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Everything posted by Alldar

  1. I was asking for a recommendation of some specific protein powder. Big selection on Lazada is not really helpful. I was checking that already - reputable brands like Optimim Nutrution or Ultimate Nutrition and I couldn't find anything pure without sweeteners. Capn you recommend concrete product without the artificial sweeteners?
  2. Hi, Do you know any whey protein powder which you can get in Thailand without artificial sweeteners? I cannot find anything. I don't mind the bad taste, or I would be OK with a bit of carbohydrates/sugar (gainers) but I want to avoid sucralose and other artificial sweeteners. Any recommendations?
  3. It seems the approval might be taking long time, I am waiting so far 1.5 months for mine and I am not sure how much longer it will take. I was planning to travel to Thailand next month, but I am not sure if I can travel with tourist visa or visa exempt now when I am waiting for the Elite visa. In the Elite visa application I specified that I am outside Thailand and I am not in possession of any visa. Does anyone know if it is OK to travel to Thailand now or do I need to wait for the Elite visa?
  4. That applies only to Dengvaxia vaccine. It doesn't apply to Qdenga.
  5. Be careful with Dengvaxia, it was found out that if one didn't have previous Dengue fever infection, the Dengvaxia is making the infection even worse. There was a huge scandal on Philippines where they started mass vaccinating with the vaccine and it made the children have even more serious infection. It was all over the news. Qdenga sounds like potentially better vaccine, but since it is very new vaccine released just this year and not many people were vaccinated yet, one should be careful as well. I would be curious what are the prices for those vaccines in Thailand.
  6. 30k is monthly limit, daily limit is just 10k. They don't have it specified on that link, but I can see the limit in my app. I was thinking it would be better through Thai bank account, since I can provide payment reference number during the transfer and I get nice confirmation from the BKK bank along with QR code. Reference number with Wise is not transferred to the receiving bank, it is just on the confirmation PDF. Also transfer through Thai bank account is free, there is a fixed fee for each transfer through Wise. I will however check this with Thai Elite team first.
  7. I have checked and the maximum daily limit for Wise card is 10,000GBP which is not enough for the Elite visa payment. But if it is possible to split the payment into multiple bank transfers, then I just might transfer the amount to my Bangkok bank account first and then do multiple transfers from there which are under 50k and which shouldn't require facial recognition. Sounds like an option but I will have to check this with the elite team.
  8. I have it confirmed by Wise support team that it is not possible to send exact amount via SWIFT transfer. Even your article is mentioning that. There may be intermediary banks charging fees and the biggest issue is that the conversion is done by the receiving bank.
  9. Yes but Wise is using real mid-market rate, so besides the fee which is completely transparent and it is a fixed percentage there is no other markup for the transfer. With SWIFT transfer there is a fee for the transfer (which is fixed amount) and second "hidden fee" which is worse exchange rate. The exchange rate difference was always more than the Wise's fee (0.63%) therefore using SWIFT transfer was never a better option. For me the priority is to pay this somehow. I will probably contact both Wise and BKK bank and will see.
  10. Well, that is certainly bad news. Was it enabled for foreigners as well? My friend in Thailand was saying that it is probably not enabled for foreigners. I guess I will try to contact the bank to confirm. Regarding SWIFT transfer, I wanted to avoid it for the same reasons as you said. I don't know how I would send the exact amount to the target bank. Did anyone tried to use the SWIFT transfer to Thailand using Wise? Is it possible? And as far as I know Wise's fee is not increasing, percentage is fixed- about 0.63% as far as I remember. If payment would be send through a SWIFT, it would be recalculated by exchange rate of the receiving or sending bank, and this exchange rate difference was always higher than Wise's fee when I was checking. Thank you very much for your answer, but it is not a good news for me. ????
  11. I have a question about payment for the Elite visa. How did you pay for the visa? I have both Wise account and Bangkok bank account but I am currently outside Thailand. Option 1 Paying with Wise - how? I was checking that it is not possible to pay by debit card, because the maximum payment limit is not high enough. If I would transfer from Wise directly to their Thai bank account, there is no option to add any payment identifier (the reference is only visible in an e-mail, it is not visible in their bank). Option 2 Transfer money to my Bangkok bank and transfer from there. However, I was reading sometime ago that for payments above 50k scan of the face / biometrics details are needed - does anyone know if this is now enabled? As I am outside Thailand it would be a problem. Also I am not sure if there is a limit for the transactions. I hope it is fine to ask in this topic and not to create a new one.
  12. I wasn't talking about E-Visa website, I was talking about Thai embassy website in my country. There is no METV mentioned there. Not all the visas which are available on the E-Visa website are automatically available to every country. I will double check this with my embassy before applying.
  13. Any luck with the METV or non-o? My embassy also does not have METV listed anymore on their website. I am wondering if they are now issued only by some specific embassies.
  14. It isn't so clear from his post as he was mentioning re-entry permit, I was asking if situation is different without re-entry permit and a new visa: Also in his case the person had long history in Thailand with Covid extensions and in-country visa conversion. So my question is exactly about this. Was this just a specific case because of long history in Thailand before or it is a common practice to cause issues when you leave with ED visa (does it matter if one has re-entry or not)? For me this is not very clear and as I am considering education visa myself it is quite useful information.
  15. So what if someone needs to leave for a few months? Should ED visa be cancelled (meaning leaving without re-entry permit) and afterwards new visa issued before coming back to Thailand? Or it is not a good idea if someone has ED visa?
  16. Does anyone who applied for LTR Work from Thailand Professional visa know, if they contact the employer in some way (email/phone) or are the submitted documents enough to process the application? I am thinking that if they would call the reception at my company they wouldn't get any relevant information. Also what will happen if I will find another job after some time? Will the visa be cancelled at 5-year check or will they be cancelled immediately?
  17. Is there really a 1-year limit on ED visa for learning Thai language? I was considering learning Thai language and I doubt I will be able to learn Thai in just 1 year.
  18. Why? Because what you are saying is totally wrong. Again, you don't need onward flight ticket if you have a visa. That's a fact. I am ending the discussion here.
  19. Why would you risk anything? You can buy ticket on the spot. But it is not required and I don't believe immigration was asking for it. Airlines could have but they were wrong.
  20. Onward flight ticket is only required for visa exempt entry.
  21. My understanding was that visa is not enough to conduct any type of work from Thailand, hence you need a work permit to conduct work. Non-O marriage visa is not a tourist visa, do they officially allow remote work for overseas companies without a work permit? I know it wasn't possible to get work permit if you are not working for a Thai company that's why it was always a gray zone.
  22. Well I won't argue with you. If that is the case it would be actually good news. But it would also mean that you can work online from Thailand for overseas companies without a work permit with other visa types too. And this was discussed many times before and the conclusion was that officially you cannot do that. Just few days ago someone was posting that he was checking if he can do this with Elite visa and he couldn't.
  23. No you will not. Having a visa means Thai embassy/consulate checked that you meet all the necessary conditions for entry to Thailand. Therefore airline is not responsible for checking these conditions like with visa exempt entry.
  24. So if you work online just for company located abroad (which is required for this WFTP visa) then you don't need work permit? Are you sure about this? I have seen a few times stated that even this is not possible without a work permit.
  25. So you have WFTP visa without work permit? Is that even allowed? I thought if you will be working from Thailand it is required.
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