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Everything posted by Martin71

  1. C'mon mate.. get it off your chest.. say what you feel.....
  2. Was back there for a few weeks in Jan....complete turd hole could not wait to leave...
  3. MalcolmB.. I would take the advice of a lot of the posters on here... and slow down.....it's not always paradise here... and the rose tint on your glasses wears off quicker than you think.... But you are right it is better than living in that poo hole they call London ( North West London born and bred)....
  4. 'I was bored out of my mind in Pattaya' Why were you reading through your old posts...?
  5. Why bother waiting... just sort the POS out now with a bit of lead behind the ear...
  6. 11 hours suspended due to having wads of cash and powerful friends.. good behaviour...
  7. Chinese submarine...
  8. Sad thing is they will probably win the case... oh well.. TIT...
  9. www.dlt-elearning.com .... this is where i watched the videos... english subtitles 100%...once you have entered the site or entered your details and got your username have a look around on the site english subtitles available.... I am no internet ninja but they are on there...
  10. dlt e learning... videos have English subtitles... but still a load of old cobblers...boring but you need them...
  11. Will these vehicles have functioning brakes...
  12. Chinese POS... look how much the muzzle jumps when firing a round.. let alone full auto...
  13. On the news now channel 33... Changes will be brought in, in 120 days.. Also warnings about scams... once registered if someone claiming to be from your bank phones you it is a scam.... all banks are saying once registration is complete they will not be phoning any customers for any reason...
  14. If near London I recommend a stab proof vest....
  15. Or perhaps it's them coming home at dawn... the dudes t-shirt is ripped in the right area..
  16. Yep.. definitely class 2.. think between about 10 - 12 quid a month.. also paid for a couple of missing years to get me to the 37 years.. but the difference it made to my pension forecast from the .gov.uk website was huge...when I get to 67 I will get the max amount (what ever it is then).. if you can do it, if you can find a way do it 100%.. the money you will pay out will be peanuts compared to what you get back from your pension if you live a good few years from your pension age...
  17. Like I said not 100% sure of procedure.. but as I did it all by direct debit from Lloyds bank account registered to UK address you may be right ...when you mentioned form CF83 it did not ring any bells with me... so yep.. I probably didn't tell them...
  18. It can be done I did it for about 9 years while I was over here...it was easy to set up.. direct debit from UK bank... I have forgotten the actual procedure.. but I do remember it was quite painless, I am not sure I told them I was out of the country.. (I did it from UK bank registered with a UK address)... 100% recommend it so you get your full state pension.. if I remember any more details I will post them... hope this helps
  19. Yep... he suffers from frequent faecal leakage of the gob....
  20. But it's ok and honourable to kick a semi conscious person half to death...scumbag bouncers..
  21. Story is on another news site..(big yellow banner and they also have a forum).. don't think there is video on there.. but it was shown on the news earlier... 'bang to rights' i think is the phrase to describe the video
  22. Is there a link for 'they were running a scam'...... where did you get that information from.?
  23. Did it show video of incident or just that it happened...?
  24. If this is aimed at me ... then no... did it all on my phone...
  25. Just registered mine with DTAC.. had same number for 20 odd years (I know we don't have to do it yet.. but I am off to the UK for a bit, and sods law says this change will be implemented while I am there).... Dtac.. phone call centre get put through to an English speaker.. confirm name and number they send you an SMS with a link to register... on this link step by step instructions with pictures on procedure... pretty straight forward... but I would suggest doing it with someone who can read thai, as captions and some information fields are only in thai....
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