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  1. Today, I was at a graduation ceremony in Bangkok with about 10,000 people in attendance. Guess what? I swear to God - I was the only farang there! No kidding! 🫣 Visit any random shopping mall, and you'd think we're carrying this country future on our shoulders. But this really made me think about what level of society the vast majority of farangs are actually involved in and what farangs place is here. 🤔
  2. I drive my dog in there wherever I go. 😆
  3. I wonder what Pattaya has to offer when you come in one of these tour buses that stop only at designated bus parking stops or in front of a hotel. What's the appeal of spending time driving through 3rd Road to the other side of Pattaya in a 42C that takes 2 hours? Why? What's so special about spending your holiday in a traffic jam in the middle of Pattaya vs spending it driving on some random highway? Are these people inside like these NPCs without any inner though that we keep hearing about?
  4. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was resolved with 3000 Baht fine and pinky promise that she will be better Buddhist next time.
  5. I have 2000Baht / 1 year SIM card with unlimited internet. I have no idea what speed it is, but 3GB movie takes about 10 minutes to download.
  6. Asian people can't handle gambling. They have it in their genes. Better keep it illegal here.
  7. Wow, wow, wow! Calm down with this anti-semitism!
  8. By any chance 🤔 are these people you are dreaming about to be giving all these money, to be 18 years old Isaan girls? 🤔
  9. Every person in Isaan is having an axe or machete with him when going into fields or jungle. 🫤
  10. Recently, I hauled more soil to my garden and flattened it. It's typical Thai red soil. After 6 months, about 25% of it is covered by grass already. Can you recommend some grass seed that I can buy online (Lazada) that grows well in this soil? Send link if you can. Also, is there any point in using fertilizer or something to help it grow? I know the best option would be to add a small layer of black soil, but I'm working with what I have. Here's a small sample. My strategy so far has been not to cut it, so it can grow seeds and multiply on its own.
  11. Well, he represents Thai police. Hence the nickname.
  12. I think it was well established at the beginning of the article that she is a woman.
  13. Can't wait how of them are gonna murder innocent couples while backpacking on islands.
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