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Everything posted by CFCol

  1. CFCol


    It is exactly that. A pyramid seller of cleaning products. Been around since the 60's.
  2. I showed them a printout from the bureau website quoting the requirements but because it had a link in blue at the bottom of the page to bangkok/imm, they pushed it back at me saying,"This is from Bangkok, go to Bangkok".
  3. As long as he is not in Samui. They told me last week they will not do ve to nonO.
  4. Oh. Mr and Mrs and Master Bates, from off the Suffolk coast? No country recognises it.
  5. I was going to do the same, but at Samui Immigration. After three visits to make sure it was possible and even taking a printout of the conditions from the RTPI website, I was told" you cannot". "This is from Bangkok, go to Bangkok", and threw the printout back at me. So, Samui doesn't allow this!!
  6. I use a. Cable, (phone connector one end and USB on the other). Works perfectly with my Samsung android.
  7. Compare like with like please. I expected UK interest v thai interest. Agent doesn't come into the picture. And Dr. JACK, Get that will sorted otherwise if you pass your partner will be in the <deleted> for months.
  8. Here on Samui we have had to pay property tax for each year,(you can ignore the annual bill but it will then be required to pay when you sell the property). The bill for previous years was always just a few baht, however 2023's bill was over 3,000 baht. When I paid at the land office, I queried it and was told that to benefit from the lower rates I would now have to change the blue book for my villa to a yellow book. Everyone else I have spoken to locally is in the same boat.
  9. Can anyone see the difference to the old uniform? They'll be on sale on Lazada next week.
  10. OA holders already have had to produce a criminal record check to get the visa. Maybe it should be extended to "O" visa's too?
  11. Arrived Samui 2014. Health insurance is required here.
  12. I don't see this as anything new. Up until the early 20's Thailand had a departure tax of 300 baht which was collected for international departures via booths at the airports. They are merely reinventing their own wheel.
  13. UK pensions come via citibank in the US. I have received mine with no delays here in Thailand. So yes, have you completed your proof of life lately
  14. It was not island wide. Don't believe the Bar Talk. It was a small proportion of the island round Banrack and Chaweng. My area was not affected.
  15. As I've said before, used Mark's sending machine in Bangkok. Have done mine and my wife's in the last three years. Excellent service for around B5000. Google him.
  16. I can recommend 'Mark's Sending Machine" in Bangkok. Great service for around B5k.
  17. I always have to show my lease contract but I am on a 30 year land lease, and copy house book, so I have no direct knowledge of rental contracts required. However if you have a contract for 3 months, why don't you do a visa extension for three months, move back to where you got your last 1 year extension and get a new 1 year extension there. Problem solved?
  18. Had a similar problem this month. Tried the online registration. But it was 5 years since I entered Thailand. Immigration lost my tm 30 when they transferred my visa etc. To my new passport. Went to the new office on Samui. Done in 5 minutes. The online system does not take into account all circumstances. Good luck.
  19. If you can't say anything sensible don't say anything at all.
  20. I'm a British and world championship skydiver but I wouldn't do it
  21. On Samui for some months now faring can get boosters no problem, except they are no longer free, (B1390) at the state hospital. This will probably put the cheapskates off getting one hence exacerbating the problem.
  22. In the past 5 years have used "Mark's sending machine in Bangkok, to renew both my British passport and my wife's. Excellent service. Look him up on tinterweb.
  23. Can his family tell us if: 1 he has a full motorbike license in the UK. 2 does he have an IDP. If the answer to either of these questions is no then I have no sympathy for him. 3 was he wearing a helmet. (Glass in the head would suggest not) Illegal on the road. The Thai police should impound and destroy the bike if any of thee above are true and take action against the rental company for lack of due diligence. This might help to ensure proper diligence by the rental companies. Can the family say whether he was a rider in the UK. Basically, like a high proportion of tourists, not just from the UK, they are riding Illegaly here and must be prepared to suffer the consequences of their actions and not expect other people to bail them out.
  24. I recently picked up a list of requirements for OA extension from Samui Immigration,(last week). I expected it to say 3m baht insurance. It actually says B40,000 outpatients and B400,000 inpatients. Who knows what the correct answer is!!!
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