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Posts posted by i84teen

  1. 4 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    my Express VPN renewal in March was $38 for the year. 

    $38 for 12 months....why so cheap like that? Have a link for that, I'll sign up now! That's awesome if its available.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Alphim said:

    Thank you, Looking to watch Multichoice DSTV sports channels 

    Oh, ok, well I have 192 ZA channels in my lineup, tons of Supersports channels but don't have this Multichoice DSTV and cannot find it on google. I did check the VPN speeds from bkk to South Africa and is reasonable using IKEv2 and OpenVPN (about 120Mbps).

  3. 9 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:


    in the noor case, the officer made a bad decision, but it could reasonably be argued in good faith.  he even attempted cpr.  there are no mitigating circumstances for chauvin.

     Noor shot the victim in the chest from a few feet away, and the jury did not believe that he intended to kill her and convicted him of third-degree murder but acquitted him of second-degree murder.

    Shooting someone in the chest is more likely to cause death than kneeling on their neck and if a jury acquitted Noor for a shooting death they could very well acquit Chauvin of 2nd degree as well.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

    And guess what...he does not get his day in court because a cop put his knees on his neck and back for 9 minutes...that ended up being his trial and those 4 cops were the judge jury and executioners. And as far as him resisting arrest....looks to me like they had him restrained...I could not agree with you more that you should not resist the police in that situation however, I think we can all agree that on your stomach, in handcuffs and begging to breathe for 9 mins is having the man under control. The cops are supposed to PROTECT people, and I can argue that this applies ESPECIALLY for the ones that are high and not in control of all of their faculties (how would this have been different if he was drunk other than from the legal perspective as far as the care or lack of it the police gave him in their custody). And finally his guilt or innocence *IS* a factor because in America you are innocent until proven guilty...and that applies to everybody whether you are Aunt Becky cheating for your kids to get into UCLA or a black man that is high on drugs...unless a cop in Minneapolis decides otherwise I guess.

    what a foolish statement:

    "And finally his guilt or innocence *IS* a factor because in America you are innocent until proven guilty...and that applies to everybody whether you are Aunt Becky cheating for your kids to get into UCLA or a black man that is high on drugs...unless a cop in Minneapolis decides otherwise I guess. "


    You suggesting the cop (executioner) killed G Floyd because he's guilty is asinine. You obviously have no concept of the presumption of innocence or who adjudicates guilt or innocence in US judicial system. You must be from a country not covered by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or are just plain ignorant to even suggest something so incredibly ludicrous and completely unsubstantiated.


    As posted previously guilt or innocence is for the courts to decide, not police. Stick to the topic and avoid extremism to deflect from the narrative. Better yet, try to become knowledgeable before making these laughable statements.

  5. 32 minutes ago, The Barmbeker said:

    He was arrested for payimg with a false 20$- note!

    Or should I say: a PRESUMABLY fals 20$ note!


    Unless the money was painted in crayon, It would have been very hard for someone to identify it as false, on the spot!


    It turned out, the note was most likely not fake!


    So he was falsely accused!


    So he had done nothing wrong....


    Anywyas: at what point in time did he ANYTHING so outrageous, that he had to be put on the ground, face down, in handcuffs and someone had to kneel on his NECK for more than 10 minutes, until he was dead?

    What is your point?

    "So he was falsely accused!


    So he had done nothing wrong...."


    Hate to break it to you but you're wrong again, but not surprising.

    G Floyd committed at least two felonies during the investigation after police responded to the call of counterfeit currency: he resisted arrest, was high on fentanyl (DUI) while in care/control of a vehicle, both are felonies in Mn. If you read the the statement of probable cause issued by State of Minnesota County of Hennepin and the autopsy you may have know this. These two crimes resulted during the investigation of the bogus $20 which has not been confirmed as fake or not, AFAIK. But feel free to confirm that and back it up as your word is not good.

    Nobody deserves to die like this, and I will say resisting police is a very bad idea, and so is DUI, and Floyd deserved to be in jail, not the morgue.

    • Like 2
  6. 42 minutes ago, The Barmbeker said:

    Okay...which part of the 10 MINUTE video is debatable?

    Pure and simple!

    Chill out and listen, what was/is debatable is your claim (which I previously quoted and u obviously ignored it or didn't read) and is this: "-most likely- he dide nothing wrong AT THE TIME OF HIS ARREST! "


    That is baseless, merit less, no proof what so ever. And if you don't know that, then wallow in your rage and whatever else you are high on. Deal in facts or Go away.

    • Confused 2
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  7. 25 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    OK. I'm not a lawyer. Seems odd to me 'unintentional' when cutting off blood / oxygen supply to the brain for more than eight minutes, though as said I'm not a lawyer. Assuming you have legal training can charges be upgraded / downgraded during time prior to proceedings? 

    Yes, this IS the amended complaint, the original complaint listed 2 counts only:

    Count 1: Third Degree Murder - Perpetrating Eminently Dangerous Act and Evincing Depraved Mind, Minnesota Statute: 609.195(a)



    Further charges can be brought if new details or evidence emerges during the "investigations", especially if his co-accused reveal new details that can be corroborated. Some noted legal scholars have said the evidence to date could support 1st degree murder.

    And no, I am not a lawyer but my youngest is, which makes me old(er)...lol

    • Thanks 1
  8. 24 minutes ago, The Barmbeker said:

    Oh...I see!

    Just one problem here: George Floyd will never be brought to a court, because HE WAS KILLED BY AN OFFICER< WHILE LYING FACE DOWN AND HANDCUFFED ON THE GROUND!


    No, no court for him obviously, and it is you who said, and I quote: "-most likely- he dide nothing wrong AT THE TIME OF HIS ARREST! ". And I alluded to the courts deciding/judge guilt or innocence, NOT police and therefore he was arrested based on the complaint and not whether the cops thought he was guilty or innocent. Innocent people are arrested too and have their day in court to plead their case. Floyd will not, unfortunately. His manner of death is now a matter for the courts to sort out.

    Your big mistake is assuming facts that are not in evidence, you have ZERO proof to substantiate your claim in the above quote.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 17 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Let the lawyers sort it out. An example definition...


    Second-degree murder is an intentional killing, but is less serious than first-degree murder because some malicious factors aren’t present. Both first- and second-degree murder in Minnesota have aspects of the “felony murder rule.” Felony murder is when you kill a person during the commission of another felony, such as rape or burglary.



    Well, if you are referring to the cop, D Chauvin, there are 3 (three) counts in the amended complaint and they are:

    Count 1: Charge: Second Degree Murder - Unintentional - While Committing A Felony
    Minnesota Statute: 609.19.2(1)


    Count 2: Third Degree Murder - Perpetrating Eminently Dangerous Act and Evincing Depraved Mind
    Minnesota Statute: 609.195(a)


    Count 3: Second Degree Manslaughter - Culpable Negligence Creating Unreasonable Risk
    Minnesota Statute: 609.205(1)


    What part of "unintentional" confuses you?  Just refer to the attached MN statutes which should you help better understand difference between intentional and unintentional 2nd degree murder (in Minnesota). Note that premeditation is the primary criteria differentiating 2nd and 1st degree, NOT intent.

  10. 3 hours ago, simple1 said:

    Take up your first sentence comment with white society in the USA and elsewhere. I believe it is a given fact middle class white society generally is self satisfied, with exceptions, doesn't really care that much about others in society. Only need to look at the relatively small number of white protesters overall in the current demonstrations.


    Misadventure? The police officer has been charged with second degree murder, There will be some degree of intent to kill to justify the charge, of course to be proven or not at Court. 

    Not required to prove intent under the statute.

    • Like 1
  11. 28 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The decision to murder Floyd was not a decision Floyd made.


    But go ahead, blame the victim.

    An unfortunate victim, yes, of his own circumstances.

    I can bet the police didn't make him pass counterfeit currency, or make him resist, and attempt escape all the while spun out in the ozones on drugs. We all have to be accountable for our decisions. Unfortunately not one single circumstance evolved in the equation, but many factors combined to create this mess and floyd needs to shoulder some of it. He died, unfortunately but his actions do have bearing in all this. Not so innocent.

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  12. 40 minutes ago, Saint Nick said:

    Yeah...he could have been born white, the fool!


    Those are your words.

    But yes, if he complied, stayed put instead of trying to escape from police custody there is a very strong likelihood he wakes up the next day unless of course he OD's instead, on whatever quantity of drugs he had in his system.

    The toxicology report stated he has 11 ng/ml of active Fentanyl and 5.6 ng/ml of norfentanyl, that's like 5 times the maximum therapeutic dose and enough to OD.

    • Confused 1
  13. 52 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    don't forget he had Coronavirus too. This makes a mess of the protocol of attributing cause of death to be Coronavirus for everybody that tested positive for it. So either the rules need to be changed for coronavirus death tallies, or this was not murder. Tough one isn't it!!


    As per Dr Birx's statement "Right now ... if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that as a COVID-19 death."


    Refer to the autopsy report which states the cause of death and is classified as a homicide.


    • Like 2
  14. 7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    According to which side one listens to he was a wonderful human being or a career criminal.

    Amongst the uproar it's pretty impossible to decide without having known him personally.

    All I know is that the police department's training and /or procedures were obviously deficient. There should be standard procedures to follow in any situation, and kneeling on someone's neck should not be among them.

    However, nothing justifies burning property and rioting, PERIOD.

    Minnesota cops are trained by Israeli forces in restraint techniques involving knee on neck maneuver which is allowed for use by Minneapolis police.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 17 minutes ago, Saint Nick said:

    I will hazard a guess, but it maybe, because if you chose to become a police officer, it it a possibility, that you get injured or even killed, in the line of duty!

    If you show me a paper, where George Floyd signed up to get killed for going shopping....


    Anyways: it is horrific that ANYBODY has to die over this!

    I am unsure but I think the black cop that was killed during the riots was actually retired from duty.

    Quite likely G Floyd could have easily played his cards differently shaping the outcome of the event that cost him his life.

    • Confused 1
  16. 12 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    I also read that a police captain had been shot and killed.


    Same lack of outrage - and he's black.


    Does suggest some other motivations.

     85 people shot over the weekend in Chicago, 24 killed. A black police officer (as quoted by Baer) was shot dead by rioters. Why don’t any of these people concern BLM and the black community. Close to 200 homicides in Chicago this year most black on black crime. Why is this not covered? Where is the outrage. Why are they choosing to martyr G Floyd.

    • Confused 1
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  17. 6 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    As I said in edited post, really not interested in a debate on what I meant by intent. 

    Ok, I responded to your post before you edited it. I didn't see the word entry "debate" in the initial post. But from my perspective I felt you wanted me to assist you in your understanding of differences in premeditation and intent due to your interest in the subject after I offered a comment clarifying your incorrect statement(s), which I did.

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