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Posts posted by Dart12

  1. Social media apps on cell phones changed everthing everywhere. 


    Distinct cultures are being meld into one.  That one being the western culture.


    And if you are from the west, it's actually the culture you dislike that is being adapted  here rapidly. 

    You loved all the differences.

    From clothes styles, TV/MOVIE quality, music sounds, attitudes, and beliefs they have been imported.

    Where once you might have been exotic, now you are an intruder? (not sure if locals opinion has changed on this one I'm not old enough).
    All that you brought here is not distincltly "yours" anymore that made you exotic.  They also now have access to everything as it's been duplicated over here.

    I live in the digital age...but I can only imagine how one's own stock took a huge drop once beautiful women now are inundated with 1,000'-10,000 white knights messages in their apps VS them having only the choice of their physical radius of people they met.

    ***this is actually a  problem for most men worldwide.  The influx of messages and choices they have mean you are disposable af.  It's created a  narcism that is fueled perpetually.  

    That's my quick 2 cents on why people's joy with here may have faded.

    I'm not old enough to have experiences the past way, but I can imagine how much more exciting it was to change cultures before.

    However, godbless translation app lol

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  2. this is scary:  invoking a right to go after anyone anytime with no viable reason.  This is not forcing tests on all people in a club at 5 am . (I think this is also principally wrong).

    You can never stop users (or even selling for that matter).  So this is NOT about helping people.  

    This is about opening a door to personal rights violation under the guise of "help".

    As for "who" won't  get the tests.  Idk.  

    But I know who definitely WILL.  Non asian foreigners.  I got stopped at a checkpoint 2 nights ago.  Helmet on, etc etc.  

    However, it was really not a checkpoint...it was a foreigner mouse trap lol. All asians waived thru, helmet no helmet etc.  I was of course quickly whistled in for my test.

    This feels more like a power and neck to throat law than anything to help anyone.  I wouldn't even doubt it if the higher ups out there selling the goods to get people nabbed.  (more possible than ever thought in usa now thats for sure)

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  3. Set clear and defining boundaries that are acceptable to you.


    Require new accounts that will not have been business lines in the past.


    Buy her a new phone as a gift and install child protection software that monitors all app messages and location of phone.


    Unfortunately removing old habits are hard if you live in her old stomping ground.


    Ie same friends who live her old life and thus all advice comes from poor sources for good advice.


    Same men still around. 


    Same spots they they All frequent for social activities.


    Without new environment and new friends for her that have a more regular job view of life...you are fighting an almost impossible fight where it's easy for her to slip into bad habits again.


    Single Women also absolutely are jealous  other relationship women always trying to bring them back to single.


    They will lie and , here, show off the endless vacation life they live as sad men beg for their attention with the last dimes in their pocket. Girts to woo.


    And then they will ask why don't you provide that daily life as part of a relationship.


    They can be good people but their brains are poisoned daily if you don't take them somewhere for fresh life.


    Triggers everywhere if you live same city you met them.


    * And no I would never move to their home villagee either lol



  4. 2 hours ago, impulse said:


    Seriously?  You'd travel halfway around the world with less than $3,000 USD in cash?   Especially as a tourist.


    What happens if comms are down (for a myriad of reasons), or if your 2FA phone gets lost or stolen or damaged?  Or your wallet gets filched on the MRT with all your credit and debit cards in it?  It'll take days to clear up that mess and that can get mighty hungry, even if you've paid hotels in advance.  With my banks back home, even longer if it happens on a Friday because they won't be open until Monday, even the phone number on the cards.


    I generally keep $4,900 USD separate from my wallet, because $5K is the non-report limit for some of the countries I visit.  Sometimes, I'll go for years between dipping into it.  But when I needed it, I needed it. Usually because the bank "detected unusual card use" and 2FA didn't go through, for SIM issues.


    In 2024 those are no longer concerns.


    your 2 fa should be tied to a Voip when possible and or a cell company that is digital based.


    I use Google voce for most but those that I cannot I have a real number and it is thru an e sim in my phone.


    Even when phone down I can access thru a pc 2fa codes sent to my numbers.


    I can call and get a new virtual credit card / ATM  card within the hour instantly If they are lost.


    Your assumption is you also still have your passport 


    You can go to any local bank and pull money from your home bank if you have your info...



    Or you can use remitly and send yourself cash instantly to a bank.


    Carrying cash like that is an unnecessary liability nowadays unless 5k is nothing for you


    I have friends that carry a few $1000 USD k in their wallet at all times bc they feel broke without it on hand.


    They lose it it's like only losing $20 for normal people though.


    You obviously are nit hurting in life cash wise, 


    But im simoly updating your tech knowledge of what's available now at everyone's disposal that negates the old issues you mention that werw ONCE a true problem



  5. 18 hours ago, Misty said:



    "The charges against Wang are for allegedly deploying malware, and creating and operating a residential proxy service known as “911 S5”, a botnet that facilitated cyberattacks, large-scale fraud, child exploitation, harassment, bomb threats, and export violations, according to the DOJ."  https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3264861/chinese-hacker-wang-yunhes-arrest-brings-fresh-scrutiny-singapore-wealth-flows

    Us government hates competition 

  6. 4 hours ago, ezzra said:

    This is not a secret that with the right pay and connection you can work the immigrations system pretty

    well as long as everyone is in on it and happy, however, the minute something goes wrong or it is being over done

    it wouldn't take much for the whole rort to be exposed and people get caught and some will go to jail or

    get kicked out the country..

    I was thinking same thing.


    so far it sounds properly administered per the way they lay it out.


    only thing I can think of is business is not doing any “business”.


    but there is no law against opening businesses and then not making money or even losing money.


    no lawyer but it would basically be people becoming investors in a money drain business, right?


    obviously they have some kind of charge to levy but I would love the specific of what that is for curiosity sake

  7. On 4/30/2024 at 10:20 AM, Furioso said:

    Good tips, thanks. I'm going to take a 6 month trip to several countries out of Thailand next year. Ideally I'd like a laptop but to me they are the biggest risk, so many of them break down at the wrong time. So, right now I've got the Honor 9 tablet, that can definitely work for my 6 month trip without too much to worry about.


    I've had a Chromebook before, it worked ok when my previous laptop busted but won't buy another one.


    As far as my home PC, I've got a HP Mini I bought used off of Lazada but I want to replace it with a new mini unless someone can give me good reasons to buy a new desktop. 


    I've got one quick question. I'm on Win 10 and I really like it. Is Win 11 as good? I have seen a YT video on how to optimize the hell out of Win 11 so I think as long as I do that I won't miss Win 10. 

    I can't help you there.  I"m a mac user.  These were tips from my friend for me to help shop/purchase an inexpensive laptop for her to buy as her first computer.

  8. I just asked my laptop tech-geek friend who lives in UK the question of "Which is a good quality inexpensive laptop right now?"

    Here's his answers:

    I think Huawei are good value for money. They often have discounts on their website.

    2.  I (him) plan to get a Xiaomi Mi pad 6 tablet and a Logitech Anywhere keyboard. As a lightweight solution to take out and about, leave the laptop at home.

    3. Really inexpensive:  Chromebook or INSTALL chromebook in a used other brand laptop:

    Ah, ok. So, the good thing about a Chromebook is how resource light it is. You can install it on an old windows computer and it would run great.

    So where the computer with windows on it may be fit for the bucket, you can install Chrome and give it a new lease of life.

    That would be the cheapest solution.


    You can pick up many Chromebooks for just a few hundred too.


    4. I told him don't want to go that route of having to install something for the girl so his ultimate suggestion was can't go wrong right now with a Huawei.

    or if you want it super portable go with #2 (but means you probably have something else at home you can use too).

  9. On 2/1/2024 at 11:46 AM, QuantumQuandry said:


    I think I may have erroneously lumped it in with the other open air gyms that were being suggested but looking it up now, I see that it's not.  Thank you very much for bringing it back to my attention, I will check that one out, as well.  👍

    My pleasure to help.

    Never see people in it during day.  It's ghost town like.  Maybe aft 4 it gets people and maybe very early before work.

  10. On 1/27/2024 at 3:22 PM, QuantumQuandry said:

    First off, thank you for all the replies!  Some clarifications:



    She gets cardio exercise.  She does 30-60 minutes at home most nights and I take her out on beach walks a few times a week.  I think that resistance training has additional benefits, though:

    1. For depression/anxiety, resistance training has showed a profound effect.

    2. Getting out of the house has benefits.

    3. Having a routine she can do with a friend.




    She is anxious about people looking at her.  Any outdoor areas is going to be worse than just going to an indoor gym, I think.  She doesn't even want ME looking at her when she does cardio at home.  Says it 'makes her weak'.



    Yes, a ladies gym, if not too busy, would probably be ok.  And that location would be great, too!  Any idea what it's called?  I haven't seen one like that but that would be spot on.  She does YouTube cardio, already, and I take her out on long walks.



    That's what I am trying to do! 🙂 She's Filipina.  She's pretty fit (and knows how to weight train, as well, if we find an appropriate gym).  Don't want to derail my own thread but let's just say, it's definitely psychological and we are trying to address it, both with meds and behavioral changes (like finding a gym she can handle).


    I will probably give up my nice apartment in 6 months, when my lease ends, if I have to, just to get her a condo gym.  Would be better if we can find something before then.  But it is what it is.


    Thanks again for the assistance.


    did you miss my post about Human Strong on Soi 4 Pratamnuk?  I think it could work for her.

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  11. Certain times of day Human Strong on Soi 4 In Pratamnuk is always empty.  Many times very little people.

    I think it does get busy after work hours.  Maybe early morning too?  idk.  But it always seems sparse.

    It's big.  and in shade, but no AC.  

    Worth her visiting once.

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  12. 4 hours ago, Iron Tongue said:

    Pit bulls are actually very sociable and friendly dogs, as they have been popular family pets for over a century in the West.

    It is only through continued abuse by certain low-life owners who turn them into aggressive and fighting animals that pits have become the "terror" that people assume them to be.

    I think your bullets would be misplaced for use on the dogs.

    great lovable dogs.  Yeah, they can be made into war machines, but that 's not how they come out of the box.

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