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Posts posted by LittleBear57

  1. On 8/21/2021 at 3:50 PM, Crossy said:




    As always with snakes, if you are not sure assume it's venomous.


    For example, snakes with yellow and black stripes:-


    This chap is harmless (Laotian Wolf Snake), although he will appear pretty agressive he's all show and no go! We have these in our garden, the maid is terrified of them!




    This chap will kill you stone dead (Banded Krait). We do not have these in the garden!




    Appreciate the top photo as the wife was struck by one a few days ago, fortunately it struck her wellie but they  thought it a Krait and chopped it in half.

  2. 23 hours ago, theoldgit said:

    Just the opposite here, with some farmers not being able to send their fruit and veg overseas the prices here have dropped in markets and at the roadsides, maybe not in Makro.


    We got 3 kgs of potatoes delivered from a local farmer for 100 Baht yesterday, some were small potatoes reminiscent of new potatoes, had some last night and they were absolutely delicious.


    Probably going to skip Makro for a while. 

    New potatoes love them, wish we could buy them here. I once found some in Tesco Rayong about 10 years ago never seen any since.

  3. On 7/3/2021 at 4:34 AM, Albert Zweistein said:

    Postcard-perfect beaches, don't exaggerate. Never seen the filt on the beach and in the water during pre pandemic times ?

    When we visited in May this year, the northern beaches were a bit scruffy, but most of the tourist beaches like Kata Nai Harn etc. were nice and Patong it has to be said with it's army of early morning cleaners was pristine.

  4. My Toyota Vigo got cracked with rubble from all the road works locally, stone out the back of a truck. Insurance was/is class 2 plus as the truck is too old for class 1. Insurance said no. I got a quote or 3800bht but haven't done it as round here it's just a mass of road works and may happen again. Waiting for it all to finish maybe in 10 years at current rates of completion. Bought some crack repair stuff off Lazada to try in the meantime.

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  5. On 6/17/2021 at 5:13 PM, richard_smith237 said:


    A cat ripped your foot to pieces ??? exaggerate much ???


    Simple question:

    Would you allow a strangers 5 year old child to be alone in a room with your American Pitbull for 30mins ????? 



    Firstly, the cat scratches were deep, grabbed with front claws and used back ones to inflict the damage and it bit too. I had some stitches at Pattaya Bangkok hospital but the real reason for the visits was potential rabies.

    I would never allow a strangers 5 year old child with any dog or cat for that matter alone for any period of time. Young children do strange things to animals sometimes eg. kick or poke them they are just finding their way in the world and need supervising. I wouldn't leave one alone in my kitchen too.

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  6. Took on an American pitbull when it's owner could no longer look after it. It hadn't been mistreated and was very friendy now almost four years later it loves everyone it meets. Some people are afraid and cross the street to avoid us and I can see the dog is puzzled and confused by this. The dog goes to meet the owners of the houses who talk to him.  The children know him and are unafraid and pet him. He loves them which is just as well as he has grown up with my daughter. Sure he plays rough and you get knocked around a bit, but he's just big and strong and it's all fun.

    It's all about how the dog is brought up whatever the breed, treat them mean then they will be, give them love affection they give it back.

    Used to have a cat which used to lay hidden on a step. One day I trod on it and it ripped my foot to pieces hurt for days. Dog did the same and I trod on his back legs, he yelped in pain and limped off unhappily.  You have to treat your dog well.   A mean dog should not be out on the street however big or small it is.

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  7. Bought myself a pair of Baoji trainers not air or anything fancy, looked a bit trendy a bit too colourful for me for less than 500bht. Took them to the UK for  a few months lived in them almost, that was three years ago, still wear them, looking a little tired now but I will buy the same brand again.

    Lazada and Shopee great until things have to be returned, don't get me started there.

  8. One dose of Sinovac is very ineffective it was rated as only 4% effective in Chile hence their ongoing problems. With the government saying "x" amount are vaccinated this is very misleading. It only becomes effective 2 weeks after the second dose. Then only around 50% though it is believed to stop serious complications after the second dose.

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  9. 41 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

    On our estate the bank has had a house for sale for 29 million for years,i reckon as it deterirates its value now is 8 million tops 10 when it was first put on the market,so go figure,how many more like this do the banks have?

    The bank too have some on our estate falling into disrepair with an artificial price tag. It's time they got their act together and sold realistically or auctioned of and cut their losses.

    • Like 2
  10. Noticed whilst recently in Phuket. Unfortunately a high percentage of foreign "guests" are not wearing masks properly or are not wearing them at all. Some foreigners are very good with mask wearing. Many Thais are guilty too especially the ones wearing the mask on their chin. I was not happy when a young foreign couple got in the baht bus with my family neither wore masks and just shrugged when I pointed to the sign saying masks must be worn. We have to help reduce the Covid threat. It's not of our making but we have be compliant with the laws of the country. If we don't get this under control soon it will drag on for years with the amount of vaccines being purchased. I'm not supporting the inept government this is just common sense. 

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  11. Surely it would be more sensible to stop all public travel Eg. Planes and buses, trains, close factories where people are in close contact with each other. Masks do offer a good level of protection when everyone complies but they are not 100% effective. There is the touch to touch transfer and handling money has often been associated with the transfer of disease. Hence alcohol cleaning of hands. Workers working on a production line the it goes to the next area who touch the same place.  I don't think the government have their priorities right. Are the markets still open? I think it would be better if supermarkets were open for longer not shorter and numbers controlled on entry.

    Two weeks and we should see some improvement. Oh and the USA will have an excess of Astra Zeneca vaccine available soon for export. Pull your finger out PM and get on the phone. 

  12. Tropical storm Vamco dropped a foot of rain locally around Sattahip in 24 hours about 4 years ago. Caused some serious flooding and a friends garden wall got washed away and his house flooded. Fingers crossed it won't happen again.


    Looked at some of the local reservoirs and they are empty. They are shallow too and could have been dredged out in preparation of the rainy season but that of course requires planning. So it will be flood, drought, flood drought each year until they pull their fingers out.

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