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Everything posted by Poilu

  1. I renewed my 5 year license last month. Had to watch the road safety video online at home then answer questions (easy) about video. Copied test result to phone and made appointment at license centre where test result was checked. I did colour blind, depth perception, spatial awareness and reaction test. Presented with new license within 30 minutes of arrival.
  2. That is true. When my wife and I visit Japan she receive 15 days visa free.
  3. They would demand Messerschmitt 109 because it has Benz engine.
  4. I am diabetic but do not like to use artificial sweetener therefore I use low G I coconut blossom sugar (sap from the flower). The brand I buy is quite expensive compared to cane sugar but a 1kg tub lasts a very long time and has negligible coconut taste and is very good in coffee and to use in baking.
  5. On local TV it say his wife belong to a super wealthy family.
  6. I do like Greek yoghurt also. I use the whey I have leftover from making Greek yoghurt to replace the water in bread baking. Whey has healthy enzymes and does impart a nice mild sour flavour to the loaf and the crumb it is softer.
  7. Conscripts are standing aside to let them pass. The mood is that they have had enough of people in power being careless with their lives.
  8. According to Russian Telegram channels Wagner has now entered Voronezh, disposing of Russian army element sent to confront it. Wagner boss said war was started by Russian elites keen to take control of Ukraine resources. Poutine was going to install one of his family as president of Ukraine in order to facilitate the acquisition of the wealth.
  9. Yes, Mormon. I watched program about best language teachers and the Mormons were acknowledged as number one. All languages are a very intense 6 week course except Mandarin and Cantonese which are 9 weeks. Only the target language may be spoken. Nearly all students are fluent or close to fluency at the end, depending on language.
  10. That is both Prawit and Anoutine who have now denied involvement and both have prime ministerial ambitions. Who will be the next branleur to step forward and deny.
  11. Owndays have stores in several areas of Bangkok and have some nice Japanese rimless frames for under 5000 baht.
  12. He likes to wear medic's outfit in his role as health minister. Will he now exchange this for bus driver's uniform.
  13. He was offering visas for the students at the school to go and study abroad.
  14. He is Chinese person received Thai citizenship. When granted Thai citizenship you take Thai name as well as your home country name. It seem high connections and a large political donation smoothed the path of his application.
  15. Thailand declared war on Germany in 1917 and their troops arrived in France shortly before the Armistice in 1918. After the war Thai troops occupied the town of Neustadt in Germany.
  16. The Karen are located in the south east of Myanmar in a state bordering Thailand. The Kachin people are in the north of Myanmar in a state bordering China. In the north east are the Shan people.
  17. This from another news site: His sister Emmy says that if his insurance company covers the costs, all donations will be refunded.
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