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Everything posted by Martin71

  1. I think it's because of some of the newish poster's on here... argumentative, pedantic, and bickering put people off replying... I see an interesting topic but I don't bother scrolling through 30 rubbish posts by the same person to see one post that is , entertaining,informative or amusing...
  2. Half- cocked reporting....
  3. Hunting for the rogue policeman.... have they checked his mums house ?
  4. Think you've covered it all.....
  5. (2) Permission to allow owners of unauthorized firearms to give up or register the weapons with the authorities; So under this clause could I theoretically get my wife to go and buy a second hand Glock from an unauthorised gun seller (mafia) get it registered in her name in save a large pile of cash rather than buy one legally......
  6. Where is the lounge ? bu33ered if I can find it. Thanks in advance...
  7. It's a good idea, but how many of the guns handed in would go 'missing' and then just sold back to the criminals .....
  8. Report from another news site....I just put the headline... just gonna sit back and read the replies......
  9. Might be worth phoning them and asking if you can get a 2 month 'Under Consideration' stamp..this would give you until 23rd Jan to report back to IO, then you would be able to get a single entry, re-entry permit stamped into your passport when you go IO on 23rd Nov for renewal. For some reason my last under consideration stamp was for two months (i have know idea why)
  10. A good idea .... but with the levels of corruption here, I think half the weapons handed in would go 'missing ' and just end up being sold back to criminals....
  11. So what you telling me for... I never posted anything about sex with 6 or 9 year old's... get you're facts right before gobbing off...
  12. Brake failure / wet road / avoiding a dog that ran out in front of him.... did he hit any power poles ?
  13. I'm with you on that one roo,,, disgusting post Mac...
  14. Ex policeman in Nong Bua Lamphu now at least 32 dead... mostly young kids..
  15. I live in Thailand and am from the UK.. ..so you say we are not that different to muslims in the UK 1) I have never called for anyone to be beheaded because they don't have the same religious beliefs as me. 2) I do not worship someone who marries nine year old's. 3) I have never celebrated dead British military personnel on Remembrance Day (or any other day) 4) I have never celebrated someone detonating a suicide bomb in a concert arena full of children, and called them a martyr. 5) Westerners paying for sex is Thailand is mainly consensual between the two parties ( I will concede only 98% of the time), drugging raping and threatening violence and then passing the girls round to your mates is not the same.
  16. Just a side note,,,, just reading UK news and Muhammed was the 5th most popular baby name in four out of nine UK regions.
  17. A policeman stated the dog ran out in front of the boy on the motorcycle....... so yes, it was the dogs fault,
  18. If you get your internet from 3BB, they have a package that includes 3BB gigatv about 730 baht a month with internet... this has HBO GO and about 5 english speaking movie channels, plus all the major news outlet channels, documentaries, a few of the BBC channels, also monomax (more movies and documentaries. I have had it about a year... very happy with it.. reliable, also excellent customer service. I also have a firestick from the UK (dodgy one), I pay a bloke 70 quid a year to update it... to get one you need an amazon account. It has all the sky channels (sport / movies), PPV , every single uk football game and about 50 odd other channels. Also has netflix BUT for this you have to have a netflix account and you will have to use VPN to look UK version.... I am very happy with it well worth the original 80 quid stick and 70 quid update fee.. Hope this helps...
  19. I've heard multiple accounts of people being decapitated / losing limbs.....
  20. Gotta be fake news.....(possible sarcasm detected)
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