If you get your internet from 3BB, they have a package that includes 3BB gigatv about 730 baht a month with internet... this has HBO GO and about 5 english speaking movie channels, plus all the major news outlet channels, documentaries, a few of the BBC channels, also monomax (more movies and documentaries.
I have had it about a year... very happy with it.. reliable, also excellent customer service.
I also have a firestick from the UK (dodgy one), I pay a bloke 70 quid a year to update it... to get one you need an amazon account.
It has all the sky channels (sport / movies), PPV , every single uk football game and about 50 odd other channels. Also has netflix BUT for this you have to have a netflix account and you will have to use VPN to look UK version.... I am very happy with it well worth the original 80 quid stick and 70 quid update fee..
Hope this helps...