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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 4 hours ago, newbee2022 said:

    Nuts. Who will decide who should be stamped out? And what kind of view is it to give someone the right to stamp out your neighbour?? Sorry, when reading your post I could vomit.

    Israel will! the world vividly remembers ISIS, have you forgotten?


    If you feel nauseous that's because you have a pink and fluffy idea of how the world should be and are out of touch with reality, human nature, twisted ideology, the inability to forgive guarantee it....


  2. 25 minutes ago, newbee2022 said:

    "Stamp out"....Is this your only answer? According to the bible..take an eye for an eye...? Since 1945 the US is acting like that. Without any success. Wherever the Americans marched in they left a chaos and an unruled destroyed country . 

    So to answer with more arms and more killings we will never have a sustainable peace. 

    We are supporting Ukraine and mark the invader as a cruel monster but we did not do anything when Israel invaded Jordan (West Bank). Where is the state Palestine?

    Oh yes they will be 'stamped out' just like ISIS, you can mark my words on that!


    I agree we will never have substantial peace as some ideologies are incompatible with peace and they need to be eradicated, Hamas, Iran et al knew this but decided terror was the way to further their cause. They have misjudged and many, many innocents on both sides will be killed because or these religious nutters!

  3. 28 minutes ago, newbee2022 said:

    Reacting to ongoing occupation and harassment. To move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was like pouring oil into the fire.

    There were never real peace talks. (actually you didn't answer my question but asking me instead????)

    It's pretty simple what they're reacting to (by they I mean Hamas, Hezbolah and the puppeteer Iran) they are reacting to the potential thawing of relations between several Arab nations and Israel!


    They simply can't have that, they would cut their own throats rather than make peace their twisted take on religion and their whole ideology guarantees it. They will never make peace as it would admit everything they have done is a lie


    They have damned themselves and their nation by their monstrous actions and unfortunately innocents will pay for their arrogance, their actions have shown they are just another death cult, another ISIS that will be stamped out but not before many innocents have been killed...

  4. 5 hours ago, madmitch said:

    I won't quote it but there' one particular paragraph in the original article that says all you need to know. The one about his brother!

    I will mate as it really sums things up nicely in the land of nepotism and corruption aka Thailand!


    'Among his elder brothers is ACM Satitpong Sukvimol, private secretary to His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn, as well as grand chamberlain of the Royal Household Bureau and director-general of the Crown Property Bureau. Satitpong also chairs the executive board of many companies, including Siam Bioscience, Deves Insurance, and Doi Kham Food Products'

  5. 5 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

    Here we go, another apologist for the terrorist organisation Hamas


    No mention at all in your comment about Hamas invading Israel and slaughtering 260 young kids at a music festival by ripping their bodies apart with machine gun fire.

    No mention of Hamas going house to house slaughtering entire families while they slept

    No mention of Hamas murdering women, stripping them naked and then parading them through the streets of Gaza on the back of pick up trucks.

    No mention of Hamas raping and beheading women.

    No mention of Hamas slaughtering 40 little babies, slitting their throats and beheading some of them

    No mention of Hamas abducting over a hundred people from babies to the old

    No mention of Hamas executing parents in front of their children and then abducting the children


    Not a single word from you about any of these unprecedented atrocities …. just criticism and speculation of what Israel might do in response

    You will find the massive majority of these hypocrites and apologists have never actually had to face up to terrorists, they see things through their rose coloured glasses usually with a western education and a socialist bent from a nice comfortable life others have paid for


    They are the sheep the wolves want to eat and the guard dogs keep safe. They truly do not understand that freedom isn't free and the only reason the majority of them can spout their nonsense is because hard men make tough choices often at great personal cost


    I have started to despise them even though I know it's pointless, they are the sheep and sheep need guarding from their own stupidity left to them we would all go to hell in an handcart. RIP the latest victims of terror and the innocent's Hamas have doomed through their twisted ideology...

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    You are now on ignore. I gave you the chance for an apology for calling me racist/antisemitic/liar and to quote one of my posts  highlighting this, which you never did. 

    I've no time for rude trolls like you.

    I despise Hamas, I despise Netanyahu. I am not Pro-Palestine, you are deluded. 

    If you don't like my posts, ignore me as you'll never get another reply to your trolls. 


    ha ha ha ha stick me on that too if you like as I agree with everything he has said about you, your an apologist and a poor one at that, begins with W ends in R you can fill in the rest...

    • Like 1
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  7. 1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Reuters -- April 27, 2008


    "A decorated policeman was shot dead in a Bangkok bar in 2001 after a fracas with the son of a top politician. The next day, the son, a military officer, went AWOL before surrendering six months later to the Thai embassy in Malaysia on a murder charge.


    Then, two years later, he was acquitted due to a lack of evidence since nobody in the bar at the time will testify. Four years on, and Duangchalerm Yubamrung is back in the headlines in the Southeast Asian nation having been reinstated this week as an army sub-lieutenant."




    Dad was the Interior Minister at the time.




    If you could bottle Thainess it would have an overpowering stench of corruption, nepotism, cowardice a complete lack of justice and no moral compass. The rich and powerful in Thailand really have very few redeeming features

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  8. 1 minute ago, herfiehandbag said:

    I once had the system explained to me as being like the scheme for "prize money" in Nelson's Navy.


    If you captured an enemy ship it became your ships "prize". It was sold through a "prize court and the money it raised (prize money) was divided up amongst the crew. The Admiral got say, 25%, the Captain got 25%, the officers of the ship shared 25% sorted by rank, and the crew got 25% shared amongst themselves.


    The same sort of principle applies to the distribution of the various informal income streams relevant to whichever branch of the force you serve in. That is why the costs of promotion reach such eye watering sums for lucrative posts such as (for example CO of the Pattaya police).


    Removal to an "inactive post" is a real punishment, as you are removed from the distribution chain.


    Everyone, from the decent old buffer seeing kids across the road outside a school up is in the system.


    I suppose you could refuse your cut, but you would never be trusted by anyone, never be considered for (or of course be able to afford) a promotion.


    And of course, because the system is universal, it is effectively unreformable.

    Succinctly put, thank you!

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, transam said:

    Your links, now look for dodgy cops in any country, you maybe surprised, but you're ALL cops are dodgy is OTT.......????













    We will have to disagree I stand by my statement that ALL senior RTP are corrupt. In order to get to the head of the pyramid it is a prerequisite. You don't have to agree I shan't be upset if you don't...

  10. 3 minutes ago, transam said:

    It seems your findings basically revolve around you, you don't like Fortuner drivers either................????


    I rest my case, now.................:guitar:

    No they don't did you miss the multitude of links to articles about the naughty RTP?  you're right about the Fortuner drivers though and yes time to rest the case, have a good one!! 

  11. 12 minutes ago, transam said:

    A Captain friend was killed on duty, he used to help out local old people in his spare time, the stuff folk here don't read or know about....

    Don't really want to get into this but just because somebody helps the local old folk and was killed on duty has zero to do with if he was corrupt or not after all the present PM is such a nice man he is working for nothing , Thailand is all about face and false nicety 


    I have had a few dealings with RTP over the years from routine extortion stops to reporting my dog poisoned by the neighbour up the road. In the main they mostly spoke nicely but they where clear that in order to make thing's happen then money needed to change hands, it's their nature and the way they are trained it is the essence of corruption and there's no skating around it...


    ps it is also why in the main Thai police are despised by their countrymen but no need to take my word for it


    Opinion: It is time to defund the Thai police - Thai Enquirer Current Affairs Main

    • Confused 1
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  12. 1 minute ago, transam said:

    I have no idea, but I don't make assumptions either about him.????

    A bit like folk here saying, all Toyota Fortuner drivers are bad, I know that is rollox, same, same....????

    Like I said it is endemic and in order to progress you need to get with the programme, I don't think they all start off as complete parasites but in order to reach the top I reckon they must become that and put aside any morals or scruples they started with


    Maybe that's why 1400 have opted for early retirement maybe they have made enough or maybe they are tired of robbing their neighbours, I would genuinely like to think it's the latter...

  13. 4 minutes ago, transam said:

    Will show it to our lad, he is a sergeant............????

    Nothing personal transam but they are all corrupt mate to greater and lesser degrees but in order to be at the top of the pyramid you need to be that bit more corrupt than the average. You seriously going to tell me he has never taken a bribe when it is endemic in the RTP if so I have a nice bridge for sale but then again you don't seem that naïve

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