEPs

     Please be aware that your travel insurance will not be valid when the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all, or all but essential travel to your destination. But, all your policy benefits will resume as soon as the FCO advises it is safe to travel again.

    Regency will issue a valid covid covering policy to those who are residing within Thailand but not to those who are abroad and wish to travel  .

    You're not making sense, as soon at the FCO allow travel the insurance is valid, right?


    There is not point in it being valid now as the airports are not open, i'm sure as soon as the airports are open the FCO travel advice will change.

  10. 2 hours ago, alacrity said:

    Can't remember the last time I saw a handwritten list of parts presented to a customer by a main dealer.

    Certainly not in this century and there's no header on the sheet.

    If you can search, then so can others.

    Some grifters are smarter than others.

    The detailed invoice i receive each time is epic!!

  11. On 6/18/2020 at 8:25 AM, asiaexpat said:

    We have three Toyotas in the family and my daughter always took her car to Toyota for service. I found the cost for routine and scheduled maintenance high and they usually recommend some extra work. The last time she took her car in to Toyota they told her the transmission was leaking and needed 17,000 baht work, my investigation found someone had poured fluid over he transaxle and after cleaning have never found a leak or added fluid. My Toyota, out of warranty, never sees the Toyota shop since they tend to recommend unneeded work and the cost is considerable higher than just letting B-Quik do the work. The wife's car is new so Toyota gets to do the service.

    They should call or discuss with you any additional work, if you don't want it done simply say no thanks.

  12. On 6/18/2020 at 9:04 AM, JonnyF said:

    You're better off going to a specialist tyre shop for the tyres, more choice and cheaper. I found Vibhavadi to be very good for servicing, I had my Desmo 24,000 check done there last month. Just make sure you tell them to contact you before they change any parts. I did have one occasion that they changed something without asking me first which I wasn't very pleased about. Once told to follow this rule they are good IMO.


    I went to Rama 3 intending to buy a 796 once and was treated quite poorly because I was dressed very casual that day. That was quite a while ago though and was likely just a "rogue" salesman. Not sure about their servicing.

    Agree with this, i've had a couple bike serviced at Vibhavadi, very happy.

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